Newbie AE Questions




I've been in CoH for a while but I'm starting to dabble in the AE. I visited the ticket desk and I have about 10,000 tickets. When I clicked the desk/assistant, I get a menu with all of these purchase options. Thinks like costumes, villians, recipes, etc.

I had about 1/2 hour earlier today and I bought up what I could but I'm just curious what all of these things are for. Basically, when you buy these things your allowed to put them in your missions, right?

Also, I noticed a custom creator feature when I glanced at the AE slot in the AE Studio. My questions are these:

1. Can you use to the custom character feature to modify "assets" in the story your building?
2. Do these purchases transfer to my other characters in my profile. Example, I have 3 characters. Do I have to go into the AE with each character(coh, cov, GR) and buy these things again.
3. The recipes and salvage purchases are drops in the game, right? I got a message that said I no slots for any more recipes.

I play CoH during holiday weekends because I don't have a lot time and I'm planning for the Thanksgiving weekend. I appreciate your comments in advance and thanks.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
I've been in CoH for a while but I'm starting to dabble in the AE. I visited the ticket desk and I have about 10,000 tickets. When I clicked the desk/assistant, I get a menu with all of these purchase options. Thinks like costumes, villians, recipes, etc.

I had about 1/2 hour earlier today and I bought up what I could but I'm just curious what all of these things are for. Basically, when you buy these things your allowed to put them in your missions, right?

Also, I noticed a custom creator feature when I glanced at the AE slot in the AE Studio. My questions are these:

1. Can you use to the custom character feature to modify "assets" in the story your building?
2. Do these purchases transfer to my other characters in my profile. Example, I have 3 characters. Do I have to go into the AE with each character(coh, cov, GR) and buy these things again.
3. The recipes and salvage purchases are drops in the game, right? I got a message that said I no slots for any more recipes.

I play CoH during holiday weekends because I don't have a lot time and I'm planning for the Thanksgiving weekend. I appreciate your comments in advance and thanks.
1. In short: yes. For a true 'custom' you can design the exact appearance of your character (using the costume editor, with (nearly) all of the options available to PCs), and then give them a primary and secondary power set, either with 'standardized' power options from each set, or custom picks (but you've got to give them what the system considers appropriate numbers of attacks - ranged, and melee - or you'll face serious XP reductions on what they are worth when defeated). You can also mix and match 'standard' mobs, putting them in custom groups (so if you want a group of mixed Vahzilok, Clockwork, and Outcasts, you can have it) - and even recoloring them and rewriting their descriptions to suit the story. Although not all mobs can be recolored (but a LOT can).

2. Yes, they do - buying an 'unlockable' asset in MA applies to your account, not individual characters. But only the ones unlocking 'assets' for use in MA - you can't buy, say, an enhancement, and except it to show up on all your characters (you almost certainly knew that, but I figure I'd be clear, just in case). So once you've bought a particular 'map set' on one character, all your character will be able to use those maps when writing MA missions (for example).

3. Yes, they are in-game drops. You've got that down, so no need to elaborate.

Welcome to MA!

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



You can use the custom characters as:
Your arc contact

You probably don't need to bother with buying the maps, unless there's one that you'd really like for your mission, or you just want to spend the tickets on anything.



Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
1. In short: yes. For a true 'custom' you can design the exact appearance of your character (using the costume editor, with (nearly) all of the options available to PCs), and then give them a primary and secondary power set, either with 'standardized' power options from each set, or custom picks (but you've got to give them what the system considers appropriate numbers of attacks - ranged, and melee - or you'll face serious XP reductions on what they are worth when defeated). You can also mix and match 'standard' mobs, putting them in custom groups (so if you want a group of mixed Vahzilok, Clockwork, and Outcasts, you can have it) - and even recoloring them and rewriting their descriptions to suit the story. Although not all mobs can be recolored (but a LOT can).

2. Yes, they do - buying an 'unlockable' asset in MA applies to your account, not individual characters. But only the ones unlocking 'assets' for use in MA - you can't buy, say, an enhancement, and except it to show up on all your characters (you almost certainly knew that, but I figure I'd be clear, just in case). So once you've bought a particular 'map set' on one character, all your character will be able to use those maps when writing MA missions (for example).

