"I need to speak to your team leader"




This bug has been around for a while, at least I17 as far as I can remember, but it's never been THIS bad until I19 came here. Since it's an old bug I'm doing a separate topic for it.

When you're done with a taskforce and get the "Task Force Complete" message on the screen, exit the mission/Oro out/anything to get out of the mission and try to call the contact (or go directly to them) one last time to get the team out of "Task Force Mode" it will most often (about 80-90% of the time for me) respond with a "I need to speak to your team leader" message.

For me, it is very, very annoying. I usually run TFs back-to-back, doing 3-4 TFs a day. And most often I have at least half the team migrate over to the next Task Force with me. Having to kick everyone out of the team, Quit the Task Force, and then re-assemble the team again for every task force is really frustrating.

I've (and my usual TF-mates) /bug'ed this god knows how many times in-game already and always get the generic "The Quality Assurance Team will be evaluating this report to determine a resolution for the issue." and then never again.

I really really really hope this gets fixed soon.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Instead of having everybody quit the team, just have everybody else try to call the contact. Even if they don't have the star, the contact will usually still talk to somebody.

I know it doesn't fix the problem, but that might make it a little easier for you in the meantime.



Interesting, didn't think of that. Will try it thank you very much.

P.S: Your signature gave me a headache trying to decipher it, lol.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Haha, nice one.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Have hit this problem as well. We have worked around the issue by having the team leader log off (not quit the TF), then log back on. The next person on the team will become lead and they should be able to talk to the contact and get the next mission.

FYI, you won't get immediate help from /bug. You want to do /petition and select Stuck. A GM should get back to you in 5-20ish minutes in game to help you resolve your issue. This is useful for when you have an enemy stuck in the wall in a defeat all mission, for example and don't want to restart the mission.