Enemy Redesign Contest 1

Chad Gulzow-Man



AE's been a little quiet lately...how about a contest? I'm thinking of running a biweekly enemy redesign contest. I'll pick an enemy group and people will tweak it and stick it in a quick mission as an example or publicly upload a zip file of the group. The catch is that the enemy group must retain one enemy from the original version.

This week's enemy group shall be... *spins wheel*


Deadline: 09/15/2010
Prize: 50 Million inf



How are you going to rate them? Just by overall feel?



How excatly do you want them to be redesigned?

Harder? Updated with more recent powersets? More expanded? Made for level 50s?



Originally Posted by Kidou View Post
How excatly do you want them to be redesigned?

Harder? Updated with more recent powersets? More expanded? Made for level 50s?
And on which server?



Originally Posted by HeroeMan View Post
How are you going to rate them? Just by overall feel?
Overall feel. Admittedly I'm making this up as I go but my subscription is current and I have enough inf so at least one person will win.

Originally Posted by Kidou View Post
How excatly do you want them to be redesigned?

Harder? Updated with more recent powersets? More expanded? Made for level 50s?
"Whatever works." Some groups may need to be harder and others easier. I like a 3 minion/2 LT/1 boss proportional mix though a 2/3/1 mix can work well too. A 1/1/1 ratio is bad. Try clever tricks like re-purposing enemies from one group to another. I will say that they need to mostly match the level range they are already available which is part of the reason fro requiring one prior mob in the group. Another reason for that (other than just throwing a monkey wrench in the mix) is to keep the group recognizable. It's one thing to add more of a magical or tech slant to a mostly normal group. It's another to stick everyone in Day Glo colored Iron Man armor.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Johnny View Post
And on which server?

Due to I18 I'll be mailing inf to globals. So I believe that's everyone except for the European servers unless someone over there wants to match my payouts.



Arc ID: 445334

I've re-imagined the warriors in a slightly more difficult and bloodthirsty way. It may not fit all your criteria... but I think they're fun.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
The catch is that the enemy group must retain one enemy from the original version.
Do recolors count?



Well I'm a noob architect, but I may try it out. Not sure how you would move groups around, but its trial and error.



Originally Posted by Lurker Hunter View Post
Do recolors count?
Of course.

Also, I probably won't start looking at groups until near the deadline. One last thing, each enemy needs a bio, even if it's just copy/paste from a previous version of the mob.



Just a friendly reminder that the contest ends next week. Hopefully I'll have picked the winner and mailed the prize by Friday.



Looking at my watch, today is the 14th, therefore tomorrow is the 15th and the deadline. 50 million inf is up for grabs for one lucky entrant.



Well, rather than redesign the whole gang, I've added a few new mobs at each rank to raise the challenge a bit without making it as trying as a group of completely custom critters.

You'll find them here:
Warriors come out to play
Arc ID: 449306



D'oh, wish I'd seen this thread earlier. The contest sounds like a lot of fun, Zam. I'll have to jump in on the next time you run something like this.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Completely forgot about this contest. Dang it. Will there be a gallery of the winners?

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Both entrants have valid takes on the redesign. Gonna take a bit to decide between the two. However, I need to check something because there's a possibility that one might lose on a technicality.



In the end, I decided to award both. I need to sit down and hash out a more specific reward criteria for the next one (be on the lookout for it). However, in-game email has been used to mail the inf prizes for this one.

For Hotaru's entry, he opted to keep the Warriors the same but with newer models. Perhaps the most defining change was adding "Amazons" that did manage to fit in with the rest of the group visually. While the arc itself wasn't the subject of the contest, it had a few funny bits in it here and there.

For Kidou's entry, he played up their dedication to Greek myth by having high ranks don armor and even having a rarer boss spawn with Zeus Lightning. It was a more diverse group than Hotaru's offering but had a few more typos and lacked one of the original Warriors mixed into the enemy group.

Both groups incorporated archers for more range than standard Warriors and both had shielders though I'm curious about the powers the shield guys have.

In the "I'm not a dev so nobody cares" side of things, I'd actually merge the two. I'd have an Amazon faction within the group while having the group as a whole slowly become more myth inspired as they go up in rank. I think Kidou may have had them level up a smidge too fast. Granted, random weapon caches and mystic artifacts abound in Paragon but I'd have a more distinct half and half between street thug and 300 for the LTs.

It may take a bit for me to get the pics from the groups. However, if any Ultra Mode enabled folks would like to take pictures then it would be much appreciated. *hint hint nudge kick stab*