Need Advice: Stalker a One Trick Pony?
I am not sure what draws other Stalker fans to play Stalker but my reasons are:
1. Pretty rare. I don't like using something that is too popular that's why I've never played Super Strength or Kinetic.
2. Critical. I enjoy seeing critical even if it's low damage.
3. Hide. I enjoy going almost everywhere I want without aggro.
Stalker is pretty bad before lvl 20 especially if you took Placate and Assassin Strike. Some sets like Spines don't even get a "decent" attack like Impale until lvl 18 and Kinetic doesn't get Focused until 26. You can ignore all of your secondary shields but then you'll just prove to those Stalker-haters that Stalker is too fragile. Stalker is NOT that fragile if you take and invest in the secondary. The problem is you don't have that many power choices!
I've played so many Stalkers that I think taking Placate too early is bad for overall performance before Single Origin. Placate has long recharge at low level and build up is even longer. Hell, even Assassin Strike has 15s. You are better off taking one more attack than taking placate.
Well, some call Stalker "One trick pony" or "one-dimensional". We are still debating about it. Stalker actually has got more AoE oriented powersets lately. Electricity Melee is a good example. Broadsword, while not having Whirling (bummer), has two cones in the end. Stalker's role on a larger team is diminished as you level up. At lower level, Stalker with build up and AS can almost kill an even level boss. Now that's efficient at that level! Young Stalker players usually feel "Wow, my AS did over 250 damage in one hit!). But as other people level up and have access to better attacks and better buffs/debuffs, your Stalker's Assassin Strike in a larger team situation becomes less and less important. Brutes start to jump in and start smashing things while most Corrs probably only buff or heal Brutes (because they are obvious targets) and Masterminds can care less if Stalker is setting up for AS and a good Dominator can "reduce threat" way more efficient than a Stalker can ever dream of.
Of course you don't always have to use Assassin Strike. Nobody is forcing you, right? Then ask yourself this question. What is the point of playing Stalker without using Hide, AS and Placate?
I honestly think you should stick with your Stalker until past lvl 38. Judge this AT by yourself. You should find that Stalker is not as fragile as most people tend to think. Oh and I hope you've chosen a primary that has some aoe attacks because a lot of Energy melee Stalkers complain that they don't offer enough damage on a team because you spend 1s hitting BU, 4s setting AS and if you placate, that's another 1.5s and Total Focus takes over 3s and Energy Transfer takes 2.67s. Wow...that's like close to 10s for just doing two attacks??!!!! Of course they feel they are not doing much. But if you are Spines or Elec or Claw/Db, you don't always need to start with Assassin Strike. I would play him like a mini Blaster with decent burst aoe damage.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I'm not sure what kind of Stalker you are playing, but if you want a Stalker that can contribute more to a team "early on" than just AS and hiding...then Dual Blades is definitely a set you should look into. I'm seriously loving my DB Stalker more than any Stalker I've made in the past when it comes to teaming in the low levels. As is known, the lowbie levels for a Stalker can be a bit tedious...and if you're using a Primary that has "long" boring animations as well as "long"'re going to be doing alot of standing around between attacks...which is...well...boring.
Ever since lvl 2 my DB Stalker has been pumping out almost non-stop attacks. Thanks to the bonus criticals when teamed, the non-stop attacking is really helping me and my team clear mobs...FAST. I lead in with an AS, sure, but after that it's scrap scrap scrap until the mob dies, or until another "good" opportunity arrises to setup another AS.
DB is beautiful, and it's only getting better. It has many many pluses: very fast set, great looking animations, solid single target damage, solid aoe damage, the ability to pump out a continuous attack chain without needing Hasten and about $1 Billion in IO's. Furthermore, DB has a very unique "combo-system" which, when used correctly, can be a real benefit to you AND your team. The combo-system alone helps keep you on your toes and from being bored, as there are certain ones for certain situations which will yield you better reward.
DB is fantastic. To the OP, try that and maybe */Nin or */SR.
I've got a Dark/Ninja stalker. I didn't like the idea of stalkers for the longest time, but decided to give it a shot.
Turns out it's not a bad character. For the first 20-25 levels I just did the hit and run style, but then I started slotting more defense and getting IO set bonuses. At 42 it's not totally soft-capped, but it's got a 40+ defense on melee and ranged.
And it's pretty robust. I usually play at +1/x2, and I can aggro two or three spawns and have no trouble surviving (there's no significant AoE attack so there's little reason to play at higher than x2 other than bragging rights). I anticipate that against mobs that have a lot of defense debuff you'd have serious trouble, but I haven't experienced it yet.
I previously had an Energy/Ninja stalker but gave up on it about level 16. Dark/Ninja seems to have more synergy: the -acc debuff on the attacks really seems to beef up the defense. Once you get Siphon Life slotted up, it's a really great power. You get good recharge, good acc, good healing and decent damage in six slots: frankenslotted you can get a self-heal that recharges in 6 seconds AND does decent damage. Kuji-In Sha will heal your big boo-boos (and it's a great place to slot Steadfast: Res/+Def).
I also like Blinding Powder and Smoke Flash -- they give the character more character.
SR is probably better numbers-wise because of the defense debuff resistance. But /Ninja is just more interesting to me.
Ive never played a Stalker before and got one to Level 12 in Praetoria. Im seriously considering abandoning the character for the following reasons.
