Allow dropping of newspaper missions...




... from any zone.

Simply put - you can call a contact from pretty much any non-hazard zone and drop a mission. But you can't do so with a newspaper or police radio mission. You need to head into the zone you got it from to do so (if it sends you to a zone that's too "low" for you, you get "The action here is beneath your notice," for instance.)

Why this suggestion?

Well, my 37 Corruptor found herself in a mission that's impossible to complete - not "too hard," but literally could not be completed. Why? Glowie collection. One of the glowies is RIGHT next to a COT crystal:

... which means any attempt to "collect" it is interrupted. Just when you get out of range of the crystal's aura, you also are past where you can click on the glowie. So I have to head out to the ferry and try to remember if I got this in Nerva or St. Martial. Minor irritation, but everything else can be dropped simply by stepping outside.

(Now, the crystal bit was /bugged, and that's the first time I've seen that happen since I started playing - but it did bring the "can't drop when in the wrong zone" bit to light.)



I'm a little confused because I thought paper/radio missions gave us the mission in the zone we were in.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Yeah, I know, which is also throwing me. Not matching my other missions or tips, and I was solo. Which pretty much leaves the newspaper, unless I'm blind.



Could it have been a tip or morality mission? I know sometimes they send me all over the place.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Well, like I said, I looked through the tips and didn't see it there.

Not ruling out that I'm blind and missed it, though.



Hmm... have you tried going behind that pillar you are facing and angling your camera to see the glowie, then clicking it? You don't need line-of-sight for glowie collection.

Just my two cents on possible work-arounds for this particular bugged mission objective in your screenshot.



Originally Posted by Tidbit Jr. View Post
Hmm... have you tried going behind that pillar you are facing and angling your camera to see the glowie, then clicking it? You don't need line-of-sight for glowie collection.

Just my two cents on possible work-arounds for this particular bugged mission objective in your screenshot.
Problem - look to the right. That's covered by the *other* blue crystal. That whole area's blanketed by the two crystals.

I'm not actually concerned by the placement, though I did /bug it - think I said that's the first time since I started playing (2005) that I've had one get placed like that. Especially since we can drop missions.

... usually.



Have you tried Hover/Fly/Jetpack? From what I recall you need to be touching the ground for the crystals AoE to hit. I could be mistaken though. Have a go, see what happens.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
... from any zone.

Simply put - you can call a contact from pretty much any non-hazard zone and drop a mission. But you can't do so with a newspaper or police radio mission. You need to head into the zone you got it from to do so (if it sends you to a zone that's too "low" for you, you get "The action here is beneath your notice," for instance.)
Go into the mission list,slect the mission and click 'Abandon'. Mission gone, problem solved. Hope that helps you in the future. I've done it a couple of times when paper missions bugged out and I had used up my 3-day-drop.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
Go into the mission list,slect the mission and click 'Abandon'. Mission gone, problem solved. Hope that helps you in the future. I've done it a couple of times when paper missions bugged out and I had used up my 3-day-drop.
See? Me being blind! (AKA getting so used to doing things one way I manage to blank out the other.)

