PB and WS on SOs




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I think, Flux, that with your last reply I see where you're coming from. I still disagree that it's "the worst," as we'd (IMHO) really have to go, not by AT, but by powerset combination. And even then we're going to have five (Human, Human/Dwarf, Human/Nova, Triform, Dwarf/Nova focused) "sets" for each Kheld.
While it's true that some ATs have a very wide variance in performance from set to set (the buff/debuff ATs, at least, do), a lot of ATs actually don't. Mainly, any AT without significant buff/debuff capacity has their performance rooted in personal offense and defense - dark melee performs differently from fire melee, and both are different from dual pistols or super strength or ice blast - but they're all fundamentally offense sets and intended to be used in the overall manner of "hit things until they fall over."

Ditto for personal defense sets. Whatever the mechanic, they achieve the same result in the end - keeping you from falling over.

That applies to PB and the forms - nova form is an offensive buff power that inflicts a defensive debuff on you (loss of access to anything but blast powers). White dwarf is a defensive buff power that inflicts an offensive debuff on you (pathetic attack chain). The problem and what causes PBs to lag in my opinion is the fact that they need to accept a 'debuff' to their defense in order to realize their best offense potential, or a debuff to their offense in order to realize their best defensive potential. It doesn't help that dwarf's defenses are subpar by modern-game standards, and it really especially doesn't help that warshades - along with most other ATs except blasters - get to have it both ways to a much higher degree than PBs do, and realize much of their best offense and much of their best defense potentials both at once.

Warshades get to do it cause of mire and eclipse, everyone else gets to do it because they don't lose access to most of their powers depending on if they're in "attack form" or "defense form"

I think we're just going to have to disagree on quite a bit here. You don't see the flexibility, for instance, where I see *more* flexibility than I do on several tanks, for instance. Most tank sets (for instance) don't have a ranged component - the tank's option, even if it's going to be a troublesome enemy, is "run in and hit it." My PB, however, has ranged, melee and control options (as well as "pets," though I hate calling seekers that.) I can separate the enemy and take them out the way *I* want, or hop into melee and deal with them, or hop into melee and use hard and soft controls on them - I've got several ways of handling the situation.
Tanks don't need a ranged component (nor does anyone). Range is a convenience, not a defense, for any character without a means of preventing NPCs from closing on them. The enemy AI is eager to close in on you, and in fact, most melees generally -want- the enemy to close in on them for defensive purposes as well as offensive ones. Invincibility, Rise to the Challenge, Dark Regeneration, Soul Drain, Dark Consumption, Consume, Blazing Aura, Quills, and on and on represent a paradigm where melee characters are able to be safer and/or more damaging exactly because things are next to them, compared to if they kept at a distance.

Most characters do have some form of control, meanwhile. Melee sets are full of knockdown, knockup, stun, and hold as side effects of their attacks; indeed most of the control available to a PB is copied over from the melee attacks the devs ripped off to give us. And Pulsar, while a key power for the PB, is a power practically anyone else but a PB or maybe a blaster would laugh at the stats for and skip in favor of their other, better powers.

Photon seekers aren't pets anymore than rain of fire or blizzard is a pet. It's an attack that's delivered via a pseudo-pet mechanic. It shouldn't take pet sets, it should take ranged AOE damage sets, like its actual peers. It should also be rebalanced to recharge, damage, and radius numbers to match. Or else it should be made an actual pet, which would be a much superior power performance-wise for a PB, just like extracted essence is for a WS.

But yes, in your terms you do have the "flexibility" of using several methods of defense to stay alive as a PB. But every method of defense is still just defense. Whether you stay alive by using control or stay alive by using a defensive secondary, or whether you use both, all that matters is that you stay alive.

In my terms, I abstract "methods" out to their purpose - offense, defense, and downtime reduction/recovery. And downtime reduction/recovery (which is where things like resurrect powers or travel powers lie) is a much smaller category than the first two.

I'm half wondering if you're looking at this solely at a high level or "once you're 50" situation, too. It's something that happens a lot on the boards. (And something that irritates the heck out of me - like someone asking for info on a powerset and being given a purpled-out level 50 build - that's great, thanks, but what do I do at 20 and what can I expect?) I'm wondering that because (aside from the sliding back into IO references) of your comments about how tanks can be offensively. Yep, tanks can be *great* offensively - once they've grown into the 30s, generally. That AOE capability varies by set, admittedly, but they're often not touching it until 35 or 38 (or an early Shield Charge.) Of course, then it needs slotting and whatnot... Meanwhile I've had some pretty good capability on my PB since level 6, if I've taken Nova.

I'm just thinking we're looking at the two completely differently. (Well, obviously, but I mean I'm looking at it from "whole journey," you're looking at "at 50.")
I'm not really just looking at 50, I am looking at 'whole journey' too. But to me 'whole journey' includes 'post-50' play as a large part of the journey. I assume characters don't level to 50 then delete or get shelved, they level to 50 then IO and (in the next issue) work on incarnate powers and continue to play.

Most of my characters are 50 for far longer than they're 1-49. I don't think I'm unique in this, and especially not in the context of forum posters who are mentioning their heavily IO'd characters like the other people in this thread.

