Splitting Hairs?




Hello brutes!

I'm starting my first brute since CoV launched and I'm having a hard time deciding.

SS/SD or SS/Fire

I have heard that /Fire can really help with keeping rage up, has that nifty heal, and the mini build up is handy.

But then I look at the +damage from /SD, shield charge, and the ability to softcap with very little cost.

I was wondering if any of you had some good experiences or advice that could help sway me?

Citizen Hardcoil - 50 Fire/Rad Controller
Citizen Synthetic - 50 Emp/Eng defender
Citizen Marksman - 50 Arch/MM Blaster
Citizen Golem - 50 Stone/Fire Tank
HMS Shield - 50 Invul/SS Tank
Armordillo Burn - 50 Fire/energy Tank
Exodus Weapon - 50 Eng/Eng Blaster



Originally Posted by CitizenSynthetic View Post
Hello brutes!

I'm starting my first brute since CoV launched and I'm having a hard time deciding.

SS/SD or SS/Fire

I have heard that /Fire can really help with keeping rage up, has that nifty heal, and the mini build up is handy.
/Fire has very little to grant you in terms of keeping rage, or fury up.

The heal is nice, but it's a heal you pretty much require to survive.

The mini-build up is no longer a mini-build up, and is now better than it was.

/Fire is a very special Brute build, you put out fantastic damage but you are extremely squishy compared to most other Brute secondaries. I would not recommend SS/Fire if your goal is lots of TFs, or taking alpha strikes for teams and being the main aggro hog.

Originally Posted by CitizenSynthetic View Post
But then I look at the +damage from /SD, shield charge, and the ability to softcap with very little cost.

I was wondering if any of you had some good experiences or advice that could help sway me?

You can softcap SD relatively easily, and when you do you will be far more survivable in the vast majority of game situations than you would on the /Fire build.

The main disadvantage of SS/SD is the endurance issue. It will always be there, you will always deal with rage crahses and not even physical perfection will always cushion the blow.

Other than that, it's extremely powerful. it has it's foils, but all builds do.



Hey there and welcome to the brute boards!

I am a little excited as you have chosen my two most favorite secondaries as something you might roll for your new brute.

My advice is to roll both, and don't delete either. Seriously. Both are fantastic and good in different situations. For me, it almost rolls down to what kind of enemies I am going up against. If I am running up against enemies with tons of +to hit or accuracy, I will probably run with an /fa so I don't get shredded. If I am running against some baddies that are not quite as accurate in their attacks, I might grab the /SD. Nothing ruins your day like defense getting eaten through like it isn't even there.

The only thing that dissuades me from saying SS goes hand in hand with /SD is the rage crash. Sure, it is manageable, predictable and even negligible. Rage can easily be made perma, but every now and then, it might crash and catch you with your pants down. At least with /fa, your resistances and heal will help you off a bit better than /sd will.

Maybe I am just an oddball- but I don't think SS/SD is soft cappable without considerable monetary investment. It will be a tight build and very expensive. I would even be willing to say that the /fa will become uber before the /sd with similar funds.

Nothing will get attention like a SS/SD so be sure you are ready for instant and perma hate. If you are half slotted, and not capped to defense in all three positional vectors, and dry for inspiration, you might end up in a bad situation. (I know, a lot of conditions... hehe). SD is pretty much the most aggro hungry brute secondary available, so you will be pulling aggro off of other brutes whether you want to or not. Also, you will probably peel aggro off of tanks somewhat regularly.

I could go on all day about these two combos, but I will say that they are both incredibly versatile, engaging and fun for me. I think you should roll and keep both, but honestly, work the /FA up first. Personally, shield defense is unplayable until you are softcapped.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality