Wireless keyboar & mouse combo reccomendations?




Hi all,

I asked this in the tech forum and got no response, so I'll ask here too.

I recently hooked up my pc to my lcd tv and am wondering if you all can suggest and good quality but not too expensive (i.e under $100 US) wireless keyboard and mouse (or trackball) combo that I can use to sit in my easy chair and still play the game.

Thanks all.




I'm a Logitech guy myself. They have several wireless KB/Mouse combos to choose from. Pick one you like.



I like to to stick more to the Microsoft products. I have an Ergonomic MS keyboard and matching mouse (which i need to get replaced due to sticking trackball )



I personally won't use either. But when I build a system for a client I use Logitech unless they specifically ask for something else.



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
I like to use this keyboar

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
I like to use this keyboar


Thanks everyone!



I recommend The Wave Pro Keyboard and Mouse combo from Logitech. I've had it for 5 months and have never been happier with a Mouse/Keyboard combo.

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