Draft I18 Dominator Powers Guide




5.3 Ice Mastery


Ice Mastery is a strong ancillary pool, balanced between offence and defence. It has two rain powers, one for damage, and one for debuff, along with three personal defence powers.

Essential Powers: Sleet, Ice Storm
Disappointing Powers:
Ice Storm and Sleet provide very good offense, while Frozen Armor and Hoarfrost provide very good defence, making Ice Mastery possibly the strongest epic pool. Sleet and Ice Storm are essential powers because the vast majority of Dominators have AoE immobilizes available to them, and using them together is a very effective strategy.
  • Sleet is a 30 second drop power with a 20ft radius which significantly reduces affected enemies' defence and damage resistance, slows them, causes knockdown as well as dealing some damage. Enemies will attempt to flee the area, but will have trouble. Suggested slotting is 0 - 4 extra slots with 35 - 80% accuracy, 0 - 95% recharge, and 0 - 40% endurance reduction.

    Sleet is an excellent AoE debuff power, and is something that can contribute in every fight.

    The endurance cost of Sleet is high, but reasonable for its effects.
  • Hibernate is a self-preservation power with a fast activation which protects the Dominator from all harm and quickly heals them, but prevents any movement. The effect can be ended at any time, and automatically ends after 30 seconds. Suggested slotting is 0 - 1 extra slots with 0 - 80% recharge and 0 - 80% heal.

    Hibernate can be a real life-saver in a nasty situation, giving the Dominator some time to wait for a situation to be sorted out. With its fast activation, Hibernate may provide some tricks to absorb initial aggro, such as that generated by slow control powers.

    Its biggest limitation is that it prevents the caster from moving and escaping to somewhere safe. If there are no allies around to get a situation in order, then things are likely to be more dangerous when the effect ends, because control effects may have ended and enemies will have been able to get into melee range. For this reason it doesn't real suit a solo Dominator, and is more appropriate in a team situation.
  • Frozen Armor is a typical epic shield, see the Shared Powers section. In addition to good smashing and lethal defence, it provides good cold resistance and some fire resistance. It has a very prominent visual effect on its user, and may not work well with some costumes.
  • Hoarfrost is a self heal power which also increases hit points. It has a medium sized heal, close to a third of the Dominator's hit points, and a similar size hit point buff. It has a high endurance cost, a very long recharge time and grants some toxic resistance. Suggested slotting is 1 - 5 extra slots with 35 - 95% recharge, 35 - 95% heal and 0 - 40% endurance reduction.

    Hoarfrost provides a very effective increase to the Dominator's survivability.

    Hoarfrost's biggest issue is its very long recharge, which prevents it from becoming a permanent increase to hit points, at least without extreme levels of recharge.
  • Ice Storm is a 15 second drop power with a 25ft radius which deals high damage, slows run speed and recharge and causes enemies to flee. It has a high endurance cost and a long recharge. It works primarily as a damage power, but can also serve as control through fleeing and area denial. Suggested slotting is 3 - 5 additional slots with 35 - 80% accuracy, 95% damage, 35 - 80% endurance reduction and 35 - 80% recharge reduction.

    Ice Storm can do a significant amount of damage if enemies are forced to remain within its area of effect, such as with an AoE immobilize, almost double what a regular AoE delivers. With the majority of Dominators having AoE immobilizes at their disposal, combining them with Rain of Fire is fundamental. It has a very fun graphical effect as well.

    The high endurance cost means that it should be used judiciously, when there are enough enemies to make it worthwhile, and it's certain that they will stay in its area of effect. If used on uncontrolled enemies it will earn significant amounts of aggro for the caster, and is very likely to be followed by defeat.



5.4 Primal Forces Mastery


Primal Forces Mastery is a primarily aggressive ancillary pool, providing 3 attacks, 1 defence power and an endurance management power. It adds to the Dominators damage potential, either in melee range or AoE damage.

Essential Powers: Energy Torrent
Disappointing Powers: Conserve Power
Energy Mastery's unique quality is having two targeted AoE attacks. Energy Torrent is its best AoE attack, since it includes control through knockdown, while Explosive Blast is much like the targeted AoEs in the other sets.
  • Energy Transfer is a single target melee attack that deals extreme damage as well as damaging the caster. It has a small accuracy bonus, long activation time, typical endurance cost, long recharge, and high accuracy. Standard attack slotting is suggested.