Ive read about some of the challenges a Stalker faces in Praetoria so realize thats maybe not the best way to start an archetype youve never played. 1) Recharge times on powers. Even with Recharge in two enhancements slots (never done that before on any other character!), it seems painfully slow to get the basic strikes to a playable state against mobs and ambushes. (And yes, Ive gotten a little spoiled with the faster combat mechanics of that other major player in the MMO Superhero arena.) 2) It seems a one trick pony archetype: Yeah, that first stealthed assassin strike is awesome, but after that, the class seems terribly underpowered so far. 3) I really like the concept of the stalker, but is there any real payoff in the later levels? When I leveled my Scrapper to the top, early on he was hard to sustain, but later on he proved a total blast of a great time to play at the upper levels? Thanks all. I am always impressed at the great input these forums provide. |
2) AS is awesome, but it's not something I find I rely on in high levels (others may differ on this). Solo, I always tend to make use of it...BU -> AS -> Placate -> Burst works well. On teams, have to change it up a bit, sometimes it just won't pay to AS things.
On an ITF last night, I was DPSing pretty much, with lots of Placate -> Burst. Yes, your damage will feel a bit less than a scrappers for the most part, but stalkers can still put out good DPS.
3) I'm enjoying my Stalker! It's a Scrapper with a bit more risk! Less health to cover your butt, when things start to go south. I'd say it has the stealth going for it, but I can think of quite a few high level enemies that can see through my Stalkers hide + stealth IO :/ Rikti Drones, Knives of Artemis, and Rularuu. Not to mention on a lot of enemy maps, my Scrapper could just run through the map to the end, no problem.
Still having a blast though!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection
I'm not sure what kind of Stalker you are playing, but if you want a Stalker that can contribute more to a team "early on" than just AS and hiding...then Dual Blades is definitely a set you should look into. I'm seriously loving my DB Stalker more than any Stalker I've made in the past when it comes to teaming in the low levels. As is known, the lowbie levels for a Stalker can be a bit tedious...and if you're using a Primary that has "long" boring animations as well as "long"'re going to be doing alot of standing around between attacks...which is...well...boring.
Ever since lvl 2 my DB Stalker has been pumping out almost non-stop attacks. Thanks to the bonus criticals when teamed, the non-stop attacking is really helping me and my team clear mobs...FAST. I lead in with an AS, sure, but after that it's scrap scrap scrap until the mob dies, or until another "good" opportunity arrises to setup another AS. DB is beautiful, and it's only getting better. It has many many pluses: very fast set, great looking animations, solid single target damage, solid aoe damage, the ability to pump out a continuous attack chain without needing Hasten and about $1 Billion in IO's. Furthermore, DB has a very unique "combo-system" which, when used correctly, can be a real benefit to you AND your team. The combo-system alone helps keep you on your toes and from being bored, as there are certain ones for certain situations which will yield you better reward. DB is fantastic. To the OP, try that and maybe */Nin or */SR. |
If you're like me and have played the game for 4+ years, you'll think Caltrops should be called Craptrops. This is true for every class but /Nin Stalkers. If the enemy is too busy running, you don't need to worry about dying! Awesome, right? Best. Mitigation. Ever.
I echo DarkMaster's post. Try Dual Blades. Try it paired with /Nin.
![Big Grin](images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."
I second that Dual Blade is a very good starter for Stalker. You've got decent ST and decent cone attacks.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
My first stalker was dark/dark and she is still my favorite villain and second favorite character. I regularly exemp down to levels below 10 and have no trouble with the reduced power options.
And I'm playing with a totally gimped build that I'm afraid to try to fix.
I can recommend these tips:
If you're not running a weapon set (claws, ninja blade, spines) and you will eventually take fighting or flight pools, then go and get the melee attack as early as you can. I took Air Superiority at level 6. I don't regret it. Every time I exemp down and face the Elite Boss Vampyre in Port Oaks I'm glad I have it available. Gives me another attack, helps survivability, and it's pretty ok as a power.
Don't hit and run. Instead Hit and placate. You don't need to hit the foe you placated to score teh crit. If you have three enemies, AS the toughest, placate a second, attack the third while the second just watches. If you get out of line of sight while fighting the second, the placated guy might not chase you (some will most won't). Stalkers are the only melee AT where 3:1 is actually a 1:1 scenario two times. Three if you count the insta-kill from AS as a fight. At higher levels 4:1 is still only two 1:1 fights because you AS the first, placate the second, 1-shot thanks to crit the third, melee down the fourth, and then the second finally decides to join in.
Sometimes you're better off letting the target of your AS live so you get off the fear effect. Sometimes you're better off dropping a really dangerous enemy. Sometimes you need buildup with AS to kill the guy, sometimes he'll die in one hit anyway so buildup AFTER so you can drop the next two faster.
Don't just go for the toughest enemy. Pick and choose. Boss-level gunslinger or Sapper? Don't always go for the boss.
Stalkers can be a one-trick pony, but really they're flexible enough that if you choose to go that route it was your decision, not something the AT forced on you.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Ive never played a Stalker before and got one to Level 12 in Praetoria. Im seriously considering abandoning the character for the following reasons.
Ive read about some of the challenges a Stalker faces in Praetoria so realize thats maybe not the best way to start an archetype youve never played.
1) Recharge times on powers. Even with Recharge in two enhancements slots (never done that before on any other character!), it seems painfully slow to get the basic strikes to a playable state against mobs and ambushes. (And yes, Ive gotten a little spoiled with the faster combat mechanics of that other major player in the MMO Superhero arena.)
2) It seems a one trick pony archetype: Yeah, that first stealthed assassin strike is awesome, but after that, the class seems terribly underpowered so far.
3) I really like the concept of the stalker, but is there any real payoff in the later levels? When I leveled my Scrapper to the top, early on he was hard to sustain, but later on he proved a total blast of a great time to play at the upper levels?
Thanks all. I am always impressed at the great input these forums provide.