AV/Hero solo characteristics
From what I've heard, you need high defenses (So, /Traps, /FF, possibly /Thermal or /Dark) Presence is necessary, as are ranged pets, Tough/Weave isn't necessary, but helpful, as would be Manuvers and Combat Jumping/Hover. Basically the idea is move the pets a little bit away, but still in Supremacy range, and tankermind the hell out of the AV/Hero.
I've been told that Soul Mastery is the best one to take as it has the best shield (it does appear to be the best shield, adding Res to 4 different damage types).
You want to add IO sets that increase +Def or +Res, too. Of particular note is the Shield Wall's special IO that adds +3 Res to all damage types and the special Gladiator's Armor that adds +3 Def to all damage types. Blood Mandate is the favored Pet set as it has +Def, too.
interesting, I had the same feeling. of course, mace mastery gives actual defense to s/l/e instead of resistance which I suspect is of only passing use. there is going to be an issue of the enemy regenerating gobs of health.. not sure what should really be ideal here.
do you think its important that the pets actually soft cap? it sounds like they are hopefully out of troubles way while you go rip into mister big shot.
I'm still rolling mercs (debuffing), pain (heal+regen) with perma-haste.. but its rather expensive to test a theory
Bots is actually pretty good at taking down AVs, my bot/dark gets AVs/heroes/GMs down to 0regen really easily (so he could solo some of the "easier" ones with just SOs) and most of that is from the plasma things on my bot. Not to mention you got +def and also some -dmg. (which AVs don't resist making it affective pseudores) Also if you got immobilization(which most AVs dont have any resistance too, without there god mode that is) you can keep them from running out of the assault bots burn patch thing.
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
for a mm you need 3 things to solo av's easierly
D cap
Traps offers the first and the last easily. You'll need minimal recharge to keep the -regen of poison trap up full time.
Bots are a full range who will even buff your shields even further meaning you don't need to slop for more defense but can instead focus entirely on recharge or worry about them getting hit by a pbaoe.
Bots traps can probably solo more varieties of AV's then any other Arch in the game.
My brother told me about his use of Ninja/Poison to solo AV's, and how he used to laugh as the tohit debuff coupled with some defence stopped him and his ninjas getting hit and the -res and high single target damage allowed him to take their health down fast.
Also a well built Bots/Traps should be able to work well.
If I went with something/traps and not bots/traps would I find myself unable to solo some AVs, where if I went bots I would have been able to?
My brother told me about his use of Ninja/Poison to solo AV's, and how he used to laugh as the tohit debuff coupled with some defence stopped him and his ninjas getting hit and the -res and high single target damage allowed him to take their health down fast.
Also a well built Bots/Traps should be able to work well. |
also I find ninjas to be pretty bad as a set as well, even with their high damage.... I'd go give him a noogie, an Indian rugburn or possibly even a Polish bike ride.

for a mm you need 3 things to solo av's easierly
D cap Taunt -regen Traps offers the first and the last easily. You'll need minimal recharge to keep the -regen of poison trap up full time. Bots are a full range who will even buff your shields even further meaning you don't need to slop for more defense but can instead focus entirely on recharge or worry about them getting hit by a pbaoe. Bots traps can probably solo more varieties of AV's then any other Arch in the game. |
I think merc could prolly be really good as you can slot the -res proc in them but ive never tried that out.
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
I like Bot/dark more, but thats just me. You got a lot of debuffs and one of the best self heals out there(and you kind of get it twice cuz of the dark pet). My /dark can get AVs down to about 30% tohit and about -50% dmg for most of the battle and up to -90% dmg every once and awhile.
I think merc could prolly be really good as you can slot the -res proc in them but ive never tried that out. |
and honestly the mercs seem to trash the thugs at high level content. I'm guessing achilles heel + lady grey add up real fast the way they open up on targets fully upgraded. at lower levels or without proper slotting thugs do win out - but its all just smashing/lethal with a touch of fire. mercs its all debuffing the whole time. I don't think a lot of people get mercs all the way to the pointy top all that often to truly see their potential. that said, they are resistance based and there isn't really a way to softcap deff (and its all or nothing when it comes to Avs.). a set that adds resists suits them best - but enough to really deal with an av? I'm probably going to make that mercs/Pain with the perma/haste and see how it works. I'll have to double check a few things on the build before i go through the trouble of getting him off to 50 though

TBH, the only thing that really will matter when it comes to taking down tough mobs on a good build will be -regen. I main a lvl50 Ninja/Storm, 66% or so S/L resist, 33% or so positional defense, no Hasten, and even with that weak build BG mode keeps me alive.
I can go toe to toe with the likes of LR and Synapse pretty well (until I get mezzed...) but I couldn't even dream of ever killing an AV solo because I don't have any -regen, so make sure you go poison, traps, thermal, pain, TA, or dark.
...(*rereads list*) well... just make sure you don't choose storm lol. You survive but you can't kill.
Hi Fellas,

I've been playing around with some uber builds here, mostly for my own entertainment really. Seems to me there is a few ways to go about this... but what characteristics do you think are most important for fighting the most powerful enemeis in this game?
I'm already 100% sure we are talking ranged pets so thats Mercs, Thugs, Robots. Should I be looking at a high def character? (Like Bots/Traps, or Thugs/Traps?) is regeneration really useful, say, a character with perma-haste pain domination? I don't feel that the primary is necessary important, Mercs can be configured to do some genuinely mean debuffing, thugs can do great straight up (if generic) damage... Bots are usually reliable but it seems to be they are a little bit wasted on single target damage. Is resistance helpful much?
What do you guys think would work best? I'm leaning towards high-def since on paper it looks like it should work well, but, thats on paper. For example, I've got builds for a Thugs/Trap that softcaps S/L/E on himself and everything on his minions, a bots/traps that softcaps everything on himself and his minions (er, maybe not the protector bots), and a mercs/pain that manages to pull off perma/haste better then you might expect. Wonder how well Painbringer+Serum would really work.. you'd need to feed him a few blues but as long as you had them...
No one suggest poison, its useless on the genuinely nasty.