    Energy Transfer really gives a big melee damage punch and can be an excellent tool for finishing things off. It's also got a fun activation and strong feeling to it.

    Of course, sacrificing your own hit points to do damage is a risky prospect for a Dominator, and in tougher situations Energy Transfer will not see much use because the risk is too high. The long activation time is of course a serious problem as well, since Dominators are so dependent on combat mobility.
  • Conserve Power is a self buff which significantly reduces endurance needs for 90 seconds. It has a noticeable endurance cost, medium activation time, and a very long recharge. Suggested slotting is 0 - 2 slots with 35 - 95% recharge reduction and 0 - 35% endurance reduction.

    Conserve Power provides a very nice endurance buff for Dominators having trouble with endurance management, and who are presented with a drawn-out battle. Combined with various other endurance management powers, such as Domination, Stamina, Consume, or Drain Psyche it may prove to be very useful on a rare occasion, for when other options have failed.

    Its long recharge means it can't be depended on for regular endurance management. Considering that Domination grants endurance back, the benefits of Conserver Power are not significant.
  • Temp Invulnerability is a typical epic shield, see the Shared Powers section. It provides higher smashing and lethal resistance than the other shields.
  • Energy Torrent is a cone attack with a good chance of knockdown. It has a fast activation, average damage, and a wide and short cone. Standard attack slotting is suggested.

    With its high chance of knockdown and fast activation, Energy Torrent is a very useful AoE attack combining damage and damage mitigation. Its wide and short cone means its appropriate for use at close range.

    As for all epic powers, its recharge is a little long.
  • Explosive Blast is a typical epic targeted AoE attack, see the Shared Powers section. It has a 50% chance of knockback, which can be problematic, especially since protecting the enemies from knockback also prevents Energy Torrent from helping with damage mitigation.



5.5 Psionic Mastery


Psionic Mastery is a very defensive ancillary pool, with 3 team and personal defense powers, along with 1 attack and World of Confusion which provides a combination of defence and offence.

Essential Powers: Link Minds
Disappointing Powers:
Psionic Mastery is chosen for its defensive capabilities, which support the caster as well as the team. Link Minds is an essential power because it is such a good team buff.

The three defence powers together provide a significant amount of protection from psionic enemies.

  • Link Minds is a team buff power which grants all nearby teammates defence against all attacks, psionic resistance and a to-hit buff. It has a long recharge, a high endurance cost, and a long activation time. Suggested slotting is 0 - 2 extra slots with 20 - 60% defence buff.

    Link Minds works very well with any defence buffing powers from teammates, which are fairly common, meaning it's often a very useful asset.

    Its recharge time and endurance cost are unenhancable, which is why it's slotted only for additional defence.
  • Indomitable Will is a self buff which provides status effect protection and high psionic defence for 90 seconds. It has a high endurance cost, a long recharge, and a fast activation time. Suggested slotting is 0 - 4 extra slots with 0 - 60% defence, 0 - 95% recharge and 0 - 80% endurance reduction.

    Indomitable Will is very useful for filling the gaps in a Dominators mez protection when Domination is not available, perhaps most importantly after a defeat, when Domination has not yet been built. Additionally it provides very high psionic defence and is the basis for making a Dominator which is very well protected from psionic enemies.

    Its recharge is a bit on the long side, and it seems overall somewhat redundant for any Dominator who has Domination available regularly.
  • Mind Over Body is a typical epic shield, see the Shared Powers section. In addition to good smashing and lethal resistance, it provides basic psionic resistance.
  • World of Confusion is a toggle power with a melee range damage aura and confuse effect. It has a short confuse duration, a low endurance cost, low damage and a medium recharge time. Suggested slotting is 0 - 5 extra slots with 0 - 95% damage, 0 - 95% confuse duration.

    World of Confusion provides some extra damage and protection for a Dominator who regularly enters melee range and an interesting visual effect. The low endurance cost means that it's not a burden to keep active, even if it's not affecting any enemies.

    The small radius means most of the time it will have little to no effect, and the weak confuse effect and low damage are not terribly noticeable.
  • Psionic Tornado is a typical targeted AoE epic attack, see the Shared Powers section. It inclues a chance for knockup and a strong recharge debuff which is useful for a little extra mitigation.



5.6 Leviathan Mastery


Leviathan Mastery is a balanced patron power pool, providing offence and defence powers.

