Had 10 allignment points and then upgraded to GR.




I have this problem on a couple of characters

They had 10 alignment points before I updated to GR and now I cannot get a morality mission with them.

Anybody know how to solve this problem?



Open contact window. Click on the Tips tab. Does it still say 10/10? If so, how many tips do you have? If you are at 10/10, and have 3 open tips, dismiss the tips. Unless one of them says "morality mission". They look almost the same.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Alignment tips and Morality tips are separate things. You can have up to three Alignment Tips and still get Morality tips. In fact, if you qualify for multiple Morality missions (such as having multiple bars full), it's possible to get more than one Morality Tip at a time.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Alignment tips and Morality tips are separate things. You can have up to three Alignment Tips and still get Morality tips. In fact, if you qualify for multiple Morality missions (such as having multiple bars full), it's possible to get more than one Morality Tip at a time.
Yes, I know that. However it would be easier for the original poster to see, and any regular alignment missions will be erased anyways after a successful morality mission.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I have tip missions available and have done some both ways since I upgraded but have not received a morality mission.

The morality mission tip is awarded when you complete your 10th alignment mission, if you don't have GR this tip is not awarded and isn't awarded when you complete subsequent tip missions.



Originally Posted by AOL_Eats_Babies View Post
I have tip missions available and have done some both ways since I upgraded but have not received a morality mission.

The morality mission tip is awarded when you complete your 10th alignment mission, if you don't have GR this tip is not awarded and isn't awarded when you complete subsequent tip missions.
Morality missions are not "awarded" when you complete your 10th Tip mission, you have to continue hunting, they drop just like the Tip missions.

Now, if you are saying that you filled your alignment bar (without GR,) then upgraded to GR, and all you are continue to get are Tip missions, that would be a bug. And you should post it up in the Tech Issues & Bugs forum.

Edit: Another possibility is that your Tip mission counter was reset to 0/10 when you upgraded, but the bar itself still shows 10/10. Try doing another set of 10 tip missions and see if you get a Morality mission to drop.



Originally Posted by AOL_Eats_Babies View Post
They had 10 alignment points before I updated to GR and now I cannot get a morality mission with them.

Anybody know how to solve this problem?
Aside from the advice already given, you could try finding someone with the same morality mission that you need and run it with them.

Originally Posted by AOL_Eats_Babies View Post
The morality mission tip is awarded when you complete your 10th alignment mission,
No. At some point AFTER getting the full progress bar, you'll get it as a drop from an enemy defeat, just like the alignment missions.

FYI, you can still be inside the 10th alignment mission. I had that happen once. I completed the objective, got the mission complete alert, and decided to clear the room. The next enemy I defeated dropped the morality mission.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



, you can still be inside the 10th alignment mission. I had that happen once. I completed the objective, got the mission complete alert, and decided to clear the room. The next enemy I defeated dropped the morality mission.
That must have been what happened with me on another of my characters. I will continue hunting and doing tips. Thanks for the help.