Announcing the Protector 2010 Winter Ball!




Also posted under "News/Announcements - Player Events":

As the Holiday Event is upon us, I would like to announce another Protector Players' event hosted by some of the same folks who brought you the Halloween Event.

The Protector Winter Ball starts on Saturday December 18th at 9pm ET (8CT, 7MT, 6PT).

Event will be held at the ski chalet in Pocket D and is open to everyone. We will host a number of contests, including Ski Races, a PVP "Snow Brawl", Holiday Themed Trivia & Costume Contests, and the crowning of a winter King and Queen. Total prize pool is 1.5 Billion INF!

So mark your calendars (ahem, Stalemate ) for Dec 18!

Any questions you can PM @EtherFalcon or @Ferria in game.



Checking my list...



Added to Protector Calendar.

I added a "ball" icon to make it stand out.

Unfortunately this falls on the same date as my wedding anniversary for me, but have fun!

Players Guide to the Cities



dunno about the skiing I have not "caught onto" the ways of actually getting anything on the slope badges and what not. The Snow Brawl sounds fun. I'm always down for a CC as well.



Originally Posted by ToxicStriker View Post
dunno about the skiing I have not "caught onto" the ways of actually getting anything on the slope badges and what not. The Snow Brawl sounds fun. I'm always down for a CC as well.
Tip: Besides all the speed buffs you can get, try running it in "first person" view by zooming all the way in.

I was unable to complete even the minimum times until I did that. Afterwards it was downright easy.

Players Guide to the Cities




Of course maybe not telling us all how much inf there is to be spent would be better to make sure slackers from other servers don't come pouring in out of nowhere and taking what's rightfully supposed to go to THIS one... o.o I mean, they can get their OWN prizes!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'm from this server still



Originally Posted by ToxicStriker View Post
I'm from this server still
OK, enough forum posting for you today.

Now get back to earning me some prestige.

Players Guide to the Cities



Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
OK, enough forum posting for you today.

Now get back to earning me some prestige.
*Salutes* Yes Sir!

I'm in for the brawl and the CC as I expressed interest earlier.



Originally Posted by ToxicStriker View Post
dunno about the skiing I have not "caught onto" the ways of actually getting anything on the slope badges and what not.
Grab a level 50 (or other high level) who hasn't used their secondary build, or one you don't mind respecing into a skier. Then grab and 3-6 slot for speed/jump Super Speed, Super Jump, Sprint (or equivalent vet reward), Swift, Hurdle, and anything you might have in your primary or secondary that makes you faster, such as Quickness and Elude for Super Reflexes. The rest of the powers and slots can be dumped anywhere, after 6-slotting these powers for maximum speed and jumping, as this build will be incredibly inefficient for combat. Therefore, you'll want to leave any builds you care about untouched unless you're prepared to sink two respecs.

After that, just practice and try and try again. Making a build like this got me gold on both slopes fairly easily once I got the hang of the slopes. Super Jump is great for making sure you maintain high air speed and can easily hit check points without having to backtrack.

You could possibly nab a bronze with Fly on the shorter slope with some mad skillz.



I should be able to make this...sounds like a good time!

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Prize pool update:

We are now at 2 Billion total.

As a result, NEW update on events:

Ski Races - Race down the hill, 5 events, 50M winner take all for each event.

Snow Brawl - Last Man Standing PVP, 3 Events per AT category (9 events total), 50M winner take all within each event.
Category 1: Fight Club - Melee ATs Only (3 fights)
Category 2: Gunslingers - Ranged ATs Only (3 fights)
Category 3: Warlords - Masterminds Only (3 fights)

Costume Contests - 3 categories, 50M, 30M, 20M for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places respectively paid out per category.
Category 1: "Holiday Spirit"
Category 2: "Santa's Helper"
Category 3: "Tree Ornament"

And the final Contest will be for Winter King and Winter Queen, with a grand prize of 500M each, winner take all. King will be judged by the women organizers, Queen will be judged by the men organizers. Criteria for judging will be overall character including costume, bio, and participation in the above events.

Good luck to all and see you tonight!



So, to close out the Protector 2010 Winter Ball, a big thank you to all who showed up and participated in the events, and an even bigger thank you to our hosts (especially @Ferria aka Honey Ryder), our judges, and our generous sponsors Everyone Welcome, Knights of Tomorrow, Indigo Raven, and Paragon's Super Friends SGs. If I missed anyone on that list, my apologies, PM me and I will update the list.

We had a good turnout for all events, with the whole show finishing up around 1am ET with the crowning of Monk Brawlin as our Winter King, and Honey Ryder as our Winter Queen.

Recap of the winners and prizes paid:

Ski Events (50M each)
Event 1: Ahnya
Event 2: Quick Feet
Event 3: Ionic Charge Au
Event 4: Humpty Dumpty
Event 5: Ionic Charge Au

PVP Events:
Event 1: Melee (Draw), the final 6 were each awarded 25M inf:
Static's Pin Cushion, Monk Brawlin, Daniel Eldritch, Fezznick, Chain's Assassin, and Ionic Charge Au. Daniel, please see @EtherFalcon in-game for your prize inf since I couldn't find you after the event.

(Note that this "draw" and poor event design on my part forced a last minute redesign of the PVP event rules to 10min free for all with 3 places paid.)

Event 2: Ranged
1st Place: Humpty Dumpty - 50M
2nd Place: Old Man Ionic - 30M
3rd Place: Ahnya - 20M

Event 3: Masterminds/Controllers
1st Place: Master of Illusions - 50M
2nd Place: Master Chain - 30M
3rd Place: Hell's Disciples - 20M

Event 4: Melee
1st Place: Chain's Assassin - 50M
2nd Place: Ionic Charge Au - 30M
3rd Place: EtherFalcon - 20M

Costume Contests:

Holiday Spirit
1st Place: Winter's True Spirit - 50M
2nd Place: Spirit of Winter - 30M
3rd Place: 4-Sa'Kin - 20M

Santa's Helpers
1st Place: Wello Bug - 50M
2nd Place: Lady Gr3y - 30M
3rd Place: Quick Feet - 20M

Tree Ornament
1st Place: Sulpher Girl - 50M
2nd Place: Kirae - 30M
3rd Place: Curious Ice Baby - 20M

2010 Winter King - Monk Brawlin - 500M
2010 Winter Queen - Honey Ryder - 500M

Thanks again to all who came out and showed their support and all the contestants. We hope you enjoyed this year's event, and we will start planning for the next seasonal Protector Players' Event soon. Enjoy the rest of the Winter Event and Happy Holidays to all!



I was really jazzed to learn that even though I got back online at 630 halfway through my dinner, I was still in time for the costume contest, and even more jazzed to see that I've still got it with Winter's True Spirit.

Also, I was laughing so hard when I saw my competition who won 2nd, I've never seen her around Paragon but obviously we had very similar ideas

*high fives Spirit of Winter*

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!