  • Water Spout summons a short-lived, unkillable, very aggresive pet which knocks enemies up, disorients them, causes them to flee, reduces their defence and deals high damage. Suggested slotting is 0 - 5 additional slots with 35 - 95% recharge reduction, 0 - 95% damage, 0 - 95% disorient duration.

    It is useful for dealing with situations that have got out of hand, initiating difficult fights, and dealing damage to tough foes.
  • Bile Spray is a cone attack, dealing similar damage to those from the secondary. It has a long recharge, average damage, long activation, long range, narrow angle and high target cap. Typical attack slotting is recommended.

    Bile Spray's most important advantage over the cone attacks in the secondary is having a higher target cap. Typically it would be paired with Fire Breath, Frost Breath or Psychic Scream to have two cones of similar shape for ease of use.

    The fact that it's a weaker attack than those from the secondary is very disappointing, but it still can make a nice addition.
  • Hibernate is a self-preservation power with a fast activation which protects the Dominator from all harm and quickly heals them, but prevents any movement. The effect can be ended at any time, and automatically ends after 30 seconds. Suggested slotting is 0 - 1 extra slots with 0 - 80% recharge and 0 - 80% heal.

    Hibernate can be a real life-saver in a nasty situation, giving the Dominator some time to wait for a situation to be sorted out. With its fast activation, Hibernate may provide some tricks to absorb initial aggro, such as that generated by slow control powers.

    Its biggest limitation is that it prevents the caster from moving and escaping to somewhere safe. If there are no allies around to get a situation in order, then things are likely to be more dangerous when the effect ends, because control effects may have ended and enemies will have been able to get into melee range. For this reason it doesn't real suit a solo Dominator, and is more appropriate in a team situation.
  • Shark Skin is a typical epic shield, see the Shared Powers section. In addition to good smashing and lethal resistance, it provides good cold resistance.
  • Summon Coralax summons a typical patron pet, see the Shared Powers section. The summoned Blue Coralax Hybrid has melee and cone attacks.



5.7 Mace Mastery


Mace Mastery is a balanced patron power pool, giving a mix of defence and offence, with single target and AoE powers.

  • Poisonous Ray is a single target debuff with a good resistance and defence debuff, as well as some damage. It has a medium endurance cost, activation time and recharge time, a slight accuracy bonus, and some noticeable damage over time. Activating the power causes the caster to draw an Arachnos mace. Suggested slotting is 0 - 3 extra slots with 35 - 80% accuracy, 0 - 95% damage.

    It is useful in the toughest fights such as against EBs, AVs and Heroes, and can speed up some boss fights. This is a real benefit for Dominators who typically have trouble against AVs.

    The Arachnos mace animation won't suit all character costumes.
  • Scorpion Shield is a typical epic shield, see the Shared Powers section. It has good defence against smashing and lethal attacks, basic defence against energy attacks, and basic resistance against toxic damage.
  • Disruptor Blast is a typical epic targeted AoE attack, see the Shared Powers section. It has a 20% chance of knockback, which can be an irritation.
  • Personal Force Field is a self-preservation power with a slow activation time, which grants the caster very high defence, high damage resistance, but prevents them from affecting anyone else. Suggested slotting is 0 extra slots with 0 - 40% recharge reduction and 0 - 40% defence buff.

    Personal Force Field is a very handy power for escaping nasty situations. Once activated, very few PvE enemies will be able to hit through it, and the user can run and escape the danger. It also has a nice bubble visual effect.

    Personal Force Field's long activation time leaves enough time for defeat, so it's best to use it a bit early just to be safe.
  • Summon Tarantula summons a typical patron pet, see the Shared Powers section. The summoned Toxic Tarantula has melee and ranged attacks, along with a single target immobilize.



5.8 Mu Mastery


Mu Mastery is a defensive patron pool, with a healing pet, two personal shields, an endurance management power and a single attack. It has a secondary effect of endurance reduction which is useful when mixed with endurance drain from other Dominator sets like Electric Control.

  • Power Sink is a PBAoE endurance drain and recovery power on a medium recharge. It is auto-hit, has a long activation time, a small radius, but a high endurance cost. It is a decent, if unwieldy, power. Suggested slotting is 0 - 5 additional slots with 0 - 95% endurance modification, 35 - 80% endurance reduction, 0 - 80% recharge.

