Lost IOs




Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
Remember the Pop-up with Mystic Fortune? People complained about it, so they took it away. People complained about it getting taken away, so they put it back in.
Not that it's really on topic, but this is false. The Pop-up was removed as a temporary fix for an exploit using Walk and Mystic Fortune and it was put back when the permanent solution was implemented.



Having to repurchase IOs isn't even an "inf sink" but rather just an "inf redistribution". If anything, it's an inflation accelator.

It's seems commonly accepted that inflation in this game is basically the increase of the ratio (inf/stuff). By deleting IOs, you're lowering "stuff" and barely affecting "inf". So the ratio goes up, causing inflation.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
Having to repurchase IOs isn't even an "inf sink" but rather just an "inf redistribution". If anything, it's an inflation accelator.

It's seems commonly accepted that inflation in this game is basically the increase of the ratio (inf/stuff). By deleting IOs, you're lowering "stuff" and barely affecting "inf". So the ratio goes up, causing inflation.
IO's that have been deleted need to be crafted to be replaced and crafting IO's is an influence sink.



I think the point of Deacon_NA is that inf sink is a concern owing to inflation, not really inf sink by itself. For inflation, both inf sink and the amount of items in the market are determining factors, not just inf sink. If players are allowed to retain all the IOs after respec, it is true that the need to craft IOs and buying from the market are reduced, so less inf is gone. On the other hand, the amount of items in the market may be increased if the player decides to sell the IOs in the market after respec.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
IO's that have been deleted need to be crafted to be replaced and crafting IO's is an influence sink.
Not to mention every market sale destroys some inf with the various fees.