Freebird Set




Has anyone else had a problem with the Freebird Set? I cant seem to put all 3 enhancements into fly, all but the stealth one work but when i try to put the stealt in all spots black out....



It sounds like you already have the +Stealth slotted.

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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Stealth IOs are Unique. You can only have ONE in your entire build.
And, to be perfectly clear, Impish isn't saying that the stealth IO's are unique like most other uniques. They are unique ACROSS SETS. If you have a Teleport Stealth IO, you can not slot any other stealth IO (running, leaping, flying) at all on that character.
(Note: Unless it's in a different build.)

This makes them unique among uniques.

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I have checked and doubled checked and the stealt one is not in the set yet but the other 2 are. I have even used a respec to try and get it to waork but still same thing even when nothing is slotted it still greys out.



I only have the Fly and End one slotted in there i dont have an alt build for this toon either so im positive its no where else.



Originally Posted by Zercon View Post
Originally Posted by Zercon View Post
I have checked and doubled checked and the stealt one is not in the set yet but the other 2 are. I have even used a respec to try and get it to waork but still same thing even when nothing is slotted it still greys out.
I only have the Fly and End one slotted in there i dont have an alt build for this toon either so im positive its no where else.
What we're trying to say is, do you have a stealth IO (perhaps from another set) in another power, such as in sprint? You can only have one stealth IO in your entire BUILD, it's not just about the set or the power.

If you truly do not have any other stealth IO's in any of your other powers then I would petition and get some customer support.


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There are 4 different stealth IOs that you can only use ONE in a build.

Jump one (cant remember the name off hand)
Teleport one (again cant remember the name)

If you have one of any of these slotted in you cant use a 2nd from a different set.

So for instance, if you slot a celerity stealth IO into sprint you can't slot a freebird stealth in fly. If you do try to slot a second one the power "greys out" so you cant slot it.

So basically what everyones trying to ask you is if you have one of the other 3 slotted in. Because this seems to be your problem with trying to slot the freebird stealth in.

Hope this helps.

*EDIT* Maybe download the new titan sentinel program from and download the mids chunk from your character and post it here for us to see your current build? Then we can see what the problem is for you a bit easier.

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