    Since it's auto-hit, it is very dependable for refilling endurance in combat, but its high endurance cost reduces its utility against endurance draining enemies who tend to fully drain endurance.
  • Charged Armor is a typical epic shield, see the Shared Powers section. In addition to good smashing and lethal resistance, it provides good energy resistance.
  • Ball Lightning is a typical targeted AoE epic attack, see the Shared Powers section. It has a small endurance drain.
  • Surge of Power is a self-preservation power which grants the user high resistance to all damage types except psionic, and greatly increases their recovery rate. It has a medium activation time, very low endurance cost, a very long recharge, and an endurance crash when it ends. It has an electricity visual effect which suppresses the caster's normal costume. Suggested slotting is 2 - 5 extra slots with 35 - 95% recharge reduction and 40 - 60% resistance.

    Surge of power is a dramatic increase to survivability, allowing a Dominator to survive a nasty situation and attack at the same time.

    Since it doesn't grant status protection, it is best combined with Domination or some other form of status protection. The weakness to psionic damage means that it's worthless against psionic enemies.
  • Summon Guardian summons a typical patron pet, see the Shared Powers section. The summoned Mu Guardian has a single target heal and ranged attacks.



5.9 Soul Mastery


Soul Mastery is a very aggressive AoE oriented patron power pool, which includes a strong self damage buff.

  • Dark Consumption is a PBAoE endurance recovery which causes a damage to affected enemies. It has a very low endurance cost, a very small radius, a very long six minute recharge time, good damage and good endurance recovery. Suggested slotting is 1 - 5 additional slots with 35 - 80% accuracy, 35 - 95% endurance recovery, 0 - 95% damage, and 0 - 95% recharge.

    Its low endurance cost means it can work even after being sapped by an enemy, and its small amount of damage is nice.

    However, Dark Consumption's small radius and long recharge time make it a very marginal power.
  • Dark Embrace is a typical epic shield, see the Shared Powers section. It has good resistance against smashing and lethal attacks, and basic resitance against toxic and negative energy damage.
  • Dark Obliteration is a typical epic targeted AoE attack, see the Shared Powers section. It has a minor to-hit debuff.
  • Soul Drain is a PBAoE attack which provides a large self damage buff for each enemy hit. It has a decent radius, a good damage and to-hit buff, a high endurance cost, a long activation time, and a long recharge. Suggested slotting is 3 - 5 extra slots with 35 - 80% accuracy, 35 - 95% recharge, 0 - 35% endurance reduction, 0 - 95% damage.

    Soul Drain can provide a very large damage buff when there are a large number of enemies within range. It is a very useful power against large groups, when combined with AoE attacks.

    Soul Drain's longish activation and recharge times make it somewhat unwieldy to use.
  • Summon Seer summons a typical patron pet, see the Shared Powers section. It has mostly ranged attacks, as well as an ally perception and confuse resistance buff.



6. Pool Powers

Power pools should be chosen based on player preference, there is no must-have pool, although some are extremely beneficial. The most important pool powers, which all Dominators should consider, in order: Hasten from Speed, because it boosts the recharge of Domination; Stamina from the Fitness pool, to help with endurance problems; Acrobatics from Leaping, because knockback can kill; and Aid Self from Medicine so you don't have to stop. The power pools which offer the least beneficial powers are Fighting, because the values are so low, and Presence, because Dominators get much better control powers in their primaries.

In the late game, especially after level 40, enemies with status effects become very common. AoE mez attacks generate a lot of aggro, which means that Dominators are likely to experience a lot of these status effects. Being mezzed or knocked back can be deadly for a Dominator because rapid response often makes the difference between defeat and victory. For these reasons, many Dominators look to the power pools for additional status protection, because Domination isn't always available. Chief amongst the status protection powers is Acrobatics, which protects from knock* and hold. Hover provides a more limited form of knock* protection, turning it into a falling over effect, without the movement. Aid Self provides an unwieldy stun protection, Health provides sleep resistance, and Tactics provides fear resistance.

6.1 Concealment

Concealment is primarily a matter of preference for Dominators. Stealth is a useful power for opening fights with a well placed AoE control, notably Plant Control's Seeds of Confusion, or convincing a pet to engage the enemy and take the alpha strike, and it combines with Super Speed from the speed pool to give complete invisibility against most enemies. Grant Invisibility, Invisiblity and Phase Shift have no benefit specific to Dominators.

