Going Rogue plans




So, Going Rogue released early yesterday (and no one told me, THANKS) and the game has seen a huge spike in server-load.

What have you guys been doing since? What is the first character you created? First character you sent to the opposing faction? What are your big plans of accomplishment for this weekend?

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Ironblade has gone Vigilante and racked up... close to 50 badges, I think. I didn't really get in much playing time yet. I took a vacation day Friday (tomorrow) to get some serious badging done.

I have not yet made a new toon in Praetoria. However, I have been camping a name for 2 months for an electric controller.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I made a Kinetic/Elec Scrapper, decided I didn't like that (but like the name so I didn't delete) and instead made a Kin/Shield Scrapper named Centennial Sentinel, who is now level 11. I've just been soloing, trying to get the story of Praetoria. I don't know what I'm doing, so I've bounced between Resistance and Loyalist a couple of times unintentionally at this point. Some contacts suddenly won't talk to me after I make different decisions from arc to arc. It's both cool and annoying.

I also made an Electric/Stone Dominator, but I haven't played him at all.

And that's it so far. I haven't had too much time to play, and I got stuck in a bugged mission for like five hours the other day (I AFK'd in it eventually, missed the GM response, then had to update my petition).

It's fun so far. I'll be hanging around for at least an extra month for it.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Haven't decided how to spend my new slots yet- obviously Praetorians, but not sure what to go with. Still letting Praetorian concepts sink in. May have to spend one as a Praetorian version of my main, but maybe not.

I did fire up a couple ideas on Freedom to see how the missions run on big teams, and it's hella easier than taking them on single or duo the way I did in beta. We buzzed through to lvl 7-9 after only three-four missions. So if someone wanted to put together a Praetorian theme team with a weekly run day/time, I'd be all over that.

So I've basically done with Ironblade did- zipped through to vigilante as fast as possible, and am badging the Rogue Isles on my badge-collecting toon. That'll be a long-term project.

And, sad to say, it is probably going to be my only use for Going Rogue. If I want to play villain content, I'm perfectly happy to do it as a villain. Ditto, heroes on blueside. I was never a fan of done-in-one insta-missions and I have a low tolerance for repeating content. If I could flip back and forth between hero and villain with a TF or storyline, I might be more interested.

As it is, meh. I'll do the missions to see the new stuffs and earn a couple merits to nab rare recipes. But after that? I just don't see the appeal.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



made a Kin/Elec Scrapper in Praeotoria, sent him to the Rogue Isles.

working on moving my Blaster to Vigilante status.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Ironblade has gone Vigilante and racked up... close to 50 badges, I think. I didn't really get in much playing time yet. I took a vacation day Friday (tomorrow) to get some serious badging done.

I have not yet made a new toon in Praetoria. However, I have been camping a name for 2 months for an electric controller.
must get badges ... I hope to be done with that in another week or two. then do some serious day job parking. while I play my trusty Frad a bit.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Zuhari Fayte is sitting on her Allignment Mish, not gonna do it for atleast another weak though. Got a KinVul brute to 20 and deleted it. WOrking on a DP/DM corr in prae. thats about it.