There's lots of ways to slot it, my preferred slotting for a level 47+ character is 3 cytos and call it good, that maximizes all aspects of the power in 3 slots. True you don't get set bonuses but you free up slots that you probably can put to good use elsewhere.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
It's hard to argue with such good advice, but perhaps a smidgeon of expansion:
There's lots of ways to slot it, my preferred slotting for a level 47+ character is 3 cytos and call it good, that maximizes all aspects of the power in 3 slots. True you don't get set bonuses but you free up slots that you probably can put to good use elsewhere.

Three cyto's are just about the ideal 'frankenslotting' option for invincibility, which will serve very well in most situations.
For a serious tanking build, I've seen four Perfect Zingers (giving some damage and maximizing taunt), sometimes with one or even two cyto's to fill out the slots.
For a maximum defense build, your slotting is not bad either, IF your build has the slots to spare. Many Invuln builds that plan to take all of the passives and set them out while still doing good damage are VERY slot poor. Such tight builds shine with nothing but cytoskeletons.
VERY tight builds might go with one or two cytos. I've seen invuln/fire builds with only one cyto, for example. I don't recommend it, but it's possible, and the toons are quite viable.
If you are cash-light but have slots, then it is hard to argue with two rectified reticles and two or three Defense/end duals from gift of the ancients, serendipity, red fortune, etc.
Like all powers, there's a lot of ways to go.
But, if you have the means, it is hard to resist the appeal of three cyto's.

Very tight builds on very rich characters might go for two L53 Enzymes, assuming that the debuffs all still function as buffs in a buffing power.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
So my slotting is okay?
I just slot it with 3 cytoskeles and call it a day
Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability
There is no easy answer to this question. Unlike SO builds where the slotting of each power could stand on its own, IO builds are very interdependent upon the slotting of all powers. The power may sound like it's slotted fine on its own and still be suboptimal within the context of the whole build.
For what it's worth, I wouldn't put more than 4 LotGs into a defensive power. Four pieces should pretty much max out defense enhancement and the last two set bonuses (5th: hold res, 6th: 3.13% psi res) are throw away / mediocre.
For what it's worth, I wouldn't put more than 4 LotGs into a defensive power. Four pieces should pretty much max out defense enhancement and the last two set bonuses (5th: hold res, 6th: 3.13% psi res) are throw away / mediocre.
I have to agree with this; if I was slotting sets into Invincibility I'd probably go with Gift of the Ancients for the recovery and +end bonuses... that's my default slotting for Shield characters.
There is no easy answer to this question. Unlike SO builds where the slotting of each power could stand on its own, IO builds are very interdependent upon the slotting of all powers. The power may sound like it's slotted fine on its own and still be suboptimal within the context of the whole build.
For what it's worth, I wouldn't put more than 4 LotGs into a defensive power. Four pieces should pretty much max out defense enhancement and the last two set bonuses (5th: hold res, 6th: 3.13% psi res) are throw away / mediocre. |
As I see it there are two main things to enhance and one secondary... first defense, then endred and finally tohit. I would worry about defense and endred first, then think about tohit. Slotting for Taunt is largely unnecessary since the power already has the longest taunt duration of any aura in the game at 17 seconds. There's not a lot of times when you'll need more duration on the aura. This is one reason I suggest 3 cytos and use the other slots somewhere else in the build.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
In my DM/INV scrapper slots are very tight so I have tried various ways to get max benefit without wasting slots. My best overall fix has been 4 slots: 3 cytos and one LOTG recharge. That has been by far my best return after trying various things.
End Game- LVL 50 Scrapper-DM/INV
Ripjak- LVL 50 Defender-Rad/Rad
Extruder- LVL 50 Scrapper-DM/REG
Juicie- LVL 50 Blaster-ELEC/ELEC
Mind Sync- LVL 50 Controller-MIND/FF
Thanks for the help folks. I'm going to use this advice in my 2nd build as this thread gave me some me some ideas. Alot of ideas.
I need some help/ideas on how to slot Invincibility to make work better. Right now I got it five slotted with LotG and one cytosketeton exposure. Thanks in advance.