6.2 Fighting

Fighting is a poor choice for Dominators. Boxing and Kick do not provide significant benefit compared to attacks already available in the secondary. Tough and Weave provide low resistance and defence values which make little difference because Dominators have no other defence powers to stack them with until level 41 when patron shields become available. Additional control powers from the primary are usually a better choice for enhancing survivability.

6.3 Fitness

Many Dominators will want to take the Fitness pool for Stamina, since endurance is often the limiting factor in performance. Dominators with confuse powers, high damage pets (Fire Imps), or high damage secondaries may find that it's not necessary, while those with Icy Assault will almost certainly want it. Any two of Hurdle, Swift and Health can be taken as prerequistes depending on preference.

6.4 Flight

Air Superiority is a melee attack which provides guaranteed knockdown, making it very useful in early levels to fill in gaps in control, and in later levels against bosses specifically. Standard attack slotting is suggested. Hover is useful for its limited knockback protection, to keep dangerous enemies out of melee, and to improve Wormhole by directing it straight down thus reducing its knockback problem. Suggested slotting is 1 - 2 additional slots with 80 - 95% flight speed. Fly is a slow, but practical travel power. Group Fly's to-hit debuff makes it undesirable in combat, although it is entertaining when used with Fire Imps. Suggested slotting is 3 - 4 additional slots with 35 - 80% endurance reduction, and 35 - 95% flight speed.

6.5 Leadership

While Dominators don't receive the best bonuses for the Leadership powers, they are quite acceptable and can be useful on larger teams. The biggest drawback to leadership is the notable endurance cost. Assault provides an appreciable bonus for its endurance cost on large teams, but is less beneficial with fewer allies to buff. Suggested slotting is no additional slots with 35 - 40% endurance reduction. Maneuvers's defence bonus is very small, making it not particularly worthwhile since Dominators have very few other defence powers to stack it with, although it is useful alongside defence buffs from teammates. Suggested slotting is 0 - 3 additional slots with 35 - 40% endurance reduction and 0 - 95% defence. Tactics is a nice substitute for additional accuracy enhancements, and its perception bonus is useful in some circumstances. Suggested slotting is 0 - 3 additional slots with 35 - 40% endurance reduction and 0 - 95% to-hit buff. Vengeance can be a very useful power on occasion for a teaming Dominator, especially if it's used with Power Boost which significantly improves it. Suggested slotting is 0 - 2 additional slots with 35 - 95% defence buff.

6.6 Leaping

Combat Jumping provides nice mobility and protection from immobilize for a low endurance cost. Suggested slotting is 0 additional slots. Jump Kick is a poor attack with a long activation time, and knockback which isn't guaranteed. Super Jump is a popular travel power with a nice tradeoff between speed and vertical movement. Acrobatics is an excellent protection power, with a moderately high endurance cost, and can greatly increase survivability at later levels. Suggested slotting is 0 - 1 additional slots with endurance reduction.

6.7 Medicine

Aid Other provides some utility for a Dominator with pets, and can be appreciated on teams. Suggested slotting is heal, recharge, and interrupt reduction to taste. Stimulant provides a lot less utility, because mez is usually harder to identify, and only a problem in combat when the risk of the power being interrupted is high. Aid Self is often useful, depending on play style, and may improve efficiency when solo. It is also significantly improved by Power Boost. Suggested slotting is 3 - 5 additional slots with 0 - 80% recharge reduction, 0 - 80% interrupt reduction, and 35 - 95% healing. Resuscitate is a very mediocre rez power, largely due to it's extremely long activation and recharge times, and a Dominator would be better served by a power to prevent the defeat in the first place.

6.8 Presence

Challenge and Intimidate are very poor powers for Dominators who typically attract enough aggro, and cannot survive it well. Intimidate is a weak single target fear power, with a long recharge, which is not even guaranteed to always affect lieutenants. Invoke Panic is PBAoE with a long recharge, and only affects lieutenants who are weak to fear. Both Intimidate and Invoke Panic are boosted by Domination, at which point they will affect bosses and are quite usable control powers. Considering their limited usefulness outside of Domination, that fear is one of the weaker forms of control, and that a taunt power is required to open the pool, these powers are not a particularly good choice for Dominators.