3. Yes, they are in-game drops. You've got that down, so no need to elaborate.

Welcome to MA!
Can we talk more about these:

1. "but you've got to give them what the system considers appropriate numbers of attacks - ranged, and melee - or you'll face serious XP reductions on what they are worth when defeated" Is there a published guide for this or how did you learn this? Through experience?

A. "Building" a villain is cool for MA but will I also have to buy all of the enhancements too? This sound ultra cool but I'm wondering how many tickets I'm going to need to build high quality missions. Also, once you build a mission, can you improve it in the future?

B. I feel bad because I played some AE missions in the past and I should give all AE authors full points because you need these tickets to build.

2. "But only the ones unlocking 'assets' for use in MA - you can't buy, say, an enhancement, and except it to show up on all your characters (you almost certainly knew that, but I figure I'd be clear, just in case)." I'm only talking about the stuff at the ticket desk. I was confused when I bought recipe and it said my recipes were full. So some of the stuff at the ticket desk is for your character, right? But why would I want to buy my character stuff I can buy it at the face place or something?

Answer what you can. I think some of this I'll learn through trial and error during the Thanksgiving weekend. Thanks.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
You probably don't need to bother with buying the maps, unless there's one that you'd really like for your mission, or you just want to spend the tickets on anything.
This was the first thing I bought when I was online yesterday. I felt I needed a maps to wade into the MA. Can you create your own?

Also, I read your other post. We'll probably be working together more closely in the future.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Can we talk more about these:

1. "but you've got to give them what the system considers appropriate numbers of attacks - ranged, and melee - or you'll face serious XP reductions on what they are worth when defeated" Is there a published guide for this or how did you learn this? Through experience?
When you go in to create your custom characters there is a kind of counter which displays how much rewards the character is worth, 0-100%. It can't go higher than 100%, and I've never seen it below 40% but it's possible it can go lower. As you select and unselect the powers the numbers will change.


A. "Building" a villain is cool for MA but will I also have to buy all of the enhancements too? This sound ultra cool but I'm wondering how many tickets I'm going to need to build high quality missions. Also, once you build a mission, can you improve it in the future?
No, the enhancements you can buy in the ticket store are for your own characters to use. The npcs you build to use in your missions don't get enhancements. You can continue to improve your missions forever, and it is recommended that you do so since patches and updates sometimes introduce bugs or changes that cause missions to break in various ways.

B. I feel bad because I played some AE missions in the past and I should give all AE authors full points because you need these tickets to build.
If you want to reward an author you should give them 5 stars. Because of how the ratings system works, anything below 4 stars is a penalty, even if 3 stars is supposedly "good". If you don't feel that an arc deserves 5 stars but you don't want to punish the author unnecessarily you should probably not rate it at all, because that is actually less damaging for an arc's average rating than giving it a lower rating. Weird but true.

2. "But only the ones unlocking 'assets' for use in MA - you can't buy, say, an enhancement, and except it to show up on all your characters (you almost certainly knew that, but I figure I'd be clear, just in case)." I'm only talking about the stuff at the ticket desk. I was confused when I bought recipe and it said my recipes were full. So some of the stuff at the ticket desk is for your character, right? But why would I want to buy my character stuff I can buy it at the face place or something?
You can buy enhancements and recipes to use for your characters with tickets because as you may have noticed you don't get random recipes or enhancement "drops" from defeating enemies when you play missions in the MA. Tickets replace these random drops and can be cashed in for salvage or recipes or other stuff. Why the devs decided to introduce tickets instead of just having random drops as usual I can't say, but I'm sure they had a reason.

Answer what you can. I think some of this I'll learn through trial and error during the Thanksgiving weekend. Thanks.
Good luck!

Oh and no, we can't make our own maps.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Can we talk more about these:

1. "but you've got to give them what the system considers appropriate numbers of attacks - ranged, and melee - or you'll face serious XP reductions on what they are worth when defeated" Is there a published guide for this or how did you learn this? Through experience?

A. "Building" a villain is cool for MA but will I also have to buy all of the enhancements too? This sound ultra cool but I'm wondering how many tickets I'm going to need to build high quality missions. Also, once you build a mission, can you improve it in the future?

