What's up with Hero Merit Rewards?




Since it's winter break I've got some free time on my hands so I figured I'd come back and play around with the side switching, incarnates and other stuff that's been added since I left. Yea, it's been a great choice so far

Anyways, the other day I decided to check out the stuff I could purchase with hero merits and was happy to see that everything except the very rare recipes would only cost 1 merit. Since I've been wanting to get some powers slotted with touch of death on my scrapper but didn't feel like spending money quite yet this was good news.

So you can imagine my dismay when I go to grab two of the recipes with my merits and realize that they aren't there. I've tried messing around with the options but all I could get to pop up was mako's bite...which I don't really want.

Am I doing something wrong or are they only offering certain IO sets for cashing in Hero Merit rewards?

I noticed that I'd be able to pick up very rare recipies after putting in the time to accrue a lot of merits and that's nice and all but I was really looking forward to getting some of the less rare ones before working at the purples.

Thanks for any light you can shed on the situation (sorry about the long winded post)




There is level slider on selection screen, by default it set to your level. If you are level 50, so it set to level 50 as well.

Touch of Death is maxed at level 40. That's why you don't see it.

Move slider to 40 and you should be able to buy it.



Only rare recipes are available to get with HVMs (Hero/Villain Merits). Uncommons are not. Rare recipes will cost 1 or 2 HVMs depending on their rarity. Uniques and globals, along with some triples and quads will cost 2 HVMs. If you're looking for something like Red Fortune that's uncommon though and not rare, you can't get it with HVMs. And some sets like Kinetic Combat or Performance Shifter will have one uncommon recipe out of a bunch of rares. Other than that, you have to move the slider to the correct level range (no more than 35 for Kinetic Combat, or 40 for Miracle, for instance).

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
There is level slider on selection screen, by default it set to your level. If you are level 50, so it set to level 50 as well.

Touch of Death is maxed at level 40. That's why you don't see it.

Move slider to 40 and you should be able to buy it.
Boom there it is. I forgot that Touch of Death doesn't go to 50. Thanks for the help. I knew it had to be in there! haha.