6.9 Speed

Flurry is a slow and weak attack, with a long recharge time, and a small chance for disorient. Hasten is an excellent power, providing noticeably increased effectiveness when it is active. Hasten is of particular importance to Dominators because it makes Domination recharge more quickly. It is also an important component in attempts to achieve permadom. Suggested slotting is 0 - 2 additional slots with recharge enhancements. Super Speed is a travel power with good stealth as well, which can be useful in the same ways as Stealth from the Concealment Pool, and the two work well together. However, it can be a very frustrating travel power in vertical terrain. Suggested slotting is endurance reduction. Whirlwind is a useful power on occasion, when extra control is needed, as well as being quite entertaining. It can be used to push enemies into the area of effect of drop powers, although at the cost of doing much else. Suggested slotting is 0 - 2 additional slots with endurance reduction.

6.10 Teleportation

Recall Friend can be of use to Dominators with pets, to get them into melee, save them from bad situations, or position them near enemies to start the fight. Teleport Foe is occasionally useful to break up closely grouped enemies, although a ranged attack is almost always sufficient for such a task. Teleport is a somewhat difficult travel power with nothing special for Dominators. Team Teleport can be used to great effect with Singularity, because when teleporting directly into the middle of a group of enemies it will take the majority of the aggro.



7. Glossary

  • Aggro is the attention an enemy gives its target. To have aggro means to have an enemy attacking you, and to draw aggro is to cause enemies to start targetting you.
  • AV is an Arch Villain class enemy, sometimes also identified as Hero. Confusingly some mobs identified as Hero are really more equivalent to bosses.
  • Confuse is an effect which causes a mob to attack friends instead of foes. Although damage from confused enemies does reduce xp received, it is not directly proportional to the amount of damage, and instead favours the player. Furthermore since it reduces the amount of time spent in each fight it actually increases overall xp gain by time.
  • Disorient is an effect which prevents power activation, drops some toggles, and reduces movement to a very slow pace. It is also known as stun.
  • DoT is an abbreviation for Damage over Time, and refers to damage that some powers do for several seconds after they first hit.
  • Hold is an effect which prevents movement, prevents power activation, and also drops some toggles.
  • Immobilize is an effect which prevents movement.
  • Knock* means all three of knockback, knockdown, and knockup. Actually knockdown is really just knockback with a magnitude less than 1.
  • Fear usually means Terrorize, but can also mean Flee.
  • Flee is an effect which causes mobs to attempt to leave an area of effect. This does not affect players.
  • -Fly is a debuff effect which prevents flight.
  • Magnitude or Mag is the measure of strength of a status effect. When a status effect is applied it increases the magnitude of that effect on its target, and when the magnitude exceeds the target's protection to that status effect, the effect acts on them. For example, bosses typically have mag 3 hold protection, and a standard hold has a mag 3 effect. With a single hold on them, their protection is not exceeded, so there's no hold effect, but with two holds there is mag 6 of held being applied to them, exceeding their innate mag 3 protection, and they are subsequently held, unable to move and unable to activate powers.
  • Mob is a mobile object, including friend and foe.
  • Permadom is when Domination recharges before it expires, allowing the Dominator to activate it again and permanently receive the Domination buff.
  • Sleep is an effect which prevents movement, prevents power activation and drops some toggles, but which is ended by healing, damage and many status effects. A new sleep effect won't end an old one, allowing it to be stacked, except for sleep powers that cause damage.
  • Status Effect is a general word for hold, disorient, knockback, knockup, immobilize, confuse, terrorize and sleep.
  • STH is an abbreviation for Single Target Hold.
  • Stun is another word for disorient.
  • Terrorize is an effect which prevents movement and prevents power activation, but whose effects are temporarily suspended when attacked.
  • PBAoE is an abbreviation for Point-Blank Area of Effect, meaning it covers an area centered on the caster.



This is an amazingly concise guide to Doms, from what I know about the AT. I wish there was something like this for every AT!



I know, Lilli is awesome!

Lilli, can Link Minds benefit from the set slotting like Mind Link from the SoA VEAT? I can slot a defense IO that has Defense/Recharge or a Defense IO that is just recharge.

I use them in both Widow Builds.

-Fortunata Build:
LotG: Defense/Recharge--It grants 23.6% recharge
Adjusted Targeting : Recharge--It grants 33.3% recharge

This gives it a 60% recharge rate making the SoA ML go from 5 min recharge to 3 minutes

-Night Widow:
Kismet: Defense/Recharge--It grants 21.8% recharge
adjusted Targeting: Recharge--It grants 33.3% recharge
Serendipity: Recharge/defense it grants 24.1% recharge

This gives it a 79% recharge rate making the SoA ML go from 4 mins to 2.14 minutes


Has this been tested for the Dominator Link Minds? Granted that at that level we don't have many slots to freely give up but if it would enhance defense,recharge and maybe endurance.

