looking for electric/shield leveling guide/advice

Bullet Barrage



So i thought an electric/shield scrapper would be fun. I found a guide for it, but it only shows how to enhance with io's etc.

I'm looking for advice on how to level this beast and what to slot with bought level 5-50 training enhancements untill i get to 50 and buy ios and such for the build i found.



Originally Posted by sevenshade View Post
So i thought an electric/shield scrapper would be fun. I found a guide for it, but it only shows how to enhance with io's etc.

I'm looking for advice on how to level this beast and what to slot with bought level 5-50 training enhancements untill i get to 50 and buy ios and such for the build i found.
I suggest testing To/SO/DO build sin mids.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Terminal Velocity View Post
I suggest testing To/SO/DO build sin mids.
I'm sorry but i don't know what those acronym mean, I'm still pretty much a newbie.



check out Fury's thread here, lots of great advice and build templates for both fire/shield and elec/shield.


as far as SO or Single Origin enhancements are concerned, you can start slotting them after 22, slot both shield charge and lightning rod 1 acc, 3 dmg and 2 recharge.
All other attacks 1-2 acc, 3 dmg and 1 end redux. 1 end redux and 3 def for deflection and battle agility, 1 end redux in against all odds, 1 recharge in active defense. true grit probably just 3 health if u can fit them in.



Originally Posted by sevenshade View Post
I'm sorry but i don't know what those acronym mean, I'm still pretty much a newbie.
Training Origins, Dual origins, single origins, and a link to Mid's hero designer..

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by doomrider View Post
check out Fury's thread here, lots of great advice and build templates for both fire/shield and elec/shield.


as far as SO or Single Origin enhancements are concerned, you can start slotting them after 22, slot both shield charge and lightning rod 1 acc, 3 dmg and 2 recharge.
All other attacks 1-2 acc, 3 dmg and 1 end redux. 1 end redux and 3 def for deflection and battle agility, 1 end redux in against all odds, 1 recharge in active defense. true grit probably just 3 health if u can fit them in.
Yea, Fury's thread has alot of great builds, and the cheap ones really get the job done. As a shielder it really wouldn't hurt to start playing with IO sets early, I wouldn't wait until 50. Every bit of added defense you can get will make you just that much more sturdy. And really, there are plenty of cheap IO sets that you could put together in your attacks that will greatly enhance your playtime. At the least I would slot Crushing Impacts in all your attacks, you can start putting those sets together at 30, they're super cheap, and a 5-slot set will increase your HP's, Accuracy and Recharge...not shabby at all.

Don't let a budget hold you back, head to the market board here and read a few posts, there are quite a few quick and easy ways to make inf in this game if your smart about it.

Good luck.