B. I feel bad because I played some AE missions in the past and I should give all AE authors full points because you need these tickets to build.

2. "But only the ones unlocking 'assets' for use in MA - you can't buy, say, an enhancement, and except it to show up on all your characters (you almost certainly knew that, but I figure I'd be clear, just in case)." I'm only talking about the stuff at the ticket desk. I was confused when I bought recipe and it said my recipes were full. So some of the stuff at the ticket desk is for your character, right? But why would I want to buy my character stuff I can buy it at the face place or something?

Answer what you can. I think some of this I'll learn through trial and error during the Thanksgiving weekend. Thanks.
1A: Fred answered this one as well as I can: just play with giving and removing powers, and you'll pretty quickly get a feel for how the XP system works - The percentage displayed is the percentage of the 'standard' XP award that character will grant when defeated. For the record, most authors aim for at least 90%, but that's a guideline, not a hard and fast rule. There's no guide for the XP system yet. I wrote one this summer, but it is sitting on my flash drive as a word doc; I haven't been happy enough with it to post it to the guides section.

1B: A word of warning: you *will* run across authors here that fervently believe you should give an arc whatever rating you think it deserves. Many of us will only award 4 or 5 stars, or won't rate it at all (and many will *only* give it 5 stars), but there are authors who disagree with this. For what it's worth, that *vast* majority of tickets you get in MA is from playing arcs, NOT from other people rating yours, so don't feel like you're making a huge dent in somebody's 'proceeds' by not rating an arc (or giving it 'only' 3 or 4 stars, or whatever). That said, Fred is dead on: anything other than 5 hurts an arc. And anything under 4 hurts an arc even more drastically than giving it a 4.

2: There's one exception to what Fred was talking about: if you play an arc that is Developer's Choice, you'll have the option of having normal drops instead of tickets. You won't get any MA tickets for playing the arc, but you'll get normal enhancement drops and recipes. But beyond that, no need to add to Fred's answer here, unless you're still confused about something.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
1A: Fred answered this one as well as I can: just play with giving and removing powers, and you'll pretty quickly get a feel for how the XP system works - The percentage displayed is the percentage of the 'standard' XP award that character will grant when defeated. For the record, most authors aim for at least 90%, but that's a guideline, not a hard and fast rule. There's no guide for the XP system yet. I wrote one this summer, but it is sitting on my flash drive as a word doc; I haven't been happy enough with it to post it to the guides section.

1B: A word of warning: you *will* run across authors here that fervently believe you should give an arc whatever rating you think it deserves. Many of us will only award 4 or 5 stars, or won't rate it at all (and many will *only* give it 5 stars), but there are authors who disagree with this. For what it's worth, that *vast* majority of tickets you get in MA is from playing arcs, NOT from other people rating yours, so don't feel like you're making a huge dent in somebody's 'proceeds' by not rating an arc (or giving it 'only' 3 or 4 stars, or whatever). That said, Fred is dead on: anything other than 5 hurts an arc. And anything under 4 hurts an arc even more drastically than giving it a 4.

2: There's one exception to what Fred was talking about: if you play an arc that is Developer's Choice, you'll have the option of having normal drops instead of tickets. You won't get any MA tickets for playing the arc, but you'll get normal enhancement drops and recipes. But beyond that, no need to add to Fred's answer here, unless you're still confused about something.
Coulomb2, I really appreciated you comments. I saw some of your arcs. Post the rest so I can go into them. I have the thanksgiving and Christmas2NewYears Breaks coming up. I'll be in a hotel doing dedicated play. I'll go into your missions. Also, if you need help on final edited or something. I'm willing to help out.



Same goes for you too, FredrikSvanberg. Thanks.



Since no one has mentioned it, if you have not already you should join the MA Arc Finder Channel. It's where most if not all of the MA authors and many of the MA regular players hang. Also, check out the thread here on the MA Super Team. It's something that might interest you and it's a lot of fun.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
Since no one has mentioned it, if you have not already you should join the MA Arc Finder Channel. It's where most if not all of the MA authors and many of the MA regular players hang. Also, check out the thread here on the MA Super Team. It's something that might interest you and it's a lot of fun.

Thanks Wrong Number. I will add it next time I go online.