I have several of these recipes in storage just in case I make another SoA but this might serve the build for my Mind/Psi.

My other Dom issue when it comes to the new *PP is that I am trying to figure out whether to drop Leviathan Mastery ( Water Spout/Bile Spray ) for Psionic Mastery ( Psionic Tornado, Link Minds )




Yes, it works the same way.

Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Lilli, can Link Minds benefit from the set slotting like Mind Link from the SoA VEAT? I can slot a defense IO that has Defense/Recharge or a Defense IO that is just recharge.
I'm surprised that works. I remember before IOs people using HOs to get around slotting restrictions, and when IOs came out it being announced that it wouldn't be possible with them.

Either way, I expect that gSOLO is right and it works the same way. It's even got the same icon as Mind Link right now.



Speaking of Link Minds, does anyone have the numbers for it handy? I'm curious how much +def has been lopped off in its transition.



Originally Posted by Nubcaek View Post
Speaking of Link Minds, does anyone have the numbers for it handy? I'm curious how much +def has been lopped off in its transition.

The psi resist is (I hope) broken at 1.7%



Originally Posted by Liliaceae View Post

The psi resist is (I hope) broken at 1.7%
That's not too bad, I expected it to really get gutted. Though if they had slashed any more off it, there's no way anyone would pick Psionic, given the goodies Ice or Fire offer.


Edit: 4.25% is the base value of Link Minds...so it's an incredible 6.7% fully enhanced. Welp. *shuffles off to join the fire mastery queue*



Originally Posted by Liliaceae View Post
5.8 Mu Mastery


Mu Mastery is a defensive patron pool, with a healing pet, two personal shields, an endurance management power and a single attack. It has a secondary effect of endurance reduction which is useful when mixed with endurance drain from other Dominator sets like Electric Control.
  • Power Sink is a PBAoE endurance drain and recovery power on a medium recharge. It is auto-hit, has a long activation time, a small radius, but a high endurance cost. It is a decent, if unwieldy, power. Suggested slotting is 0 - 5 additional slots with 0 - 95% endurance modification, 35 - 80% endurance reduction, 0 - 80% recharge.

    Since it's auto-hit, it is very dependable for refilling endurance in combat, but its high endurance cost reduces its utility against endurance draining enemies who tend to fully drain endurance.
  • Charged Armor is a typical epic shield, see the Shared Powers section. In addition to good smashing and lethal resistance, it provides good energy resistance.
  • Ball Lightning is a typical targeted AoE epic attack, see the Shared Powers section. It has a small endurance drain.
  • Surge of Power is a self-preservation power which grants the user high resistance to all damage types except psionic, and greatly increases their recovery rate. It has a medium activation time, very low endurance cost, a very long recharge, and an endurance crash when it ends. It has an electricity visual effect which suppresses the caster's normal costume. Suggested slotting is 2 - 5 extra slots with 35 - 95% recharge reduction and 40 - 60% resistance.

    Surge of power is a dramatic increase to survivability, allowing a Dominator to survive a nasty situation and attack at the same time.

    Since it doesn't grant status protection, it is best combined with Domination or some other form of status protection. The weakness to psionic damage means that it's worthless against psionic enemies.
  • Summon Guardian summons a typical patron pet, see the Shared Powers section. The summoned Mu Guardian has a single target heal and ranged attacks.
Mu Guardian summons a pet -- the ball lighting thingie.



  • Fly Trap is a typical pet power, see the Shared Powers section. Her attacks are a small area targeted AoE immobilize, a cone attack with defence debuff, a single target ranged attack with defence debuff and a high damage melee bite attack. She has good damage resistance making her quite survivable.

    Venus brings additional benefit to her caster by taking some aggro and some additional damage. Sometimes she will choose to go into melee range, which significantly increases her damage output.

    On occasion Venus will just stand back from combat not doing anything. While her AoE attacks are useful, they also mean she has a tendency to wake sleeping, and her immobilize AoE has all the drawbacks of other immobilizes, most importantly preventing the knockdown of Carrion Creepers.
used to be able to slot the Achille's Heel proc into Fly Trap and pretty much she would get it on everything you were fighting (-Res debuff) -- can you still?



