A good support powerset to Energy blast?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by JanusFrs View Post
Ok, first off I'd like to thank for all the responses, I'm not used to so fast reaction, you see, so thanks ^^

Now, with the kind words done, I've taken a few mental notes: As I can understand, it might be optimal of me to aviud using a set with toggle debuffs, which doesn't really seem like a problem to me.
And then, I'd like to ask you about a set that you haven't mentioned, namely PD (Pain Domination). I myself have been thinking about that set, as it might not have so much synergical difficulty with EB's infamous KB-madness. Other than that, I might like the idea about Sonic Resonance, but can you tell me why you haven't mentioned PD??

Two things about Sonic Resonance:

1) It's quite poor as a solo set, and Energy Blast is a set that mainly gains benefits solo.

2) To avoid bowling enemies around chaotically you are probably going to end up hovering above them. Complication: You are also the centerpoint of the big bubble your team is trying to huddle inside.

Kinetics and Force Field have related issues.

IMO despite its debuff toggle the best of the sets for pairing with Energy Blast is possibly Dark Miasma. You still have the possible issue of throwing stuff out of debuff range but at least you can fear the enemies first, and the knockdown/back in EB means they don't get a chance to shoot back at you like they would with most other sets, because knocked enemies lose their chance to strike back.

But then I can't help but point out you could get the same benefit from Dual Pistols, still get massive debuffs when you want them, a single target hold/stun, a crashless nuke, and the option to knock stuff back only when that's what you actually intend to do.



Energy/kin corrs are beasts.



I have a 50 Energy/Pain Dom Corruptor and she is great solo and on teams. The KB from Energy helps control the enemies and AoE heal toggle, AoE click heal, AoE +to hit, +resist and AoE debuff are wonderful powers. Also, your ally only buffs (status def, rez[needs a dead ally, but buffs you, put this here because it doesn't help while solo], Painbringer) can all be effective with minimal slotting, leaving more room for your other powers.

Very very survivable character and able to handle large spawns fairly well.

The only draw back would be the mediocre damage of Energy, but that is partially offset by scourge and the AoE debuff.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



I started a Traps/Energy def at the end of the weekend, and he's 15 now. I don't think I've played Energy since I first played in 2004, though I'm a longtime lover of Traps.

Against my expectations, it is working really well, and is FUN. Traps plays great solo or teamed, and positioning for knockback adds to the 'tactical' feel of Traps. Acid Mortar finds your mob no matter where you knock them. Knockback is a great layer of mitigaton on top of non-softcapped def. Energy is very viscerally satisfying in sounds & sights (I find myself constantly jumping at enemies to deliver point-blank Power Bursts )

The power progression is really nice in the lowbie levels too. by 14, i had Web Grenade, Caltrops, Acid Mortar, FFG, Poison Trap (Hasten planned at 16, Seekers at 18), and the T1, T2, T3 blasts and an AOE cone. As well as 3 slots in the blasts and long-recharge powers. I think only /Archery can get the same kind of fast ST blast progression on a Def, and Traps/ is very kind, slotwise.

Grimmloch, Tactically Delicious, Ugly Frankie, Operative Tracker, CryoFurnace, Professional Help, Silver Sphinx, Aries Knight, Tachyon Aegis, Jade Sphinx
Currently building:
Any one of half a dozen alts!



I'll throw in another vote for Force Field, as well as a vote for Kinetics.