Warning: Respecs and Fly




Edit: The following information on Fly in this post is apparently due to a bug that will be probably be changed before long. There will still be a buff, but not as big of one as I first thought.

We'll soon be getting a new free respec, so many players like me may want to use existing freespecs before we lose them. (You can only have one freespec at a time on any given character.) Keep in mind that Fly has received a boost on the Going Rogue beta test server. I'm not sure if that's a general I18 buff or a specific Going Rogue buff, but it's a significant buff.

The current base flight speed is 14.32. That will be increased to 21.48. However, the maximum flight speed remains 58.63. That means a level 50 character will be at the flight cap without using any flight speed enhancements at all. (Meanwhile, I currently have level 50 characters on the live servers who are not quite at the flight cap even with three flight speed IOs.)

So with this change, there is really no reason to add enhancements in Fly to boost flight speed, unless you want an IO set like Soaring. Hover can still benefit from flight enhancements though, and also gets the boost to the base flight speed.

Nearly all of my characters use Fly, and I've added slots for flight speed, so I'll be using a lot of respecs this weekend. (I might simply convert the flight enhancements to endurance reduction on some characters though.)



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
We'll soon be getting a new free respec, so many players like me may want to use existing freespecs before we lose them. (You can only have one freespec at a time on any given character.) Keep in mind that Fly has received a boost on the Going Rogue beta test server. I'm not sure if that's a general I18 buff or a specific Going Rogue buff, but it's a significant buff.

The current base flight speed is 14.32. That will be increased to 21.48. However, the maximum flight speed remains 58.63. That means a level 50 character will be at the flight cap without using any flight speed enhancements at all. (Meanwhile, I currently have level 50 characters on the live servers who are not quite at the flight cap even with three flight speed IOs.)

So with this change, there is really no reason to add enhancements in Fly to boost flight speed, unless you want an IO set like Soaring. Hover can still benefit from flight enhancements though, and also gets the boost to the base flight speed.

Nearly all of my characters use Fly, and I've added slots for flight speed, so I'll be using a lot of respecs this weekend. (I might simply convert the flight enhancements to endurance reduction on some characters though.)
What about Group Fly's speed?



It's a boost to the base speed of all flight powers.



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
The current base flight speed is 14.32. That will be increased to 21.48. However, the maximum flight speed remains 58.63. That means a level 50 character will be at the flight cap without using any flight speed enhancements at all.
Warning! This is a bug.

The buff to Speed was just supposed to be a 33% increase to the base speed. But they unintentionally made it 50%. Then, when they went to fix that, they accidentally buffed it even further!

Unenhanced Fly is now 9 mph over the flight cap. That is wrong. And Castle acknowledges it's wrong and said so.

Do not rely on the new overbuffed buff to stay like this.

I advise everyone to keep their enhancements exactly the way they've always been doing it until this gets properly fixed.

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This makes sense, I thought Raptor Pack was pretty damn fast when I checked it on beta server.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Warning! This is a bug.

The buff to Speed was just supposed to be a 33% increase to the base speed. But they unintentionally made it 50%. Then, when they went to fix that, they accidentally buffed it even further!

Unenhanced Fly is now 9 mph over the flight cap. That is wrong. And Castle acknowledges it's wrong and said so.

Do not rely on the new overbuffed buff to stay like this.

I advise everyone to keep their enhancements exactly the way they've always been doing it until this gets properly fixed.
Any suggestions as to slotting based on that then?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I advise everyone to keep their enhancements exactly the way they've always been doing it until this gets properly fixed.
Bleah. It's too bad they're giving us the freespecs with the release instead of waiting a week or so. I'll probably find a number of different things I want to change after launch.



Assuming I did the math correctly, a 33% increase should put Flight Speed at 56.19 MPH with one SO enhancement, which is still about 2mph below the cap. Adding swift without any enhancements should put you over the cap to 60.7 mph.

If I'm right, I'd still probably only put one slot in fly from now on. I really doubt I'm going to notice the missing 2 mph.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Assuming I did the math correctly, a 33% increase should put Flight Speed at 56.19 MPH with one SO enhancement, which is still about 2mph below the cap. Adding swift without any enhancements should put you over the cap to 60.7 mph.

If I'm right, I'd still probably only put one slot in fly from now on. I really doubt I'm going to notice the missing 2 mph.
That is perfectly reasonable.

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Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
Bleah. It's too bad they're giving us the freespecs with the release instead of waiting a week or so. I'll probably find a number of different things I want to change after launch.
It has not been unknown that in such situations where there are a lot of post-issue 'fixes' for them to issue another freespec.

I expect a lot of post-issue 'fixes' once the teeming tens of thousands get a chance to break all the changes.

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