Punktastik guide to SB (sarcasm inherent)




Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Just to clarify, most "real" damage dealing characters make a laughing stock of the Fire/Kin character once they are hit with the +Recharge and +Damage he or she provides. A lot of Fire/Kins never come to understand this and try to act like the superstar they are on a solo farm. I can see why, on a team that's speedrunning so fast that its hard to keep people in Range, Speed Boost might drop. But in most general situations the teamed Fire/Kin's priorities should be support first and damage second--in particular keeping recharge and damage in top form on the people who actually specialize in high damage. +300% or more damage means a LOT more on a character with base damage values higher than the Controller's.
I am not so sure you understand the game and class mechanics. The damage cap % will affect brawl and how much each individual hit a character can deal, It does not stop a character from doing very large numbers of small to medium hits that can aggregate higher damage.

For example, a fire/ kin can walk up to a group with hotfeet going, flash fire, fire cage, fulcrum shift, fire-cage, bonfire, fireball... etc and with damage slotting in the various powers do extream DPS.

If your trying to say that the fire/kin doesnt do as well for single target damage as opposed to overall damage I might agree.

Perhaps it is not as you wished to appear, your post struck me as very elitist based on the AT % damage cap.

Speed boost is a wonderful buff, however as people IO out their characters with more and more +recharge +end it does less and less. I agree that there can come a point where characters really dont need it anymore.

Further, expecting one person to spend his time running all over the map just to keep up a 2 minute buff with a scattered team is ludicrous.

Having a fire/kin in the 40's myself I feel safe in saying I understand the basic abilities of this class/build. With post 40 content as nice as speed boost can be, there is a whole lot more the Fire/Kin can be doing that is much more effective then just being a SB FS bot. (Control, healing, dealing damage, protecting squishies, etc)

I further seem quite appalled that some seem to feel their 'Good Time' playing the game is important enough to take away another persons by relegating them to buff-bot duty and not letting them out of that box.



Originally Posted by _Zep_ View Post
I am not so sure you understand the game and class mechanics. The damage cap % will affect brawl and how much each individual hit a character can deal, It does not stop a character from doing very large numbers of small to medium hits that can aggregate higher damage.

For example, a fire/ kin can walk up to a group with hotfeet going, flash fire, fire cage, fulcrum shift, fire-cage, bonfire, fireball... etc and with damage slotting in the various powers do extream DPS.

If your trying to say that the fire/kin doesnt do as well for single target damage as opposed to overall damage I might agree.

Perhaps it is not as you wished to appear, your post struck me as very elitist based on the AT % damage cap.

Speed boost is a wonderful buff, however as people IO out their characters with more and more +recharge +end it does less and less. I agree that there can come a point where characters really dont need it anymore.

Further, expecting one person to spend his time running all over the map just to keep up a 2 minute buff with a scattered team is ludicrous.

Having a fire/kin in the 40's myself I feel safe in saying I understand the basic abilities of this class/build. With post 40 content as nice as speed boost can be, there is a whole lot more the Fire/Kin can be doing that is much more effective then just being a SB FS bot. (Control, healing, dealing damage, protecting squishies, etc)

I further seem quite appalled that some seem to feel their 'Good Time' playing the game is important enough to take away another persons by relegating them to buff-bot duty and not letting them out of that box.

I'm sorry my post seemed elitist. I respond a lot, and control of conversational tone doesn't always come through, especially since I often post quickly during lunch breaks. I disagree about my understanding of game mechanics however.

Hot Feet doesn't do extra damage just because it's a series of low to medium damage attacks. I have no idea what you're talking about there. Hot Feet does do some amount of damage, but not as much as 7 teammates who are dedicated damage dealers.

I never said anyone should chase people half way down the map to buff them. It is ridiculous, but you are the author of that statement, not I.

I also never said that using Speed Boost to the exclusion of all else was a goal. You are winning an argument with someone who isn't here. The portion you quoted from me even includes damage in the scope of a Fire/Kin, just not as the primary objective.

Speed boost is a wonderful buff, however as people IO out their characters with more and more +recharge +end it does less and less. I agree that there can come a point where characters really dont need it anymore.
"Need" is a very coy word. Nobody "needs" anything. That doesn't mean they don't "benefit." If what you mean is that there is a point where people don't benefit from Speed Boost, I'd like to see specific examples, and also maybe a directory where I can find 7 people with that build.



Lol. I love this topic. Conflict encourages survival of the fittest, and SB debates are like the special Olympics. This is even better than my "list of uber sets" post.



I'm only now leveling up a kinetics controller. I have SB, and I do use it on teams. I just don't give it the focus. I alternate mainly between buffing/debuffing the mobs/team with Siphon Power, using the heal (especially on EBs and such because of the -regen it applies to them), and using my controller abilities for crowd control. With all of that going on, making sure everyone is boosted every other minute is just waaaaaay too much.

So what I do is not worry about SB at all unless I see that there's a stone tank (for them, I'll keep it on them as much as possible) or if someone is having endurance issues. If someone requests that I keep speed boost on them, I'll make a mental note to try to give it to them when possible, but don't sweat it otherwise. When we're in the middle of a battle that's getting messy, I'm more concentrating on the holds and debuffs and crowd control than SB.

It's a lot to keep track of. Unlike bubbles, you have to be very proactive in Kinetics and you also have to be pretty proactive with the controller primaries. You should also be keeping in mind things like Increase Density. A boosted blaster is going to do little damage if he's held or stunned, so when up against mezzing groups (Carnies, Malta), it's more important to have ID on some archetypes than it is SB.

And then there's the fact that some people don't like SB, and I fully empathize with them. It can be very difficult to maneuver to the location you need to be in (if you're a scrapper or a blaster lining up his cone attack) when you're traveling at superspeed. So I just play it by ear. Stone tanks get my full focus for SB, requesters get it pretty frequently in between spawns.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



I just tell the team this:

I will SB the team. If I don't SB you, it's not that I forgot, it's just that I don't like you.