Any chance Stalker gets another buff in I19?




Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
You're forming a team for Posi 1 and 2

Can you honestly say you would take the Stalker?
If I cared that much, it would depend on powersets taken and IO's in build, although at the level to run a Posi the limit in available powers might eat up the difference.

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A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
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Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
It becomes either or when grabbing people for TF's and Trials.

You're forming a team for Posi 1 and 2

You have 7 people already,and the spread of abilities covers all the essentials, you broadcast room for 1 more, a scrapper and a stalker both express an interest. Which do you take?

Can you honestly say you would take the Stalker?
Such a ridiculously contrived set of circumstances. In practice it's whoever responds first, especially red side. Blue side has other problems and stalkers don't fit all that nicely into blue teams. And for Positron, I'd go with the stalker to be honest if forced to actually choose. Killing Mortifcators early on is vital to prevent the Embalmed Abominations from coming back.



Maybe add a buff to assassin strike maybe cooldown abit longer when stalker does assassin strike stalker is effected by shadowstep next 10 secs it count as be hidden mobs see stalker but stalker benefit of the increase crit rate in those 10 secs.


Give Stalker same damage modifier as Scrapper and up max HP abit from 16xx to 1900 or something.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
Well ideally it would be within a millisecond of each other, essentially the same time. Of course that never happens in game but for this situation to work it would have to be the same time.

Basically Scrapper or Stalker with all other things being even.

EDIT: Responding to Bills second paragraph

Again I realize you and several other posters absolutely do not care what AT is on the team as long as everyone is having fun.
Again, for the first, my answer is "Whoever shows up first," as even "the same millisecond," one will show up as asking first.

For the second, then reword your question to "If you're absolutely obsessive over your team makeup to where you have a spreadsheet out calculating to the tenth place your DPS, your idea of survivability, etc, etc, etc, which would you take?"

In which case my reply is "You're too uptight about it for this to be even slightly fun, so I drop the team, leaving two slots so you can invite both."

Also, you mention Posi 1 and 2. If you're doing them at "native" level, frankly, the Scrapper isn't going to be all that great either.



Well, now we know the answer, which is no. Thread closed.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Savos View Post
The truth is that during leveling any AT is preferable to nothing which is often the case.
This is, in fact, false. An extra player on the team increases spawn sizes. If you are looking at a team which is already struggling, adding a player who increases difficulty but does not contribute enough is very much WORSE than not having invited an additional player at all.

In fact, oftentimes it's preferable to run with a smaller team even if you are, in fact, adding good players with strong characters. Sometimes large teams make coordination hard, lead to extra unavoidable aggro and generally drag certain missions out. The old Positron TF was a great example. Run it with three people and it's easy as pie. Run it with eight people, and you're gonna' die. A lot.

The whole problem is you're working off the mentality that the bigger the team, the better for everyone. This is provably not the case as a blanket rule, even if it's often true nonetheless. There are a fair few cases where deciding if you want to add another player at all is, in fact, a meaningful decision, and one that's harder to agree on unless you actually specifically NEED that particular character. Yes, good players can oftentimes override these problems by sheer awesomeness, but not all of us build for that.

All of that is to say that you cannot just brush Stalker desirability issues under the carpet as irrelevant. They are. In fact, Castle has told me to my face that in a new AT suggestion that unless that AT served some role on a team, it was unlikely to be accepted. Unless Stalkers serve some function on a team that makes them desirable in at least some situations, then there is a problem. Whether or not YOU in particular would choose to invite a Stalker or not is irrelevant. All that matters is numerical efficiency - if there is no situation in which adding a Stalker to the team is more efficient than adding a Scrapper or a Brute, then this testifies to a need for changes and improvements.

In the simplest of terms - just because one player can play one AT and one player will always invite one AT does not mean that this AT does not have problems or deserve improvements. In fact, hand-waving problems away as "it doesn't concern ME" is a significant disservice to both the AT in question and to game balance in general.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is, in fact, false. An extra player on the team increases spawn sizes. If you are looking at a team which is already struggling, adding a player who increases difficulty but does not contribute enough is very much WORSE than not having invited an additional player at all.

In fact, oftentimes it's preferable to run with a smaller team even if you are, in fact, adding good players with strong characters. Sometimes large teams make coordination hard, lead to extra unavoidable aggro and generally drag certain missions out. The old Positron TF was a great example. Run it with three people and it's easy as pie. Run it with eight people, and you're gonna' die. A lot.

The whole problem is you're working off the mentality that the bigger the team, the better for everyone. This is provably not the case as a blanket rule, even if it's often true nonetheless. There are a fair few cases where deciding if you want to add another player at all is, in fact, a meaningful decision, and one that's harder to agree on unless you actually specifically NEED that particular character. Yes, good players can oftentimes override these problems by sheer awesomeness, but not all of us build for that.

All of that is to say that you cannot just brush Stalker desirability issues under the carpet as irrelevant. They are. In fact, Castle has told me to my face that in a new AT suggestion that unless that AT served some role on a team, it was unlikely to be accepted. Unless Stalkers serve some function on a team that makes them desirable in at least some situations, then there is a problem. Whether or not YOU in particular would choose to invite a Stalker or not is irrelevant. All that matters is numerical efficiency - if there is no situation in which adding a Stalker to the team is more efficient than adding a Scrapper or a Brute, then this testifies to a need for changes and improvements.

In the simplest of terms - just because one player can play one AT and one player will always invite one AT does not mean that this AT does not have problems or deserve improvements. In fact, hand-waving problems away as "it doesn't concern ME" is a significant disservice to both the AT in question and to game balance in general.
I agree!

I play Stalkers and I do invite Stalkers (because I feel sorry for them and I don't think Stalker is that bad) but it doesn't mean Stalkers can't use some "changes". It doesn't have to be a "buff" because buff is a plus. I just want some changes to how Assassin Strike works on a team (it's taking too long IMO) and I would prefer changing team critical buff radius even at the expense of having less critical % per party member. I would gladly take 2% critical buff from each teammate than 3% within 30' radius. I call it a change and some can call it a buff or nerf depending on the situation.

And yes, I sometimes prefer a smaller team. I don't know why some people insist on inviting until the team is full. I only invite when I feel the team needs something to be better. If my team already has 2-3 melee, I will not invite another melee, which includes Stalker. The only exception is Bane soldier. :P

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.