Difficulty with my characters back story




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Don't let them take the royalty part away, because of the label Mary-Sue, especially if it's more background than anything.
Nah.. I moved away from the royalty angle when I decided that my character was once a super-hero from another world. The royalty attribute just made the character more complicated then needed, however, I have only designed three out of seven Kla’Tik Guardians, and there is no reason one of the others can’t be royalty.

The current ones are not however.



I like it. And the royalty thing only counts as bad if you act like a royal ***** but it doesn't matter since you changed it.

My only suggestion is that if you are going to have characters names like Mal Ni Krom,
which are very guttural and alien sounding, I would change the name of the Guardians to something similar language sounding. (same goes for the Steam Lords if they still are in the story)