Leveraging REPEL in Kinetics ...




I try to take Repel whenever I have room...which is never but I would if I could! Awesome power and fun!

I've actually saved a low level team a few times by running around with repel on to keep the snakes on their backs!



Hi, I'm billn, and I'm a stormaholic.

Anyway, how does Repel translate to PVP? As an auto-hit, Is it a suitable counter for stalkers? With six-slotted Kinetic Crash or similiar, what are cases where Repel won't put an opponent on their back? I know what my usual Hurricane does and doesn't effect, but we're talking about a much higher magnitude here.

- billn

Yeah, I PVP in a pink bunny suit. What of it?



With six slotted kinetic crash, repel hits mag 17 knockback. This will be enough to screw over anyone who only has acrobatics, or has only sprinkled in a few points of knockback protection. A dedicated pvp build will be immune to that though.

As for stalkers, don't quote me on this because I'm pretty fuzzy on what breaks hide, but I'm pretty sure how it would work is that if your repel successfully knocks back a stalker it will break their hide, but if they're immune to it then it won't do anything. Then again, repel is sort of different since it drains your endurance for targets hit, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if I'm wrong.
TLDR: wait for someone with first hand experience to pipe in, because that entire last paragraph is just theorycraft.



I recall a while ago i went into RV with repel on... and repel worked pretty well. It's GREAT against MM pets, and as for hidden characters... well, if they're immune to KB, they're immune, BUT, if you listen, repel still makes the "BOING!" nosie and lets you know they're there. Of course by that point they've started their attack chain and you're boned anyway, but you might be able to pop some insps to help yourself out.

Still, it turns off if you get mezzed and isn't a cure-all against stalkers (repel's range is like 7 or 8, melee range is 10 feet). So i'd say it's decently balanced.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by billn View Post
Anyway, how does Repel translate to PVP? As an auto-hit, Is it a suitable counter for stalkers?
Standing in the repel field itself will be enough to drop a Stalker's stealth (not Hide, just any other stealth they've got, so you might be able to see them but they'll still be able to crit/AS if you can't interrupt them first). Most Stalkers will be immune to the KB so it's really only useful for dropping stealth, but even that won't stop a good Stalker from getting an AS off on you. Regardless many Stalkers these days prefer to be stupid and sit back throwing sharks so it won't help you much anyways. It also detoggles when you get mezzed so it's not even reliable.

Contrary to its name, Repel doesn't actually repel, it just does KB. Powers that have repel (Force Bubble, Hurricane) are somewhat more useful because only a few Stalker secondaries have built-in repel protection, and getting repelled will interrupt AS.

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Still, it turns off if you get mezzed and isn't a cure-all against stalkers (repel's range is like 7 or 8, melee range is 10 feet). So i'd say it's decently balanced.
Repel's radius is 9 feet, melee is 7 feet.

Realistically for a PvP build the best way to leverage Repel is to either skip it or to 3-slot it with Volley of Velocity for a bit extra +HP.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



*jots down all of this info in my notepad*