Help completing an AE mish
Not really sure about that particular mission, but I've found that Guest Author arcs get broken and then never get fixed. Might as well just skip the arc.
"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge
Yeah that was one of the first arcs I ever played too. Because it's on the front page doesn't mean it's good. Those guest authors just threw some crap together thinking COH would give them free publicity. Which I'm sure it has to some extent.
Anyway I think you have to take one of the many sewer entrances. Once again just poorly planned and crappy writing slapped together over a few hours.
I found this out the hard way also. I'd add that many of the early dev's choice arcs and most of the Hall of Fame are not worth your time. There are many great arcs out there that are far better but they didn't have the gold ticket of being in closed beta or an early publish date. I recommend checking out Police Woman's list, Arrow Rose's list or the nominated arcs from the Player's Choice awards.
Hey guys,
Am playing through one of the guest author AE's, been working my way through them, basically though I'm really stuck!
Its the one where you have to break the Great Face's Uncle out of the Zig, well, I went in, took out all the security. Found the guy, and then, well... nothing! I led him to the Arachnos Flier where I came in and zip! The mission didn't complete or nothing.
Just wondering where is it you have to take the guy in order to get the mission completed.