Will tanks ever get Energy aura ?




Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Fury has been modified since that reason was given and would actually be just fine when working with a massive amount of slows. The modified Fury is a perfect reason to look at Ice for Brutes again, and this has been mentioned time and time again in the Brute forum.
Off topic to the this thread, but aside from my own personal view of "But I don't want Brutes to have my ice armour ):" I think currently the main issue with giving Brutes Ice Armour (Now that the slow isn't an issue) is simply the amount of aggro it gains, at low levels as an Ice Tank you're gaining more aggro than you know how to handle, and giving that to Brutes, with their lower def scaling, you'll be feeling weak, and with both red & blue ATs playing both sides content, anything other than Ice tankers and Inv tankers and maybe dark (the top-tier aggro auras) are going to be complaining that the brute is stealing the aggro, which they may or may not need.

While there was no real "DOOM" when side-switching hit, and tankers are still tankers, giving brutes Ice Armour may bring some problems.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Rylas had the conserve power rework idea. I don't like the idea of replacing it with conductive aura, as that's more electric realm than energy. Even if you give it the same effects, call it absorption aura or something. Of course, that would be a lot of work, since they'd have to come up with a new animation.
Like I said, I don't like cloning other sets powers. I'd only accept it if making an End-Discount Aura was out of the question. But even that should have a debuff added to it for two reasons: 1. Layered mitigation would be helpful. 2. Thematically, it would make no sense as to why it draws aggro without at least some debuff or dmg in it.

The heal, while fast recharging, is still on a sixty second timer. .... Even on a high recharge build, you're waiting probably 20 seconds to heal 5%.
This feels misleading. A properly slotted tank on SOs would have that down to 30 seconds. Also, a properly aggro-oriented tank should be able to get more than 5% heal. I'll admit that always getting 50% is impossible, but 30%-50% shouldn't be too difficult. I will say, the heal should be front loaded. The first hit should get more, taking into account that AV battles tend to provide less fodder.

I've got a DA tanker that can fill his health bar every 17 seconds, and every once in a while, even that's too long to wait.
Well, admittedly, DA on CJ/Tough/Weave on SOs is going to need more heals than EA on with the same set up. Of course, that's my perception of how they play differently, I could be off-base. Feel free to correct me if I am.

Actually, I still think the tanker should get a taunting repel. That'd be a great (fun) way to tank, knocking things all over hell while rolling around like a disco ball on dyne.


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The lower damage powers, no true AoE, lengthy cast time on the 'big' hitter of the set, COMBINED with Ice Patch and the -recharge effect were what caused it. Ice Melee was the problem, not Ice Armor.
You could always replace some of the control powers with a few Dominator Icy Assault powers. They have a point-blank called Ice Sword Circle, and another melee attack called Ice Slash born from Greater Ice Sword.

EDIT: And the cottage rule of avoiding replacing powers only really applies to modifying sets that already exist for that archetype, right? They did it with "BLASTER Psychic Blast," moving powers around to fit the archetype better.



Originally Posted by Tidbit Jr. View Post
You could always replace some of the control powers with a few Dominator Icy Assault powers. They have a point-blank called Ice Sword Circle, and another melee attack called Ice Slash born from Greater Ice Sword.
Well, Ice Melee now is fine. Ice Melee in I6 would have been horrible for brutes. It's gotten fixes since then.

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Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
This feels misleading. A properly slotted tank on SOs would have that down to 30 seconds. Also, a properly aggro-oriented tank should be able to get more than 5% heal. I'll admit that always getting 50% is impossible, but 30%-50% shouldn't be too difficult. I will say, the heal should be front loaded. The first hit should get more, taking into account that AV battles tend to provide less fodder.
It's not misleading. If you're fighting an AV, you only get one target, and even if it's up every 15 seconds, that 5% won't be enough. I think a good way to fix this is like you said, front load the heal. Maybe make it a 15% heal + 1.5% for every target in range beyond the first. Enhances to almost 30% + 3% per, right?

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
It's not misleading. If you're fighting an AV, you only get one target, and even if it's up every 15 seconds, that 5% won't be enough. I think a good way to fix this is like you said, front load the heal. Maybe make it a 15% heal + 1.5% for every target in range beyond the first. Enhances to almost 30% + 3% per, right?
I think we're in agreement. It's just misleading outside of AV situations. I think 15% would be pretty good. But I think it would have to be +1.11% base for everything after, so that after ED caps, you're still at %50 and not over it. I know, it's splitting hairs, but I'm guessing the devs would want to maintain the overall same values. Though, I'd be happy with the 15/1.5 numbers, myself.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Energy Aura was basically created as a replacement for Ice Armor when it was decided that it was too problematic to port to Brutes. So it was never an option when Tankers were created. I'm guessing it will be Proliferated eventually, but I suspect Ice Armor/Melee will be Proliferated to Brutes at about the same time, or part of the same revamping of both sets.