Originally Posted by Liliaceae View Post
4.5 Fiery Assault


Fiery Assault is the overall highest damaging of the Dominator secondaries, with high damage ranged and melee attacks. It also has excellent AoE damage potential, with the significant practical barrier or optimizing the use of both its cone and PBAoE attacks. It has good endurance usage due to high damage output, and the very useful secondary effect of more damage. Its damage is all fire damage.
Essential powers: Blaze
Disappointing powers: Blazing Bolt, Consume
Its high damage makes Fiery Assault a very aggressive set, and a good contributor even on an effective team. Many of its powers do additional DoT, lasting up to 7 seconds for Combustion, and with no upfront damage for Incinerate. In order to not waste DoT effects, it's a good idea to use the longest DoT powers first in combat.

Fiery Assault is the most dangerous of the secondaries for several reasons, the higher damage means it generates more aggro, the damage over time effects interfere with sleep and terrorize effects from the primary, and it provides no extra mitigating secondary effects like the other secondaries. Fire resistant foes can be problematic because no alternative damage type is available.

  • Flares is a typical first blast, see the Shared Powers section. It does less damage and has a faster recharge than the other first blasts, which makes it good for building Domination, but slightly less important for damage.
  • Incinerate is a typical first melee attack, see the Shared Powers section. Its damage is better than the other first melee attacks, but is spread over several seconds, so it's best to use as an opening attack, and not a finisher.
  • Fire Breath is a typical cone attack, see the Shared Powers section. It has a longish activation time, an accuracy bonus, and is one of the narrower cones. Its narrow arc can make it difficult to use effectively, particularly from close quarters.
  • Fire Blast is a typical second blast, see the Shared Powers section. It has a nice short activation time, and good damage for its recharge.
  • Embrace of Fire is an excellent self damage buff with a long recharge. It increases the damage of all attacks for 10 seconds, and the damage of all fire attacks by even more for 30 seconds. Suggested slotting is 0 - 2 additional slots with 35 - 95% recharge reduction.

    It makes a dramatic difference when active, although its long recharge time means it's often not available.
  • Combustion is a typical PBAoE attack, see the Shared Powers section. Most of its damage is DoT, which means that it appears less effective than it actually is.
  • Consume is an endurance recovery power with additional minor PBAoE damage. It has a negligible endurance cost, minor damage, long recharge, and recovers a medium amount of endurance for each target hit. Suggested slotting 3 - 5 additional slots with 40 - 80% accuracy, 35 - 95% endurance recovery, and 0 - 80% recharge reduction.

    Its negligible endurance cost makes it very useful in situations where endurance has been fully drained. When surrounded by many targets it can easily refill the endurance bar completely.

    It is only recommended to characters suffering from endurance problems who have already explored other avenues for endurance management because it is rather difficult to use, and requires the investment of slots to ensure it works even when there are only a few available targets.
  • Blazing Bolt is a typical sniper attack, see the Shared Powers section. It deals the most damage of all the sniper attacks, making it more attractive.
  • Blaze is a typical final blast, see the Shared Powers section. It has a short activation, high damage, and a fast recharge, making it the best of the final blasts, and the most important power of the set.
At permadom recharge levels, bosses absolutely melt with Incinerate, Blaze, Fireblast, repeat (throw in Dominate to keep em held) -- boosted by Embrace of Fire.



thank you very much for this.. it will go far in planning new dominators for me.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
Mu Guardian summons a pet -- the ball lighting thingie.
Good point, I should mention that, to me it's just another ranged attack, but people seem to like it a lot.



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
At permadom recharge levels, bosses absolutely melt with Incinerate, Blaze, Fireblast, repeat (throw in Dominate to keep em held) -- boosted by Embrace of Fire.
I've avoided discussion of IOs and their consequences. That opens up a whole extra level of stuff to talk about, and I'm not sure I could ever find the time to complete it.



One thing I'd note Lil, is you might confuse less experienced players with how you talk about socketing the defensive powers. 99% enhancement in a res shield is basically impossible - they hit ED around 50%.

Also, good work on the overview of the APPs. I feel oddly gratified that you give ET such a fair shake.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
One thing I'd note Lil, is you might confuse less experienced players with how you talk about socketing the defensive powers. 99% enhancement in a res shield is basically impossible - they hit ED around 50%.

Also, good work on the overview of the APPs. I feel oddly gratified that you give ET such a fair shake.
Will do.

I played with ET quite a bit and it was fun, in that "this is definitely sub-optimal" kind of way.