Sonic/Sonic - Corruptor or Defender?




I've got a concept theme for a Sonic/Sonic. I don't really play Corruptor's much and I'm trying to decide if I'd rather him be a Corruptor or a Defender.

So, I'm looking for thoughts from folks who might of played both.

Based on the "final build" I have in mind, both are pretty close defensively. The Defender version has about 3% more actual defense and ranges from 6% to 16% better in resistance (16% s/l, 6% everything else). Noticable, but easily worked around.

Offensively though, I'm just not sure. Does the larger base damage and Scourge on the Corruptor make up for the extra 5% -resistance per blast that the Defender gets and the extra 7.5% -resistance from sonic siphon?

This character will be mostly running with a small (3 man, sometimes 4) team and will rarely, if ever, be on a full 8-man team. Plus some solo running, but I'm not really too worried about solo...anything can solo reasonably well.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



General consensus is that Defenders do better out of Sonic Attack than Corruptors. That extra debuff looks small, but it stacks up pretty quickly. On any team, you're going to have five instances of the debuff up fairly quickly (Sonic Siphon, Disruption Field, and just blasting for a three-stack) and 25% more damage across the entire team is going to be very significant. Scourge is nice, but it's not 25% of your damage nice unless you have scourging rain powers, which Sonic doesn't.



Wow. I have had the urge to make a Sonic/Sonic character for a few days now, and was just wondering this same thing today, so thank you for asking, Soulwind!

I'm slightly surprised to hear that a Defender wins out, but in the end it makes sense. (Although, after playing Sonic Attack as a blaster primary, I wonder if I can be satisfied with the trade for less damage but greater debuffs...)

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Yeah, definitely go a Defender.

Corrupters give teammates about 42% Res, Defenders dish out about 57%.
-60% Res debuff vs 45% from both powers.
Defenders -Res in Sonic Blasts easily close the damage gap.

Its probably the pairing with the biggest noticable difference between Def and Corr values.



Thanks for all the advice folks.

I ended up actually building BOTH and doing a quick run to lvl 10 on each.

Obviously, lvl 10 isn't a real indicator of full-power, but it was enough for me to
decide to stay with the Defender version. He's quite fun.

I do still want to give a Corruptor a good try, it's the one AT that I've done very little with.
I did an energy blast/(something, don't remember now) Corruptor right after CoV came out, but that's about it.

Hmm, maybe a Fire/Cold or a Rad/Rad . . . Dr. Deuterium, my Rad/Rad Defender, could make an interesting Praetorian version as a Corruptor . . .

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
Thanks for all the advice folks.

I ended up actually building BOTH and doing a quick run to lvl 10 on each.

Obviously, lvl 10 isn't a real indicator of full-power, but it was enough for me to
decide to stay with the Defender version. He's quite fun.

I do still want to give a Corruptor a good try, it's the one AT that I've done very little with.
I did an energy blast/(something, don't remember now) Corruptor right after CoV came out, but that's about it.

Hmm, maybe a Fire/Cold or a Rad/Rad . . . Dr. Deuterium, my Rad/Rad Defender, could make an interesting Praetorian version as a Corruptor . . .
My suggestion...Fire/Cold!

Here's why...

1) You have a Rad/Rad Defender. There won't be a big playstyle difference outside of getting the blasts sooner.

2) You're looking to give Corrs a try, you might as well grab the blast set Defenders don't have access to.

3) Cold Domination is just AWESOME!

4) You can still say it's a Praetorian version of your Rad/Rad!

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