Gang War Duration?
120 seconds. That's really enough time for about three fights, I have found, they'll usually follow me around and vanish on the third spawn. (Assuming I summon them in the middle of the first, which is always good)
It's interesting to not that although they're cannon fodder in the extreme (they can't even take a hit from a standard Boss, really) they have build in Taunt in their attacks. It can take a while for a Boss to wade through them. Of course, that means you have fewer to last the remainder of the 120 seconds, but I find Boss fights are where I use them most often.
Yeah, really. I honestly don't slot my Gang War past sticking in RIP stuff in them. You aren't really going to kill anyone tough with "Punks" but they are a fantastic distraction -- if a little bit cold hearted They are also handy for when mobs jump you at the doors while your real pets are buggering around and milling about the doorway.
I rarely use them in a circumstance where they'd actually last two minutes, I use them when I need to buy a few seconds to re-consitute my forces or make a quick escape.
The reason I ask is I was fooling around in mids and I got the recharge down to 176 seconds and I was curious how close to perma that was since nothing in-game or in-mids stated their duration.
Ah, ha, yeah. Perma gang-war would be fun. But honestly, they are -3 to your level, they die really fast and do no real damage. Its not a huge loss, lol. Still, thats a lot of gang wars ;P
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Gang War can actually be quite effective, if you're got the three Leadership toggles running. Additionally, if you're /Dark the AoE Heal can keep them going despite their squishiness.
I tend to use it as an 'Oh SNAP' power or when I'm expecting a hard fight. They might not be that tough, yeah, but you summon a LOT of them and quantity has a quality all their own. In addition it's additional things for them to target that's not you, takes heat off your pet and add some damage on top of all that. And agianst a big bad with little AoE attacks they'll stick around a fair while.
How long does Gang War last?