Does kinetics feel lacking or is that just me?




Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post
...when I'm on a team I'm always feeling pressured to keep all the buffs up and running all the time.
i don't. i either run in and AoE hold/drop pets before the team gets to the next mob, or i wait until a couple characters run into the mob, hit FS and go to town. i only buff sb and id if people need it, try to transfusion/transference those in trouble and otherwise control and blast away.

as good as sb is, its not necessary all the time. if your teammates end is low or just nuked or got drained, sb is great. or for stone tanks/brutes in granite... but does everyone need it all the time? no. if i have the time, i'll buff, but if we're in combat... i buff who needs it and concentrate on controlling/debuffing (FS debuffs mob damage too!)/defeating... because i know my other powers are usually a better use of my and the teams time than sbing everyone every minute or so.

50: Ill/Kin(A+,R,J)-1047 badges RE/Dark(A) Fire/Elec Warshade BS/Regen Necro/Poison Ice/Fiery(A+) Son/Son Bane(A) FM/DA(A) DM/Nin Grav/Icy
lvling: Inv/EM DM/Sheild Arch/MM Bane NW Elec/Earth Grav/Elec Elec/FA Rad/Ice
Paragon Elite/Rogue Elite Joined Oct 2004



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
This whole thread has to be trolling. You're all trolling. All of you. Trolling each other. That's the only way this **** makes sense.
LOL to this.

Things I can agree with..
its very busy(even w/o SBing full teams)
technically not as 'safe' as some sets

Things I dont like..
kins who think they cant solo--how many non-kin trollers farm?
kins who think they dont deserve their own buffs

And anyone who disses kinetics must just not be looking at it the right way. Ive played 5 kins to 50(tho none actually a def). Its fast-paced..flashy..and very colorful..and immensely potent in the right hands..the perfect set for someone with the attention span of an over-caffeinated ferret. Ive teamed with kin defenders who would wreck shop b/c they utilized their buffs to their best potential.This usually meant following the main tank can buffing from within the relative safety of his taunt radius...then unloading their aoes.

Most of my own experience was via a plant/kin toller--he farmed on his 2nd build-- and my favorite toon ever, an elec/kin corr. For both of their teams builds i took everything but repel. The corr could also farm with his team build--almost as fast as the troller i might add--...but that was mostly due to hitting s/l softcap and corrs are just amazing like that.

The corr also was an amazing sapper. If the team didnt need my own dmg output as much I focused more and my kinetic powers and occasionally threw out a ball lighting. But i always spammed short to being dead as the ultimate debuff, things with no blue bar arent gonna do more than give you nasty glares

Defenders get better numbers on their buff/debuff/drain and get their powers sooner...Im not seeing a problem here...and now with new vigilance they get even better solo!

Id recommend rolling a secondary that compliments it like...
rad-that -def makes sure all your stuff hits plus some wicked aoes
psy-not usually resisted unless its specific mobs and also 2 nice aoes
elec-sapping guru and kin helps with the sets inherently lower dmg

Stonefather - 50 Stone/WP/Soul brute
Sable Affliction - Earth/Dark/Fire Dom
Wild Cipher - Beast/Time MM



I just had a riot of a time with my namesake Kin/Rad on an ITF.

Maybe it actually helped that I was basically still Scrapperlocked, as Kin really benefits from the mentality of getting up close and personal so you can benefit from your buffs and clicking everything all the time.

For once, it's the game mechanics that inspired by character concept instead of the other way around- I really feel like I'm draining my foes' power and energy and throwing it back at them, hence the Backfire.

Though the way I play, I barely use SB and ID on a large team (when I do, one after the other) unless I see one of my team in trouble or could use a bit of a pickup, because it's not worth the hassle to keep everyone with those two buffs and I'm keeping everyone plenty buffed/healed/end stocked with my offensive powers.

...maybe I'm just like mouse bullet time. I barely use my arrow keys except for toggles. (Leadership pool thanks to inherent Stamina!)



Originally Posted by BlissfulChaos View Post
Defenders get better numbers on their buff/debuff/drain and get their powers sooner...Im not seeing a problem here...and now with new vigilance they get even better solo!
That is likely true early to mid game, but a 30% damage buff is mostly useless on a Kin defender, IME. Vigilance may be slightly helpful solo from level 13-32 (which is the level range where I think defenders need the most help, so kudos to that, but the help is still very slight, IMO).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.