Soul drain




Will it increase the damage of PA?



No, because the buff from Soul Drain only affects the user. And no, because buffs don't work on PA.

Unless you're talking about some kind of PA that *isn't* Phantom Army. Then maybe.



Ok, thanks... I thought I read somewhere that accelerate metabolism increased phantom army but now I can't find it. So my thinking was that soul drain would work too.. It must have been wishfull thinking.



Originally Posted by Scin_Device View Post
Ok, thanks... I thought I read somewhere that accelerate metabolism increased phantom army but now I can't find it. So my thinking was that soul drain would work too.. It must have been wishfull thinking.
The only thing AM does is boost the RECHARGE of PA . . . because that affects the user, not the PA. The only way to buff PA is through enhancements in the power itself or with Resistance and Defense Debuffs on the foes being attacked by PA -- Like the Resistance Debuff in Enervating Field and the Defense Debuff in Radiation Infection, or both in Freezing Rain and Sleet.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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