The Khellection




(Here I go, bringing up an older thread again. It's my super-power, threadrez)

Well well, don't I feel sheepish? Thank you Kheldarn, VexXxa, ChristopherRobin and LadyJudgement for the warm welcome and great info/advice! I will definitely be grabbing good shots of my fav-O-rite characters for just such occasions.

Like I said, I don't come to the forums much, and only happened upon this posting by accident. I guess I thought I'd get a message in my email saying someone had posted... too used to Minecraft >_< ANYway, thank you all again very much for the explanations and for not getting onto a newbie



Well you do look a little wooly.

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One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I definitely notice a unity in the game, specifically between devs and players. I'm not a MMO-maven, but of the ones I've played I see much more interaction between the two "factions" here than any other game. And as for the boards (what little I've visited, anyway), there seems to be more love here than other parts, heheh.

Also, thanks ChristopherRobin for reminding me to change my settings! Because of you guys I finally took the plunge and created a CoH-related dA account and am attempting to upload a few things to it (including my own sparse work). Thanks again all for the great advice



During our annual Family Vacation to Walt Disney World last week, we stopped by the Animation Studio at Disney's Hollywood Studios, where you can learn to draw a Disney character.

The character we learned to draw was Winnie The Pooh. It was just a quick, rough sketch. While we were drawing, the artist was asking questions, and I was being my usual smart-*** self...

"What are some quotes from Pooh?"
Just one smackerel more.

That was the last time I said anything that wasn't smart-*****... o.o

"What does piglet like to eat?"
*artists laughs* "No, not BLTs!"
*one of the 3 kids in the room asks what a BLT is*
"Bacon, lettuce, and tomato. Bacon, because Piglet is a pig."

"What does Eeyore like to eat?"
Thistles. And poppies! POPPIES POPPIES POPPIES!
The part about the poppies was quiet, because I knew that The Wife™ would get the reference, and laugh.

"What does Tigger like to eat?"
Ritalin. And honestly, I thought I said it quietly, but it seems I didn't...
*laughter from artist* "No, not Ritalin!"

At the end, the artist decided to show off my drawing, since I was vocal and having fun, and she said she liked when people have fun.

This is the result. You can clikkit for a larger version (3072x2304).

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



great pooh sketch

*laughs at what i just said*



He is a teddy bear so no surprise he is a little bit lumpy :P


If I ever totally lose my marbles, or just give up trying to keep them in some form of togetherness, I'll totally sit in a corner and watch winnie the pooh at the looney bin. Absolutely my favorite show as a sub-7 year old.

Also, What gives? No mention of heffalumps or woosels?

Roxy On DA...Finally!