Making an ele/ele blaster guys wanna share pics of yours?




My main issue here is my ele is bright and I like it bright but for variety I like to change colors around like white purple, blue purple, blue blue etc, so trying out some ideas, mostly so far black and blue look alright but its not quite there with the lightning stuff, I am not sure if I want magic, mutant, tech, or natural yet depends what costume I can make. I been messing around with the tight sleek since I do not have a hero in tights yet, it looks alright but still something is missing other then the cape. Then been messing around with the sun slick sun glasses and tench coat but again something is missing.

Anyways please post me some pics I need some ideas! Thanks everyone



This is my elec/elec blaster, called Cosine.

He was a professor at Founder's Falls University as a Professor of Maths, where he made a brilliant discovery. He found a formula that fully explained electricity and how it can be easily generated. He built his robotic sleeves to utilise this formula to generate and blast electricity. Because of the trigonometric properties of the formula, he named himself Cosine and uses Theta, the sign for an angle, as his emblem.

Claiming the Isles (The Nemesis Strike Force), Arc 448371 - Rogueish action from the Prussian Prince of Automatons himself!



This is as far as i got

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



Hi Angel, soz was busy earlier, only had time to link the boots, lol.

Here's my Elec character. He's actually an Elec troller rather than Elec blaster, but thought it might give you some ideas none the less. His aura is the full body plasma aura in dark blue so it's not that visible in this screenie, but ingame looks kind of electric like . cheers H.

edit: easier to see his aura in this shot i think. Should have added too, his powers are coloured to match that as that's what you were after

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



I just wanted to say publicly that I love everything about Henri's first screenshot there.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



LOL Okay I had to go back and look at that image and wonder what was so cool about it.... Then it hit me. Henri how did you do that? Too cool!



Here's mine, Iron Kitty.



Hehe, well, i can tell you there's absolutely no photoshopping involved, it's a legit screenie. I'll tell you how later but i reckon someone will guess it sooner

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



I believe easiest way would be on one of the maps with the buildings knocked over...



newp, it's Steel Canyon. I should think of a prize...

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



Wouldn't you just use your mouse's rbutton and drag the camera?



Yeah but he is standing on the SIDE of a building. Reminds me of an old Batman episode. LOL

I assume it's the hovor while emoting trick. I just never knew how to do it.



Here is a hint, going down while flying wont break a emote



Hmmm yea I was looking for something more agile looking this time, my ill/rad controller is already in metallic because he is basicly a ghost and the armor helps sustain him. So metal armors are out of the question for me.



Here's mine, she's pretty low level though, below 20 I believe. Cerulean Strike. And she no longer has the messed up skirt.



Originally Posted by Henri View Post
Hehe, well, i can tell you there's absolutely no photoshopping involved, it's a legit screenie. I'll tell you how later but i reckon someone will guess it sooner
Haha... He's using the pushup emote
Very, very nice, Henri!! That's brilliant, hehe.

And YAY for Elec/Elec Blasters...
Hmm... the Electric-Knight's costume is pretty darn simple, but I do have some alternates that I've been meaning to get good screenshots of.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Haha... He's using the pushup emote
Very, very nice, Henri!! That's brilliant, hehe.

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928