Devices Question
Sure, it will give you a small chance (5% I think) to have a build up effect happen. It checks every 10 seconds as long as the toggle is active.
It's nice to have it happen occasionally, but I only use the BU proc if I'm slotting the whole set in something. I believe my Sonic/Devices blaster has teh full set in his Targeting Drone, but I don't remember for sure because it's been a few weeks since I logged him in last.
The only gripe I have with outting it in a toggle is that it seems to go off when I'm not fighting most of the time. It's annoying having it go off when you're in mid-air flying to a mission, or between mobs when yuo can't hit anything yet, or standing at WW. I usually put it in a click power like Build Up (chance for double build up), or something like Follow Up or Blinding Feint.
Either way, it's not a bad choice for Targeting Drone as long as the power's other needs are met first.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
How long does the build-up last? Is it 5 seconds, 10, 20?
So far as I can tell, with a 5% chance every 10 seconds, it's going to be up roughly N/2% of the time, where N is the duration in seconds. (10 second duration = 5% of the time). On the other hand, you get to cheat -- if you're waiting for a pull, you can wait until it procs, then attack, so you can start with it up.
it lasts 5 secs. but when it hits, it is definately worth it.
Hello all, I have a quick question about Targeting Drone.Is it worthwhile to put Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control chance for build up in one of my slots?
Thanks for any help