No new zones




Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
In the end, I think there are those of us that are suggesting that they focus their resources in different areas now (or soon). They likely set priorities based on percieved need. How many of us would rather they set priorities on updates rather than new? I started this thread to find that out and hopefully to show the devs how we feel.
Well, the All Things Art: Building Edition seems to show there's good support.
But for the sake of the record, revamping and updating old zones is a project that has my vote.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Well, the All Things Art: Building Edition seems to show there's good support.
But for the sake of the record, revamping and updating old zones is a project that has my vote.
Viva la resistance!

Oh wait, that might be taken to meant buff up the Pretorean stuff (which I'm not really opposed to, but it might detract from what I was meaning to say and...)

I'll just say: thanks for the support



I pray they don't add many new zones. Many zones are dead as it is and most of the time we're in instanced missions. So, I hope for no new zones and lots of new mission maps and that sort of thing.

It seems Praetoria will get more zones. I hope it's only 2 more. Maybe 20-35 and 35-50 for the two new ones. I hope the focus is more on new maps, TFs and innovative things to do. I thought the 3 zones we currently have in Prae was overkill. Maybe it should have been 1 less with a completely original TF as well.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Not necessarily to revamp.

Yes, it was needed in Faultline. And for Boomtown, it likely would be as well. But Dark Astoria? Crey's Folly? They made the AE buildings "shiny," so they can "reskin" buildings, and those zones are big, laid out just fine, and just begging for some story arction.
I never agreed with what they did with Faultline, because I never felt it needed such extensive changes, or precisely THESE changes.

However, I do agree that when the developers said that revamping an old zone took as much effort as making a new one was at and around Faultline's revamp. I know this specifically for the fact that War Witch explained how they could either focus on redoing the Rikti War Zone or focus on redoing the enemies, stories and mechanics. And in my opinion, it turned out pretty cool.

I take issue with the notion that updating an old zone takes as much work as making a new zone because that's assuming the zone needs to suffer extensive changes and alterations, when that simply isn't true. Dark Astoria is a good example, as is actually something like Terra Volta. What these zones need isn't different buildings. It's contacts and stories put into them. In fact, Dark Astoria can get away with not a single cosmetic change at all.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I take issue with the notion that updating an old zone takes as much work as making a new zone because that's assuming the zone needs to suffer extensive changes...
Again, someone who gets it!

My suggestion was NOT to redo Galaxy, Perez and such to the degree of Faultline (which is obviously a completely new zone), but to tweak and add things. Personally, I WOULD like a little more than just new missions and contacts, though those are good ideas too.

I mentioned a traffic accident or traffic jam before. Maybe a random hostage situation now and then? Minor, but much more than the Hellion stealing a purse stuff.