Who should be the new DA for Paragon City?
"As an average hard working citizen of paragon city, I believe the Trust is the best man for the job. I like his ads and his work over the years. I think he can be trusted and proven he is trustworthy. He would be fair and balance and to the letter of the law and the constitution, not to mention cracking down on corruption and irresponsible heroes who are more like vigilantes! Go trust, you have my vote!
In Vance we Trust." This ad paid for by Edward Vance for District Attorney and associates.
( RPed as an ad. Plus having a d bag like him would make it interesting (: )
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Introductions, Obey,
That's a great ad!
"As an average hard working citizen of paragon city, I believe the Trust is the best man for the job. I like his ads and his work over the years. I think he can be trusted and proven he is trustworthy. He would be fair and balance and to the letter of the law and the constitution, not to mention cracking down on corruption and irresponsible heroes who are more like vigilantes! Go trust, you have my vote!
In Vance we Trust." This ad paid for by Edward Vance for District Attorney and associates. ( RPed as an ad. Plus having a d bag like him would make it interesting (: ) |
Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server
http://battlerockx.blogspot.com - The Battlerock X Chronicles
http://guardiansofthedawn.wordpress.com - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667
In the "Guardians of the Dawn Spotlight" comic series, the position of District Attorney has been vacant for a few months.
In fact there had been several people in the head prosecutor position over the past year that barely survived a month in office before resigning for various reasons.
As it stands right now, the Deputy District Attorneys have been sharing the responsibilities of the vacated position, including the controvercial DDA Edward "The Trust" Vance. And despite his claims to the contrary, he certainly has aspirations for the top seat.
So the question is... who SHOULD be the new DA for Paragon City?
An online poll has been created at the "Guardians of the Dawn" website that allows you to help make that decision.
Should "The Trust" be trusted with the job? How about someone more well-known? (Not to mention honest?) How about Statesman? How about another hero such as the Libertarian Avenger? Maybe there's someone else that you think would be a better prosecutor... if you add their name in the comments section of the poll page, they will also be added for consideration.
This poll will remain open until the new DA has been announced in a future issue of "Guardians of the Dawn Spotlight", so please take part and help shape the future of Paragon City government.
Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server
http://battlerockx.blogspot.com - The Battlerock X Chronicles
http://guardiansofthedawn.wordpress.com - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667