Vincent Ross Arc (Spoilers)




I'd hardly say shoehorning. This is just the continuation of the Origin of Power storyling which has been boiling away... at least since Issue 12. I quote:

SISTER PSYCHE: "...all atoms are connected. If the atoms are connected, then the things that bind them are as well. Who knows, maybe we all get our powers from the same place."
POSITRON: "But it does reveal some of the underlying tapestry that binds all of us together. I believe that all of our powers and abilities are connected in a sort of web... that might be the wrong word - let's say a net. This net reaches across to the mutants, the magicians, those that have been altered to become something more than human and even to people like Manticore that aren't directly connected to it. I once thought that the natural and technological heroes were somehow separate from the world of powers, but now, because of Dr. Brainstorm's work, I'm starting to think otherwise"

We're now learning that the Well and the Origin of Power are one and the same; a metaphysical entity to which space-gods and/or enormous monsters are closer than we tiny flesh-creatures. The Voice of the Well is new, certainly - and, frankly, a bit tacky - but learning that creatures like the Leviathan draw their power direct from the same source as States and co. is a revelation, surely.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
The Blood Coral was just made up.
Indeed. And it is surely not connected some other crystalline, crimson coloured substance of mystic nature that gets referred to as 'coral'. For it would indeed be insane to believe that this so called 'Red Coral', known for it's magical properties and it's mysterious connection with the creature known as the Leviathan could possibly be similar in any way with this other (and I insist, the likeness of the names must surely be a coincidence) 'Blood Coral', known for it's magical properties and not-quite-as-mysterious connection with the creature known as the Leviathan... right?

And we pretty much did know there was a direct Merulina->Leviathan connection. Check out what Renault has to say:

The Temple of the Waters is an elusive place where a great treasure lies, the Eye of the Leviathan! This great eye is made of living coral and is reputed to possess powers of an ancient sea goddess. Captain Mako has tasked us with bringing him a piece of the eye so he may reap its power. If you are successful, you too shall share in the reward!
Remarkably close to the truth, I'd say.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Merulina was related to the Coralax. The Leviathan was summoned by the Coralax to get rid of the Mu. Merulina was not connected to the Leviathan, until now. Merulina was a space god. Some mysterious "entity" powering her was just made up for Vincent Ross's arc. The Blood Coral was just made up. The demon bound by the Midnighters was just made up. The Coralax twisting people's memories was just made up.
I didn't get the impression that there was an "entity" behind Merulia from the Vincent Ross arc, aside from the Well of the Furies, which is being written to be behind everything. It stands to reason it would be behind her, as well. The "shadowy figure" she fought could also be the letter writer dude.

I do believe Merulia was connected to the Leviathan, because she was a goddess of the Coralax, and it was the Coralax who summoned the Leviathan to destroy the Mu after Hequat appropriated their island by pulling it out of the deep. Calystix the Shaper keeps forming a cult to try and awaken the Leviathan not unlike how the Banished Pantheon keep trying to wake up Lughebu, or how they attempted to try and capture Tielekku. I can buy that.

The Blood Coral, on the other hand, is made up on the spot, and for no real reason. The "Shapers" are an outright travesty to Coralax lore, specifically because they crap on the idea of THE Shaper who appears immortal and keeps turning up throughout history.

Methinks no-one ever sat down to write a history of the Coralax and to establish their society and world like what was done with the Oranbegans, so writers are making it up as they go. Which isn't a bad approach, per se, if it didn't trample over content that IS established, or otherwise completely ignore it.

But again - who and what are he Legacy Chain, above and beyond good guy mages? What is their history? What do they stand for? Never explained. Who are the Coralax? Where did they come from? What do they want? Never explained. Never, it appears, explained to the writers, as a point of fact.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I didn't get the impression that there was an "entity" behind Merulia from the Vincent Ross arc, aside from the Well of the Furies, which is being written to be behind everything. It stands to reason it would be behind her, as well. The "shadowy figure" she fought could also be the letter writer dude.
Yes Sam, that is the entity I meant. That stupid Well, which was originally a hotline to the gods, has been retconned into....what? The source of the gods' power?
I do believe Merulia was connected to the Leviathan, because she was a goddess of the Coralax, and it was the Coralax who summoned the Leviathan to destroy the Mu after Hequat appropriated their island by pulling it out of the deep. Calystix the Shaper keeps forming a cult to try and awaken the Leviathan not unlike how the Banished Pantheon keep trying to wake up Lughebu, or how they attempted to try and capture Tielekku. I can buy that.
I don't think it's explicitly made clear, but the previous lore makes it sound like the Coralax summoned the Leviathan because Merulina wasn't helping them out much against the Mu. Either she was sleeping (cause you know, if you're going to rip off Lovecraft you have to have a weird alien god sleeping under the sea somewhere) or otherwise incapacitated.

The Blood Coral, on the other hand, is made up on the spot, and for no real reason. The "Shapers" are an outright travesty to Coralax lore, specifically because they crap on the idea of THE Shaper who appears immortal and keeps turning up throughout history.
The Coralax blurb on the official site does mention the Shapers, plural, as priests of the Coralax. Calystix is just like the high priest or something.

Methinks no-one ever sat down to write a history of the Coralax and to establish their society and world like what was done with the Oranbegans, so writers are making it up as they go. Which isn't a bad approach, per se, if it didn't trample over content that IS established, or otherwise completely ignore it.
When AE was released I believe Hero One stated in an in-game Q&A that they'd allow the players to influence the canon story of the Coralax through AE. Players didn't really step up. There haven't been a lot of player-created arcs dealing with the Coralax, and the only one that I've found memorable doesn't really go into the hows and whys of them, only furthers their Lovecraftian theme. And it uses Krylov as the contact, so it's played for comedy somewhat. Surprisingly, it works. But it's not really useful as something to base canon on. But it's still way better than what Vincent Ross gives us. Huh, what do you know, you don't need to pull a bunch of story elements out of your butt to make for an interesting arc.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I don't think it's explicitly made clear, but the previous lore makes it sound like the Coralax summoned the Leviathan because Merulina wasn't helping them out much against the Mu. Either she was sleeping (cause you know, if you're going to rip off Lovecraft you have to have a weird alien god sleeping under the sea somewhere) or otherwise incapacitated.
Or, sourced a bit further back.

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Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yes Sam, that is the entity I meant. That stupid Well, which was originally a hotline to the gods, has been retconned into....what? The source of the gods' power?
To be honest, I'm a lot more receptive to the ret-con of the Well of the Furies than I am to the Origin of Powers heresy. The Well is A source of power, be that for the Gods, for the planet, for the stars or what have you. Where it wins out over Origin of Powers is it isn't explicitly stated to be OUR original source of power. If I was a super-smart genius before, I'm a super-smart genius with God on speed dial now, but my original powers remain, they are just enhanced. This is FAR superior than trying to explain why my 7-billion-year-old alien insect queen from another planet got her powers from an event that took place on Earth within recorded history.

I've seen the arguments for why the Well is "magic," but given no other intrusion, I can reason the origin of the Well's power to be a pointer to our own origin. What is the origin of my Incarnate Powers? Well, the same one thing that my primary, secondary, pool and epic powers point to. Simple as that.

We'll see how the story develops, but this I can swallow a LOT easier than that mistake which came out of Powerset Proliferation.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.