Help me bring back my icons




Hello, when I log onto one of my toons I have one chat box, how do I bring a second chat box underneath the first? Also, on the same toon, I do not show my power icons and insp under my health/xp bar. How do I bring those back? Thank you.



Okay, the chat issue is easy.
1) Log into a different character, who has a good chat window set-up.
2) Make any changes you want to the chat window - add channels, move tabs, etc.
3) Type /chatsave (This will save your chat window settings in a file on your computer.)
4) Log into the character with the borked chat window and type /chatload

Also note: Once you set up a saved chat profile, it will automatically use that set-up for any new characters you create.

As for the buff icons, I'm not sure. I can think of one thing you can try that fixed that sort of problem for a friend.
- Bring up the game menu and pick OPTIONS.
- On the GENERAL tab, scroll pretty far down.
- I don't recall the name of the category, but you want an option that mentions something like "stop sending all buffs".
- Set it to stop sending all buff information and hit APPLY NOW. (Yes, I know this isn't what you want.)
- Then set it to display the buffs and hit APPLY NOW.
- You may also need to zone and/or restart CoH.

Sometimes the settings get 'stuck'. A similar solution applies when your friends tell you that you are in hidden mode but your menu settings say that you are not hidden. Type /hideall and then type /unhideall. This gets it 'unstuck'.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Did we have a rollback? I could swear I already answered this earlier, and the OP even thanked me. lol

I guess he cross-posted it here from Player Questions shortly before I answered him:
help to bring back lost icons

I don't know how I missed this thread unless that's when I got logged out of the forum. lol



Yes master I posted on this forum as well. I tried your solution but no help there. I did get my second chat window. I did not think to log out after apply Masters suggestion so maybe that will help. I will keep you informed.



I don't care if that is his name, you're going to give him a big ego answering like that.
"Yes, Master!"

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



I don't mind feeding egos if it get my icons back. I have had no luck still. I followed the advice of Master and Iron with no luck. Are there any other suggestions? I can not see my power icons and insp under my health/xp bar.



In the options menu, near the bottom of one of the tabs, aren't there two buttons "Save Options" and "Load Options"? I'm not sure, since I use keybinds to load and save options, chat settings, etc.

If I'm recalling those buttons correctly, log into a toon who does display the icons, go into the menu and hit 'Save Options'. Then log into the toon with the problem and hit 'Load Options'.

It's probably some setting we just can't figure out and this should update a whole slew of settings at once.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Thanks Iron, I am at work now earning next months subsrciption payment. I will try tonight and post if anything changes.



I got them back!!!! Thank you Ironblade and Master Blade. Iron you last suggestion worked. I am so happy



Originally Posted by lordsprayer View Post
I got them back!!!! Thank you Ironblade and Master Blade. Iron you last suggestion worked. I am so happy
Not for nothing, but the /optionsave and /optionload commands should have had the same effect as the buttons to load and save the options.. but either way.. glad you got it working.