Little help with a choice...
Mace > Axe. See [Clobber]
Mace > Axe seems to be the general consensus these days. I think the devs implemented the strong and pretty thread ideas flawlessly.
To expand on the thought though, I just got my macer into the 20's. Whirling mace is bad, like, whirling hands bad. It could be I've just been spoiled with spin and FSC (not to mention Foot Stomp). I was hoping for a bit more in the sets PBAoE. Crowd control does look nice, and shatter looks about par for the course.
One thing that you are going to notice soon and often, is that divine avalanche is broken good. You're going to miss it coming over to a brute. You do get a small chance for disorient to provide some mitigation. The disorient will never be as consistent or useful as a flat out +Def though.

Oh-ho, wait until you get Crowd Control. That power is sweet. I have a Mace/Shield in the low 40s and he's a beast. Runs into end problems now and then though.
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WM and BA used to be almost identical apart from mitigation type (WM is Stun or KD/U. BA is all KD/U).
Them WM got a bit of a damage buff and does more damage, also WM - Cround Control affects more targets than BA - Pendulum.
(If that is incorrect please correct me)
I prefer WM still as I like to think that stacking multiple KD/U on a tough foe is better than stacking 1/2 Stun and 1/2 KD/U (if that makes sence?).
BUT I did chose BA over WM before the WM buff on my SD/BA tank as the look/feel was very awesome.
I have tried a WM brute but it didnt last long as I was also running my first ever VEAT (Crab) and that was taking all my time. When I came back to making a new toon I wanted Ranged so deleted my new WM Brute to make room.
Well, I went with Warmace, and so far it's pretty damn neat. Level 21 at the moment so one more level and it should have a really nice boost to both survivability, damage, and most importantly at the moment, some recharge. Wow, do those powers take a loooong time to recharge. On a side note, I'm trying to get on a dead sprint with leveling him so I can see just how awesome Crowd Control is. Sounds pretty epic with it being such a wide cone and being able to hit so many targets. About whirling mace though, is it really that underwhelming that I'd end up feeling like I don't want it? I do have a feeling that disorient/stun whatever the hell it is that's combined with it could get annoying with wandering mobs. But I would think that having a PBAoE would still be nice, despite that downfall.
To expand on the thought though, I just got my macer into the 20's. Whirling mace is bad, like, whirling hands bad. It could be I've just been spoiled with spin and FSC (not to mention Foot Stomp). I was hoping for a bit more in the sets PBAoE. Crowd control does look nice, and shatter looks about par for the course.
One thing that you are going to notice soon and often, is that divine avalanche is broken good. You're going to miss it coming over to a brute. You do get a small chance for disorient to provide some mitigation. The disorient will never be as consistent or useful as a flat out +Def though. |

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Now, thanks to me suddenly enjoying the thoughts of how joyous my Kat/WP scrapper is. I need something to counter act it red side. So, I'm currently trying to pick between Battle Axe, or War Mace, I know both have alot longer recharge on their powers but also hit damn hard as well. I'm just trying to figure out of the two of those which has the most power in them as I'm not familiar at all with either power set. The secondary will be Willpower as well as lately I've been lazy and don't really want to focus on paying attention to my secondary while I beat the hell out of something.
Thanks ahead of time for any input you may provide.