Boosting RWZ





Having been into a number of mothership raids back to back, it occurred to me, why not try to make more out of this zone?

Why not have the RWZ be a real battle zone? Why not have it constantly bombed by Rikti warships in order to protect the mothership that crashed there and is being repaired or salvaged. Simply put, let that zone be continuosly treated as invaded.

Then do more with mothership raids, after we destroy the beacons, the shields go temporarely down, and we get to walk over the top of the ship. We can then destroy a few grates and place bombs to release a GM, and then its a free for all battle royale between Rikti and us. The question can we do more with this?

I am not saying make these changes anytime soon, for all I care they can be I20 type stuff.

But I figure after we blew the grates and destroyed the GM, we have the opportunity to destroy the top of the "Bowl" of the Rikti ship and get to penetrate the ship itself, having battles in corridors, control rooms and what not. As we get deeper into the ship the resistance does get stronger, as the Rikti become more desperate to repeal the invading humans.

Eventually the shields are re-established, but instead of automatically sending us back to base, it prevents us from returning to the ship itself, so the players can continue fighting afterwards and eventually attrition put an end to the raid. On the other hand, a second assault onthe beacons could be performed to bring down the shields and provide re-enforcements to the players already withi the ship.

I would like to think something like this would make the zone very much more dynamic, with teh invasion status destroying the beacons becomes quite a bit more challenging, and then going inside the ship would be a new and exciting feature.

I could then see, once this set-up has matured, that penetrating to the core of the ship, would be the starting point to an all Rikti world TF where we find ourselves fighting in behalf the faction trying to stop the war and let us be.

What you all think for a future effort?




I think it was set up to test cooperative teaming and it did so well that the devs went ahead with broader plans ie gr. I reckon if visitors drop they will declare the war over and announce that the rikti have gone for good and delete it.



Having been someone who has led several raids, I personally think that this is way too much for most people. I recently stopped leading them because it takes about 30-40 people to successfully accomplish a raid and most of the people that go on these raids have the attention span of a gnat. Most of them don't even realize that you have to move away from the bomb doors once a bomb is planted. When you tell them to move they stand there like deer in the headlights. People start shouting orders and running every which way when the leader is trying to keep them together. MS raids are already a pain in the ***. What you are asking for is beyond the comprehension of most of the sheep that come to these slaughters.



I agree that it would be complicated.

I would like something described in the OP more like an Eden Trial, where the zone and ship are one big instanced map.

General story would be a "elite" team needs to break into the ship for some Earth-saving reason. So they would need to take the pylons down, break-in, and fight to the center of the ship, defeating a mob or clicking some glowy simultaneously.

The Eden trial is already set up as a large map, you have doors to breakdown, and monsters like the Quarries to fight. Changing those to Rikti-like scenarios would be for this "trial". Oh, and make it timed too!

EDIT - I got it now LOL! Make it so that the ship is trying to take off. The team needs to destroy the generators that the Rikti obtained. Thus stalling them from leaving, yet again...



Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
But I figure after we blew the grates and destroyed the GM, we have the opportunity to destroy the top of the "Bowl" of the Rikti ship and get to penetrate the ship itself, having battles in corridors, control rooms and what not. As we get deeper into the ship the resistance does get stronger, as the Rikti become more desperate to repeal the invading humans.
I'm assuming the mothership interior would be some sort of instanced map? Because otherwise I'm fairly certain it would lower performance during ship raids pretty badly.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
I'm assuming the mothership interior would be some sort of instanced map? Because otherwise I'm fairly certain it would lower performance during ship raids pretty badly.
Frankly did not think of it that far, but ideally it would be a new zone like instance, so folks participating in the raid can go in an out of the interior of the ship. So if they are defeated and go to hospital, they can return to their team.




Make the entrance like the winter lord event instance but multiple teams can enter. I happen to really like this idea cause I think for a war zone not enough chaos is going on and this sounds like the right amount to me.