Getting the game to remember window size/locations?




I don't know if I'm just missing something really obvious, cause this is incredibly obnoxious. Really the primary issue is how the x is directly under the Claim button in the email window, very rapidly becoming a hassle to have to manually change the window size every time I want to close it. Then it just snaps back to the same place afterwards. The Save Windows Setting File or whatever from Options hasn't helped at all.
Any advice?



Notice how some windows have a blue dot in the left corner, opposite the X?

If you click that, it will unpin the Mail window (or whatever other window you click it on), allowing you to move it independently from the parent window.

I've never had the problem you're experiencing, but the people I know that bave, have solved it by unpinning the window. While it's unpinned, you still open and close it with the same button, it just floats separately.




Undock the window. The little circle on the (left?) of the "jelly" part.

edit: Wow. That took, literally, from mere moments after the OP made their post until just now to post. The forums are having some serious brain farts tonight.

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unlocking it doesn't really solve the problem. my email window still opens up every time at its minimum height, which puts the claim button in a bad position. I always have to manually expand it a bit to make it more usable.

so I have the same question as the OP, is there a way to tell the UI to lock the size of a window when it opens? it seems to remember the positioning and sizing of some windows, like recipes and salvage but not others, like email.



Going to echo the above, I already have the window unlocked from chat and it still continues to reset everytime.



Some of the windows are just plain buggy.

I get different behaviours for the e:mail one on different toons - for some,
the size is remembered and for others, I always have to drag the bottom
of it to be able to Claim.

Others (like enhancement drops tray, mission info window, etc.) will periodically,
reset themselves to the upper left corner of the screen for unknown reasons.

Some of this flakiness has exsisted since Day 1 <shrug> it ends up being
just another minor irritation that has to be suffered occasionally, it seems.


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