Rage vs Tactics




No doubt Rage is a more effective power, by far, over Tactics, and Assault is probably not even noticable on a Brute, but I was wondering if anyone who plays a SS Brute, skips Rage, and uses Tactics instead. Reason why I ask, is I find the frequent endurance and defense drop, and lack of damage when Rage expires, to be a bit of a hassle. IIRC, the defense doesn't drop if you get Rage to stack, but I'm just using SO's at the moment, and I don't always get to that point, or I just plain forget.

Down the line I intend to get recharge set bonuses, among other things, but I wanted to get some feedback on those who deal with Rage, and if anyone thinks skipping it is a viable option on a Brute. Thank you!



Rage isn't just a boost to to-hit, it is also an 80% boost to damage. Double stacked thats 160%, and that isn't that hard to do, even with SOs. So taking Tactics instead of Rage is viable, but gimps the ever living crap out of your damage. The crash is the price you pay for that kind of amazing power.



If you take tactics and put in 3 IOs of end redux you end up with about .2 eps. This is equal to 48 end over the 240 seconds you would have rage up. Rage costs 25 end when it drops. Ill take the less overall cost vs higher cost, even if it means I have to pay that cost in one big chunk.

Now even with a perma double stacked rage your end use is about the same in most cases. So in addition to the same end cost over time, you end up with a constant +160% damage, I think Ill go with rage.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
If you take tactics and put in 3 IOs of end redux you end up with about .2 eps. This is equal to 48 end over the 240 seconds you would have rage up. Rage costs 25 end when it drops. Ill take the less overall cost vs higher cost, even if it means I have to pay that cost in one big chunk.

Now even with a perma double stacked rage your end use is about the same in most cases. So in addition to the same end cost over time, you end up with a constant +160% damage, I think Ill go with rage.
Expanding on this, with the Rage Building up your damage, you WILL finish off the enemy faster, which means you've used less powers to defeat him, and thus even LESS endurance than if you just had Tactics.

No, I don't know anyone who picks Tactics over Rage.



That really puts it in context for me. I think at this point I just need to look at my build and optimize it a bit. Thanks, everyone!