Originally Posted by Doctor_Xaxan View Post
I'd also like a power customization option not to disappear when I have Energy Cloak running. Dark Armor got that change; why not energy aura?
Well, Cloak of Shadows has a graphic effect other than your character becoming transparent. You are also wrapped in a shadowy, vaporous darkness. That effect, AFAIK, does not exist with Energy Cloak.

However, this doesn't mean that, in keeping with the Force Field theme, that a bubble effect couldn't be created that distorts your appearance inside the bubble, instead of rendering you invisible. Or, the transparency could be partial instead of total. (Say, as with Stealth) You could also become more visible when the effect suppressed, as with Hide. (But without the benefits of Hide, obviously)

You could even become reflective, with the new Ultra Mode technology, so you look like you are reflecting your environment to become invisible. Of course, that would probably be even more complex the implementing the new "shadow form" for Shadowy Presense. Which is something else I'd like to see as an alternative for stealth animations.
Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
One of the main reasons [Brutes don't have Ice Armor] was because Ice Melee was absolute crap for Brutes back then. The lower damage powers, no true AoE, lengthy cast time on the 'big' hitter of the set, COMBINED with Ice Patch and the -recharge effect were what caused it. Ice Melee was the problem, not Ice Armor.
I keep forgetting that, but as I have mentioned in the past, that might have been the bigger problem, but it WAS a serious problem because of the additional lack of Fury. Lack of Fury with a low damage set might not have been a problem, and a low damage set with plenty of Fury would be a problem. But lack of Fury AND a lack of AoE and single target damage combined made for a much bigger problem.

With the changes to Fury and to Ice Melee it is likely that both Proliferation of Ice to Brutes and Energy to Tankers is now possible.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
They get the stealth power instead, [of Repulse] which I don't see needing to change. Actually, I still think the tanker should get a taunting repel. That'd be a great (fun) way to tank, knocking things all over hell while rolling around like a disco ball on dyne.
Way back in the day, before Dark Armor was ported to Tankers, I would have said Energy Cloak should be replaced with Repulse, with the knockback changed to knockDOWN. That's likely to be incredibly powerful, but the chance of knockdown could be reduced to compensate. Having the equivalent of an Ice Patch following you around everywhere is likely to be handy for tanking, though. (And unlike a Brute, the Tanker wouldn't have to worry about it reducing his Fury)

After seeing how well Dark Armor's stealth works with Tankers, though, I'm no longer sure Energy Cloak wouldn't work just as well. Brutes also get Dampening Field, which Stalkers do not, Energy Cloak is the counterpart to Hide. And there is Conserve Power to deal with. Electric Armor got Conserve Power changed to Energize, which adds a heal, but since EA has its heal in Energy Drain, I'm not sure it can get the same power. Perhaps a version of Energize with a lesser heal magnitude, or perhaps some other effect altogether. (Say a recovery or regeneration buff)

Perhaps the best idea is to ignore Conserve Power altogether and give Tankers both Energy Cloak and Damping Field, and a revamped Repulse. Actually, if its Taunt effect was strong enough to force knocked back foes to run back at the Tanker, that would no longer be an issue. And as you said, the idea of a Tanker rolling through a crowd like a bowling ball, sending the foes flying only to have them run at him to be flung back again would be hilarious. And probably mitigate the need for a more powerful heal.

I suppose there's no reason Energy Cloak's effect couldn't be extended to be a Taunt aura, though. Instead of rendering the Tanker invisible, it can distort his image as above, and confuse the foes and disorient them into attacking the Tanker and each other. So it might have an effect like World of Confusion. You could literally make it a disco ball effect instead of invisibility, instead of lowering the Tanker's aggro, it has the opposite effect, it uses a light show to draw attention to him. Still part of the concept, just in reverse.



Whoops. I missed the comment about repel in Dechs' post. I was just thinking that the heal needed to be better and was agreeing to that part. My bad.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Tidbit Jr. View Post
EDIT: And the cottage rule of avoiding replacing powers only really applies to modifying sets that already exist for that archetype, right? They did it with "BLASTER Psychic Blast," moving powers around to fit the archetype better.
Yes, the cottage rule only applies to existing sets. When a set is Proliferated to another AT, they can nerf it or buff it or change around the powers any way they want if they want to.

Of course, if they do come up with a good change, they may need to try to work that into the existing versions as well. Like with Energize. Energize didn't change Conserve Power, though, it just added a new effect on top of it.