Logging in issues?




How to fix the 'No response from server' problem:
(This is for XP, Vista and 7 are similar, but call the CMD box something else)
Exit COX
Using Windows Explorer or hard disk browse, go to where your COX program is installed (like C:\Program Files\City of Heroes)
In the City of Heroes folder, find two files: one ends in PRV and one ends in CHECKSUM
Delete them
At Start, click Run. IN the box, type CMD
The Command Prompt black screen appears. In the command window, type :
IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS <--- notice the space before /

After it runs, type EXIT in the command window and the black screen goes away.
Restart COX
It will checksum and then fix the broken files
It will verify
And then you can log in



No really. That's all I did. Because in the Technical issues and bugs prtion of the forums that's what it said to do. Then I reloaded CoX and it DLd a new patch and viola! I was in Like sin.

Originally Posted by Menkheperre View Post
Try rebooting your PC after the patch applies and go in again. I was having the same issues and that worked for me.
So I know I'm not nutz.

@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
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No, I believe you, just some folks were having additional trouble due to the temporary patch file (PRV) and deleting the Checksum causes COX to repair any damaged files.



All I did, was DL/Apply 3 patches. >_>

DL'd one, back around 6pm, then a 2nd at 12:30pm & 3rd at 12:40pm, all of them being tiny. But now it's letting me on, without issue.



Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
Anyone else having issues with logging in? I keep getting bounced at the server selection screen. "No response from this server. Try a different server, or try playing this one later." I get that message and I've clicked on every single server.
Same here, no matter what server I try. I'm able to see the list of servers and their supposed load, but no luck beyond that.



Originally Posted by CrashPositron View Post
How to fix the 'No response from server' problem:
(This is for XP, Vista and 7 are similar, but call the CMD box something else)
Exit COX
Using Windows Explorer or hard disk browse, go to where your COX program is installed (like C:\Program Files\City of Heroes)
In the City of Heroes folder, find two files: one ends in PRV and one ends in CHECKSUM
Delete them
At Start, click Run. IN the box, type CMD
The Command Prompt black screen appears. In the command window, type :
IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS <--- notice the space before /

After it runs, type EXIT in the command window and the black screen goes away.
Restart COX
It will checksum and then fix the broken files
It will verify
And then you can log in
I was able to get in last night, had a patch this morning and then couldn't get in. This fix worked for me, cheers

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Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
Anyone else having issues with logging in? I keep getting bounced at the server selection screen. "No response from this server. Try a different server, or try playing this one later." I get that message and I've clicked on every single server.
I had that problem but the patch fixed it.

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