I19 Health/Endurance




With health and endurance being inherent in I19 is it worth it to put any extra slots in them for a /kin. I'm building a kin and with transfusion and transference I'd love to just leave the one slot in them, but I'm not certain if I can or not. Any responses welcome. Thanks.



Pre-I19, I felt that Stamina had no use on a Kin with Transference. Post-I19, you get it for free, but you don't have to add any slots if you don't want to.

Of course, your situation before Transference may be different




That was pretty much my take. My kin on Red side never had a problem with endurance. With health I'm just not sure the extra HP/sec from adding slots will make much difference at all either.



Because of Transference, You won't need to slot Stamina. I do, because sometimes Transference misses.
That said, it's usually 2-slotted with Performance Shifter End Mod & Chance for +End.

Health? You will not need to slot beyond one. (I use Regenerative Tissue +Regen)

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--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Pre-I19, I felt that Stamina had no use on a Kin with Transference. Post-I19, you get it for free, but you don't have to add any slots if you don't want to.

Of course, your situation before Transference may be different
On my Kin/Arch I actually had taken Stamina, only single slotted however, because I was running all the Leadership toggles and my APP shield and it would give me a bit of breathing room if Transference would miss.

Now that its inherent it still serves the same purpose and I still don't add any further slots.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Thanks for the replies all. It was very helpful.