I'll also admit I approach the game thoroughly differently from most who post, from appearances. I don't care about XP/sec or DPS or whatnot. Am I moving fast enough to keep me happy? Am I dying enough to get frustrated? If the answer to the first is yes and the second is no - hey, great. If I'm keeping just busy enough, too - bots/FF, for instance, is a powerful combo, but nearly turned me off MMs completely because it bored me *stiff.* People praise Illusion but I can't stand it. I cannot stand VEATs - well, let me amend that, I've gotten to like my crab, but not because of numeric performance, rather that it doesn't want to rely on not-enough-stealth (that doesn't come back fast enough) and feels like what it should be, even if I still hate the wasted levels before 24.

Small pause in my PB's attack chain? Quick drop to human to buff, or check/combine insps and move on. I make use of it, so it doesn't bother me in the least. *shrug* Some people can't stand not having damage going out every possible millisecond. It's not how I play.

(Side note to Gavin - Actually, the devs have mentioned Blasters being underperforming - which is why we've had two versions of Defiance. I want to say they still aren't happy with them, but don't have a quote to back it up. What they have stated as "just right" for the AT? Defenders. Though that's been a while.)
Well, this is a point where we need to agree to disagree because now you're talking about personal preference. My personal preferences are separate from my views on performance. I would like city to be more complex and allow more variety and flexibility. I play plenty of characters who are 'substandard' performance wise and enjoy them immensely.

I don't let my wishes for the game color my perception of its reality, nor my enjoyment of those characters skew my view of their performance, though. And the way the game is, rather than how I'd like it to be, is a common experience to all players that can be checked just by logging in; the way ATs perform can be measured and compared mathematically, independent of opinion.

That's why I speak in the terms I do about those subjects, and try to leave preference out of it as much as possible, because you can't argue opinions and likes. Some people will like anything, they aren't wrong to like it.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



Flux, there is somehting very elementak you are missing about the Peacebringer forms. The Bright Nova is the distilled essence of a Blaster. It very descent attack chain if you slot them up. You have 2 single target attachs and 1 AoE attack that has a range of 100. And an cone attack of large size. And in a +Range enhacement and you have attack that at nearly Snipe Range. And the Nova has a an inherent Build Up which is slightly less powerful than a Blasters, the perma +10 ToHit Buff and +45% Damage Buff. (which averages over time to be slightly less then Blaster's Build Up.) And a +REC is you slot for it.

And the White Dwarf form is a pocket Tanker. High resistance to most damage. Self heal for 1/2 Health every 30 seconds (slotted). Combat Jumping-lite which you can slot for. And the +REC that Nova form has. And it's a decent tanker attack chain 2 single target attacks and a PBAoE which all have the Taunt component that Tanker attacks have. And A Provoke power which isn't 1/2 bad slotted up as well. A Dwarf can tank about as well as any Pre-Issue 3 Tanker. You can hold a lot of aggro is you know what you are doing. With the I19 Fitness power change. The forms get just that that much better. A lot more +REC and Dwarf get a big movement boost from Hurdle, Swift. It makes a huge amount of difference.

You look at them as though you stay in the forms all the time. That's not playing a Kheldian as a Kheldian. I tried plyaing my Peacebringer like the core Hero ATs. And I was dissatisfied with them. It wasn't until after 40 levels and 2 respecs that I finally "got" Kheldians: Flexibility. That is the role of a Kheldian. Even a Human only Kheldian build ha sa lot of flexibility. They aren't going to be as good as a Scrapper, Blaster, Defender, Control or Tanker. But they can be all 5 when they need to be.



I've just got back into my old PB after a fair old hiatus and as much as I really want to love it, no matter what I try it always seems to be missing something.

This largely sums up how I feel:

That applies to PB and the forms - nova form is an offensive buff power that inflicts a defensive debuff on you (loss of access to anything but blast powers). White dwarf is a defensive buff power that inflicts an offensive debuff on you (pathetic attack chain). The problem and what causes PBs to lag in my opinion is the fact that they need to accept a 'debuff' to their defense in order to realize their best offense potential, or a debuff to their offense in order to realize their best defensive potential. It doesn't help that dwarf's defenses are subpar by modern-game standards, and it really especially doesn't help that warshades - along with most other ATs except blasters - get to have it both ways to a much higher degree than PBs do, and realize much of their best offense and much of their best defense potentials both at once.
I've tried human only form, human / dwarf, human / nova, switching between dwarf and nova and using human form for intermediary buffs, using light form as a "tank" mode (as tank read "high survivability", rather than aggro management) whilst in human form, but as flux says, if you want to defeat things at any kind of satisfactory rate (and by satisfactory, I mean "a rate comparable to other ATs"), then you have to go Nova, and risk that blaster-like "living on the edge of death" style of play.

Perhaps I just don't "get" PBs as someone else mentioned they didn't, but I'm really struggling to get the most out of mine until that magical penny drops and I do. I realise too that IO slotting is going to make a big difference like it generally does to most characters, but really until I find a build that is even slightly enjoyable to play with SO's, I don't have anything to really go on.

I think in teams it's easier to be that swiss army knife of an AT because there are a greater number of situations that call for that kind of diversity. Solo though (which I tend to play a lot more these days) I'm finding a great deal more frustrating.

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"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"