Team mates not appearing on the map.




I've searched but could find no word on this bug but as it has remained unfixed for quite a while now I thought I'd ask if anyone knew what was being done about it.

For the last few months now on about 30% of the missions I've done I've found that my team mate does not show up on the map. Not a massive deal I know but it can cause problems when we both take different directions thinking the other is right behind us and we end up taking on mobs alone.

I know it's not just me as my playing partner is having the same issue. Not always at the same time though. Have the devs indicated what they are doing about it? I'm a little surprised I couldn't find a post about it as it is easy to see. Unless I've just been using the wrong search terms.



I'm going to chime in and say I have had this issue as well. Ever since the new "final objective" stuff was added to the map, things have acted funny. Once in a while, certain teammates wont show up on the map, even though the rest of them are there. If they rush ahead, the map clears, but they have no arrow. Sometimes after going through an elevator they will reappear.

When this happens, it is not consistent from player to player. For example, I might not be ale to see Player A, but Player B still sees him, or I can see his MM pets on the map, but he can't... etc

Also, I've had enemies show up once I get to the last mob, but for some reason only 4 of the 5 enemies in the mob have arrows on the map.

Other random oddities I've noticed:
Ambush or Boss spawn locations marked on the map with an arrow labeled "???".
Jail Cell doors and the -Teleport field around them showing up on the map.
CoT crystals showing up on the map on the Orenbega maps.
Once final objective is completed, Pet and escort arrows will show up with a dot in the middle (just like the "you are here" arrow)



Thats a point MB I'd almost forgot about those. Add to his list red arrows showing up during the "final objective" phase for enemies that don't exist. Resulting in time spent looking for something that isn't there.

Also is there some rule as to when they appear at the end of missions? It seems to only happen in about 20-25% of missions.



My favorite random bugs are when every teammate shows up with the white dot on their arrow, so I can't tell which one is me, and when every enemy on the entire map shows up. It looks like a convention of red ants.

There is also a feature they seem to have left out.
When you have multiple glowies to click, the last one usually shows up.
When you have to defeat all, the last few enemies usually show up.

When you have multiple rescues, you're left high and dry. Rescue 24 stage magicians? Guess what, pal, you're going to have to find every single one the hard way.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I have had this same problem recently. I play with a friend from the west coast and it seems like half the time we can't find one another on mini map. We usually stick pretty close together so its not a huge issue but when your about to rush into a huge mob it's nice to be able to glance at that map and KNOW your help didn't wander off down the a different corridor in a COT cave instead of actually having to spin my character around to see if he's still there.

This isn't even confined to tracking other team mates some of the NPCs, like Frostfire or Overdrive, that I have teamed up with on certain Tip missions will be there on my map one minute and then POOF gone the next. No I'm not talking about them suddenly saying "I'll meet up with you later" .. they are still following me and fighting but their green triangle just vanishes.

I do like this new system it comes in very handy when dealing with multiple glowies or finding that last COT that wandered off and hid in some little corner of the map on a defeat all. It does have some bugs though.. I did a defeat all a few days ago and all of a sudden just got Mission Complete.. never did see any red triangle indicating I was down to only a couple more enemies to find and battle.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I have had the same issue, no team mates show up, but parts of the map will uncover in the direction a player is moving on the map. Same with Ironblade, when team members do show up they have that white dot- which has left me running into walls a fair number of times on an escort hostage mission!



FlyingCodeMonkey and I have had this problem recently, as well.

For some reason it seems to hit me a little more often than it hits him, but either way it's an annoying bug... And I can only use the "back-up" of telling where he is by watching which part of the mini-map is revealing itself when he *hasn't* already used his vet power to unmask the entire thing before we start. Which is rare. o_0

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...