Looking for a Dark/Therm build




This is my first non-meele character in at least 3 years. I've really come to love scrappers, brutes and tanks but a friend and I have decided to switch places (he was always the "support" and I was the "tank" in our duo). After a lot of time looking through sets I really liked the debuffs that come with both dark and thermal, but also the shields and heals that comes with thermal really complements his scrapper.

My problem is, I'm having trouble knowing which powers are worth taking early, which powers can wait and/or be skipped all together. If someone could give me some guidance I would appreciate it. I looked at the guide section and it was helpful, but the fact that it is 2 years old concerned me, especially since the game has changed quite a bit, if for no other reason than I'm a corr running with a scrapper.



Everything in therm is good, really nothing I'd ever skip. I don't have experience enough with dark blast other than to say definitely take gloom.



Thanks, but are things like leadership worth taking or are the bonuses not worth the end usage? Its things like that, that I'm really unsure about. I won't be doing a ton of big groups, I will always be playing with 1 MAYBE 2 others.



Originally Posted by Deathstroke33 View Post
Thanks, but are things like leadership worth taking or are the bonuses not worth the end usage? Its things like that, that I'm really unsure about. I won't be doing a ton of big groups, I will always be playing with 1 MAYBE 2 others.
Personally, I always feel that--if you can fit it successfully--leadership is a great power pool for any Corruptor to get. The bonuses that it grants a Corruptor are only second to what Defenders get, and yes, they're very helpful.



Originally Posted by Deathstroke33 View Post
Thanks, but are things like leadership worth taking or are the bonuses not worth the end usage? Its things like that, that I'm really unsure about. I won't be doing a ton of big groups, I will always be playing with 1 MAYBE 2 others.
Yes leadership is great for a therm since the assault and tactics effectively stack with forge. Take Mu mastery and you will never run out of endurance.



Just about every power in Dark Blast can be for slotted with an IO set that will grant 6.25%
recharge bonus. Super cheap way to get recharge.

Since you don't have a tier 3 blast being able to use the snipe in combat can really help. The quicker you get a mob under 50% health the sooner the chance for Scrouge will start kicking in. Torrent and the Nem vet staff really help with getting your snipe off in combat. Anything you knockback, you have time to hit them with your snipe.

Dark Blast is such a fast set that anything you knockback, you have enough time to use any 2 dark blaster powers (snipe and nova excluded). If you charge a mob (start small) hit them with Torrent, you have time to hit them with Tentacles and Night Fall. Before they have a chance to attack back you've stacked over a 20% tohit debuff.

The heal, it's cool but if you're about to die and Life Drain or a green inspirations is possibly your last choice before you rez, go for the inspiration first. It's not a strong enough heal to save your life.

Vet Attacks and snipe is the fastest way for you to get in scourge territory, but once the mob is under half I'd recommend a chain Dark Blast, Gloom, Dark Blast. At this point consider if there are other duties you need to attend too. Does someneed a buff? Should I use tentalces? etc.

If the most important task you have is killing the guy you're already shooting, take a quick look and see if you have a vet attack recharged. If you do look for the next guy you plan on killing and hit them. Get a head start on the next guy getting below 50% health. Tab back to your first target and finish them off with a chain of Dark Blast, Gloom, Dark Blast.

Dark Blast has slow projectiles, the damage is applied to the enemy towards the end of the animation where sets like Dual Pistols and Fire deliver the damage more towards the middle of the animation. There's also DoT in Gloom and it can make judging if an attack has killed an enemy hard at times. There's gonna be days you shoot a lot of dead enemies. If Dark blasters get in the habit of every time they think of using Gloom, checking to see if Dark Blast is recharged in order to start a Dark Blast,Gloom, Dark Blast chain.

With Dark Blast you'll spend a lot of time doing things with your AOEs and your secondary, but in between all that you'll have single target attacking to get done. Stinking to that attack chain is going to allow you to get out the most damage and a big 20% -tohit in the briefest amount of time.

Dark Blast is a great set, I think it's so great it would be overpowered if ported to Blasters as is. The problem is if you take anything out it would be ruin the set. Unless the blaster got a tier 3 blast and Aim in return, then maybe it would be a good blaster set. I'd still prefer dark blast on a corrupter over a blaster.

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