closed beta wont work for mac?




So will the closed beta work on a mac?



First rule of fight club.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Well I am just talking about the loyalty predownload beta client. If I were to get in beta is there any way to do so on a mac?



Nobody here can/will answer this because of a NDA. If you do get in the Beta then you can use the Beta forums to ask.



Disclaimer: This may not work, or may not even do anything at all.

The beta download creates a shortcut to the installer that includes the switch -beta

Try doing the same thing you would do to create a test server install (however you do it on a Mac), but try replacing the word "test" in the shortcut with "beta".




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Disclaimer: This may not work, or may not even do anything at all.

The beta download creates a shortcut to the installer that includes the switch -beta

Try doing the same thing you would do to create a test server install (however you do it on a Mac), but try replacing the word "test" in the shortcut with "beta".

Seems to be working for me its downloading a lot