Hey! Give me back my character slots!

Father Xmas



Every time the in-game store goes down I lose access to character slots that I have earned/purchased.

I only play on Liberty, and currently I have all 36 slots unlocked, and what's shown above are my last two remaining slots... I can't begin to imagine how the in-game store was coded.. but I can guess this was not intended.. Can you guys maybe assign a code monkey to this and I dunno.. fix this? Please..?

I don't usually pitch a fit.. but this is damn annoying.

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The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

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Sadly it's the way the extra slot system was designed. I bet they didn't expect the store to have so much down time relative to the game's.

The coding appears simple. Number of usable slots equals 12 plus the count on the store server minus the number of characters already assigned. If the result is zero or less, you have no free slots. So if you delete a character right now from Liberty you won't be able to use it's slot until the store is back.

Why they store which extra slots are assigned to which server over on the store server is beyond me. It probably have something to do with keeping payment info separate from the game database. When you select a server the game server queries the store for number of unassigned slots and number of assigned slots for that server.

Yes, it's not ideal. Chance of them revamping the system soon, probably not anytime soon.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Why they store which extra slots are assigned to which server over on the store server is beyond me. It probably have something to do with keeping payment info separate from the game database. When you select a server the game server queries the store for number of unassigned slots and number of assigned slots for that server.

Yes, it's not ideal. Chance of them revamping the system soon, probably not anytime soon.
I think the reason it's done this way is because it would prevent the Store from allowing you to claim more slots than allowed.

I think the root of the problem here is that there is actually no such thing as an open slot on the server. A slot doesn't exist on the server until a character is created. Therefore it's up to the client to create the character and simply add it to the population, but it can't do that without the Store's permission (telling the client that you have purchased a slot there).

Deleting a toon doesn't actually create an open spot, it just removes the character from the server. As mentioned, the client probably calculates how many free slots you have based on what the Store tells it you bought, so when the store is down, it can't relay that information to the client, and you can't make a new toon, whether one was just deleted or not.



So how do you explain it temporarily removing Veteran slots? In fact it will disable all slots (if they are empty) back to the point of the original twelve that we had with the merge of CoH/CoV...

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The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

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Simple. The Veteran Rewards are tied to your accounts purchased time so the store handles verifying those as well. If the store is unavailable, it can't verify.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

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Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
So how do you explain it temporarily removing Veteran slots? In fact it will disable all slots (if they are empty) back to the point of the original twelve that we had with the merge of CoH/CoV...
Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Simple. The Veteran Rewards are tied to your accounts purchased time so the store handles verifying those as well. If the store is unavailable, it can't verify.
Thank you TJ. That's pretty much it right there. Veteran slots are no different than purchased slots. The point is the store keeps track of where you've claimed them, for the possible reasons I gave above. Even the original 12 slots are never "Empty" on the server. It's just the client knows enough that everybody would always have at least 12, so it still allows you to create that many regardless of Store server status.