Is there a more *painful* mastermind?




No, this isn't a complaint. I'm actually finding this quite amusing. (That and I have to turn down the difficulty a little - frigging map that lines my minions right up for Barricuda's AOEs...)

I am currently running a level 29 - ready? Ninja/Pain.

How many cringed at seeing that combo? Don't be shy. Heck, I'm thinking - later - of writing a guide for it, and starting with "So you want to play Nin/Pain? Step 1 - see a psychiatrist. You've obviously got something wrong with you, or you enjoy pain. And I don't mean the powerset."

Yeah, I've got smoke bomb, and of course World of Pain, but no Anguishing Cry, and only Maneuvers and Suppress Pain right now to help out. Have to stay in (or very near) melee to try to keep the ADD minions alive, and no debuffs to really help.

It's MUCH different from my Thugs/Poi (or Nin/TA, or Bot/FF, or....) But it's certainly not a combination I'd just blindly suggest to anyone. Still -

What other combos would you consider "painful" like this? (Not a lot of support/synergy, not just somewhat rough or "weak by comparison" like, say, nin/ta - which at least has holds, slows, debuffs, etc. to support.)

(Oh - One good reason to play Nin/TA - working on healing badges!)



Ninjas/Poison, for anything other than AV hunting. /Poison an cripple a single hard target but it offers little mitigation against groups, and Ninjas are mainly single target damage. The result is a group of very squishy ninjas who can absolutely obliterate a single target but who will be torn to pieces by larger spawns. When you consider how often you fight groups vs single targets...

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Seconding ninjas/poison. Also, mercs/poison is horrid, ran one up to 50 the hard way (solo) and regretted every second. Really, I only finished her out of spite, and moved her to some slot-empty server when the transfers were free.



Well....hell. I was actually just planning on making a Ninja/Pain the second I got home. Too much Naruto watching lately, got me in the mood for the 'Medical Ninja' thing.

Is it really that bad? I only just recently got back into the game. Wouldn't want to start back up with something that's going to have me chucking my keyboard at the wall or anything. X.x



Ninja/Pain is a neverending game of whack-a-mole that you invariably lose in the long run. There is no bad combination, but some are more effective or less frustrating than others. I gave up on my ninja/pain and remade her as ninja/storm. I am very happy that I did. Debuffs and controls > healing.

Oh, and you can still get a little of the 'medical ninja' thing with O2 boost. It just tends to be complimentary to your other abilities, and not something you lean on.



I tried a Ninja/Trick Arrow. While eventually it may have got good, it was so painful and slow for the first 17 levels I basically abandoned it.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Seconding ninjas/poison. Also, mercs/poison is horrid, ran one up to 50 the hard way (solo) and regretted every second. Really, I only finished her out of spite, and moved her to some slot-empty server when the transfers were free.
Huh. I didn't have any such feelings toward my Mercs/Poison. Outside of Longbow Flamethrowers, I didn't have much of a problem with it, though I did tend to run at x1 (better at taking down large targets; once took out a purple-con Silver Mantis when a brute I was helping out [ok - an AE baby] fell right into the battle).

Ninja/Pain was actually one of the MM builds I was considering a while back and meant to try...

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Want painful? Try Necro/TA

I was working on one for PvP right before i13, he's pretty much been perma shelved at lvl 38.



I just rolled a demon/posion. Not sure how painful it'll be, but then I don't see many guides.

"L'on'das: "Query: madness? Current location: SPARTA!!!!!!""