How Do I Find Out If a Bug Is On the Dev's Radar?




How can I find out if the Devs have a bug slated to be fixed soon(tm)?
In particular I am wondering about the Absolute Amazement Proc. I know it doesn't work in PVE. IDK about PVP.

I have it slotted in more than one character. I have since found out it doesn't work. I don't know if I should find a temporary replacement proc, drop the slot into a another power, delete the enhancement or what exactly.
Ideally it would make sense for me to keep it and wait a bit. But w/o knowing the status of the bug, I can't make an informed decision.
The only proc that I would find to be useful for me is a PVPIO proc that I'd just as soon skip if the Absolute Amazement was going to be WAI anytime soon. Or, I may just move the slot somewhere else.

So, does anyone know how to discover what priority the Devs have assigned to fixing this bug?



I think the only ways to know are if it's in the "known issues" list on patch notes, or if a dev speaks up on the matter. To my knowledge that IO bug has not been acknowledged publicly, so there's no telling if/when it will get fixed. My current approach is slot it even though it's not working and hope it gets fixed eventually. Considering I'm usually going for the 5-slot bonus with the set, it's not that much of a sacrifice over slotting the other remaining piece of the set.



You could try PMing Arbiter Kim, who was supposed to be handling bug reports on the forums. He might be able to help, although he's only made one post on the forums this year, so I don't know if he's still in that role.

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Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
My current approach is slot it even though it's not working and hope it gets fixed eventually. Considering I'm usually going for the 5-slot bonus with the set, it's not that much of a sacrifice over slotting the other remaining piece of the set.
I use it as a stand alone proc on PBAoEs. If I had it in a set, I prob'ly would swap it with another Absolute Amazement.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
You could try PMing Arbiter Kim, who was supposed to be handling bug reports on the forums. He might be able to help, although he's only made one post on the forums this year, so I don't know if he's still in that role.
Thank you. I will give it a try.

ahh well
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maybe someone else will know something.



As far as I know, there is no way of knowing if the devs know of a bug, and if they do, how highly prioritized it is. Except if they volunteer that information, of course, but that happens rarely.

All we can do as players is /bug it and/or PM it to... I'd say theOcho, he's the community guy, he'll likely forward it to who needs to know. Make sure you describe your bug well and preferably in a way that allows them to easily reproduce it.

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Originally Posted by McNum View Post
All we can do as players is /bug it and/or PM it to... I'd say theOcho, he's the community guy, he'll likely forward it to who needs to know. Make sure you describe your bug well and preferably in a way that allows them to easily reproduce it.
I'll do these too.

I assumed it was a known bug because I heard about it from someone else asking if it had been fixed. Then I had to go and check and see for myself.

It's very easy to replicate because it just never works. I use the Power Analyzer temp power and then start smacking on a mob while checking the mob's status window. All of my other -tohits show up but that one never does. It has a 33% chance to hit, but I ran it for more than 33 repetitions before I stopped counting the repetitions. I continued to let it run where I could watch the status window while I updated the wiki. So, most likely I had over 100 hits where the proc failed to fire.
I'll set up my logs as well and run the test again.

If anyone else has heard about this bug, where did you hear about it?



filed bug