Shatter Armor & Mace Blast




I was wondering if Shatter Armor will critical hit if used when coming out of a hidden status.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



I was just about to come back in here and say nevermind, I just realized that it doesn't. I forgot I could look in game and see if the crit was listed in the detailed information tab.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



It's still a great power IMO, Shatter Armor that is.



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
I was wondering if Shatter Armor will critical hit if used when coming out of a hidden status.
No it doesn't but it hits like a truck, and it reduces the target resistances by 20%



Agreed. It's definitely worth getting regardless of the lack of crit. It's a great addition to your attack chain.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Agreed. It's definitely worth getting regardless of the lack of crit. It's a great addition to your attack chain.
I am playing in my bane build with my current team at the moment *sigh*. And shatter armor is the third attack in my chain after I stealth strike, placate, and crowd control. Plus it has a kickass animation and sound.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Agreed. It's definitely worth getting regardless of the lack of crit. It's a great addition to your attack chain.
I find that, on a team, the draw+animation is so long that usually even bosses are dead by the time I hit them BUT I still love it for solo/small teams and AV fights were keeping doublestacked -res debuffs is just awesome.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
I find that, on a team, the draw+animation is so long that usually even bosses are dead by the time I hit them BUT I still love it for solo/small teams and AV fights were keeping doublestacked -res debuffs is just awesome.
Yeah, that's why I try to avoid using it as an opener when facing smaller baddies. And if a Boss I'm lookin at gets smoked, I can usually find a stray minion to one-shot with it. It's probably not as effective for teamplay... but man... I do love one-shotting things. lol.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Yeah, that's why I try to avoid using it as an opener when facing smaller baddies. And if a Boss I'm lookin at gets smoked, I can usually find a stray minion to one-shot with it. It's probably not as effective for teamplay... but man... I do love one-shotting things. lol.
Yeah, I think I hit for 980ish on a TF the other night, I smiled.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



I don't play spiders anymore, but I love it on my widow. Yeah it causes redrawn but it delivers a damage type that benefits that tree (since some critters, like robots, laugh off lethal and psi damage), hits pretty hard and has the resist debuff to boot.

Probably -the- coolest PPP/APP power in game, IMO.



Originally Posted by dmcfarland907 View Post
I am playing in my bane build with my current team at the moment *sigh*. And shatter armor is the third attack in my chain after I stealth strike, placate, and crowd control. Plus it has a kickass animation and sound.
Try Shatter Armor before you Placate. Build Up's duration is generally enough to last that long, and the extra resistance debuff makes it an even happier moment.



Shatter Armor IS the reason why I respec my Bane and took him out from the shelf. I used to play melee Crab build and I felt Bane was too slow and not doing enough.

Shatter Armor just seems to complete Bane's "purpose" on a team. If Shatter Armor can critical, then Bane's burst damage within 10s could be one of the highest in the game!

In fact, maybe somebody with good math can show how good Bane's attack chain during Build Up duration? You start with Surveillance before you run in and then BU, then Shatter, Shatter Armor, Crowd Control and Pulverize/Shatter again if it's recharge. This is a lot of ST damage!

If I am playing on a team, I sometimes use Surveillance on the first boss and reserve Shatter Armor for the 2nd target (a boss or a lieut). This way I can keep two debuffed.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.